The road made inside the woods that connect with the village was well constructed. However, it wasn’t made like how the roads were made in cities. It was made by pressing soil instead of sand or cement or other things.

Lu Xuan didn’t know how long he had been walking on this road that was leading to nowhere. Lord knew what came over to him when he took a wrong turn in a fit of anger.

But here he was. Alone and depressed.

Of course, he wasn’t depressed because he fought with Song Xueyun again.

But because of getting lost when he should be keeping an eye on his sister.

However, his dumbass got lost in the wood, like how on this fucking earth?

Again, he began walking. This road was well carved. He could see it. This road must lead somewhere, right?

So, he walked and walked and walked but again reached nowhere.

At one point, he got tired and sat on the muddy ground and pondered for a while.

How could he be so unlucky to get lost here?.

And where were his guards?

Shouldn’t those fools come in handy at times like this?

Let him reach home and he would gladly fire their asses. His mom was paying them for nothing!

He was so lost in his thoughts that he didn’t realise how the soil ahead was extra wet and as he placed his foot on the wet soil, it crumbled and his feet slipped. He shouted aloud and felt himself falling to the other side. Luckily, his hand caught the branch of a tree or he would have fallen into the depth of the scary valley.

He had an urge to cry.

[Why? Just why lord, why?]

“Someone help me!” Lu Xuan cried. There was no one here who could help him. Thus, shouting for help wouldn’t affect his macho image, right?

“Is there anyone?” Lu Xuan cried again.

No reply.

He felt his voice echoing in the woods and so he began shouting again.

He could pass his time like this until his guards arrive, right?


[Ah, no he can’t!]

He closed his eyes, almost pitying himself. Why must the tree branch crack at times like this? Would it die, if it had waited for a while?

At most, he could survive for fifteen minutes or so before the branch would break because of his weight and he would fall somewhere in a deadly corner of the valley.

“Dear lord, you are cruel, “Lu Xuan muttered. “However, I ain’t going down without a fight.”

He tried to wriggle his legs to reach the edge of the cliff but he wasn’t able to.

Suddenly, he heard a voice.

“Lu Xuan?”

It was Song Xueyun.

[Thank God, the girl has a conscience. Or he would have died here and she would be blamed for his early death.]

“Lu Xuan, are you here?” Song Xueyun shouted. “I heard your voice earlier. I know you are somewhere around. Stop being such an ass. Fine, you don’t want to apologise for being rude to me. At least, tell me where you are.”

She was both seething and anxious.

Seething, because he made a dumb move and now they were lost somewhere in the woods.

Anxious, because she was worried for him.

“Xueyun!” Lu Xuan called out her name. “I am here. Look down.”

Song Xueyun looked at her shoes and furrowed her brows. “Down? Where? I can’t find you on the ground. Are you being stupid or what? You can’t be an ant that I can recognize on the ground.”

Of course, she was being sarcastic.

Lu Xuan took a deep breath, holding the branch of the tree. This wasn’t the time to be angry. He must think of a way to get out of this place.

“I didn’t know being a top student in school can affect someone’s common sense so much,” Lu Xuan said, his voice filled with derision. “Only if you had crammed less and learned something meaningful and relevant more.”

Although Song Xueyun couldn’t see him, she could hear the derision in his voice quite fine. She had an urge to kick this boy. Why must he always point his finger at her grades?

“Why do you always blame my grades?” Song Xueyun said through gritted teeth. “I work hard for that. You can do that too. I never stopped you. Pointing fingers at me for my grades is like pointing fingers at a beautiful girl each time something goes wrong and they blame her beauty.”

“I never said you are a beauty,” Lu Xuan retorted.

“Are you saying I’m not beautiful?” Song Xueyun said with a crestfallen look. Did he think that she was not beautiful enough?

“I didn’t say you are ugly either,” Lu Xuan yelled.

“Now you are using the word ugly too, “Song Xueyun said in disbelief. “Wow. Lu Xuan. Wow.”

“Xueyun, stop being a bitch,” Lu Xuan grumbled. “You are making a mountain out of a molehill.”

“No, I understand what you are trying to say, “Song Xueyun said in a soft voice. “In your eyes, no one can compare to Lily. She is the smartest and prettiest in your eyes. We all are bitches while she is a damned peacock.”

“Why are you bringing Lily again into the conversation?” Lu Xuan yelled. “I only asked you to be nice to her and you are torturing me for that. Why the hell did you even join the summer camp when you should have just solved the entire problem by joining that economics special class and helped her out. You are the one who started the fight and you are also the one who is putting oil into the fire to intensify its flames.”

Song Xueyun always knew that Lu Xuan had a tongue that was sharper than a knife but it still hurt her. His words were hurting her. He knew that she never liked Zhou Liling aka Lily just like he never liked Han Nanxian.

Did she not always accommodate him by not bringing Han Nanxian in conversation or in person?

Couldn’t he do the same?

“You know what, jerk. I’m leaving! Go drown in misery!” Song Xueyun yelled to his invisible figure.



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