“What are you doing here?” Lu Xuan asked as he saw his twin sprawled on his bed. What was wrong with this girl? Why was she sticking to him like bubblegum? Wasn’t she here for Xiaobao? Shouldn’t she accompany him rather than annoy him with her personality?

“Sleeping,” An Xiulan replied with closed eyes as she pulled the blanket to cover up her face.

“Go out!” Lu Xuan grabbed the blanket and yanked it from her body.

An Xiulan huffed and puffed. Seeing how her charm never worked on this bad boy, she pouted her lips to say, “Xiaobao is sleeping. Auntie song is putting him to sleep.”

Before he could open his mouth to say something else she replied, “Your dad is on a call.”

Lu Xuan sighed. All his plans of throwing her out of his room were failing. What do he do now?

“What do I do?” An Xiulan asked, her thoughts matching his.

“Then, go to another room, “Lu Xuan suddenly said.

“What room?” An Xiulan asked..

“Any room,” Lu Xuan said in a voice full of exasperation.

An Xiulan sighed as if she could bear his unintelligence. How could someone be so dumb? But each time he proved that he was here to break records! Of dumbness, of course!

A while later she explained, “It’s your house. Not mine. You have rooms at both houses but I’m still a guest here. I don’t want to be called naughty. So, I am behaving like a good girl.”

It was true that she had so many thoughts in her head. From her experience of her last life, she realized that she didn’t want to be a nuisance to anyone. Her experience in this house was quite similar to that in Duke’s house. The only difference was that people were at least polite to her. But she was a guest in her own house.

“Who is asking you to be a good girl?” Lu Xuan snorted. Did he ask her to be a good girl this time? Did he? No, he didn’t! If he didn’t ask her to be something, she didn’t need to be that!

Also, he wasn’t a good boy either. Then why must his twin who share the same womb as he had to be a good child! It didn’t make sense!

An Xiulan expressed her grievance through that pout of hers that made her quite adorable to look at. “I don’t want your dad to complain to my mom that she has raised a brat. He only looks for ways to complain to her. And I don’t want to give anyone a chance to belittle my mom.”

“Does he?” Lu Xuan asked in a slightly surprised voice. Actually, he shouldn’t be surprised. That father of his was a piece of work!

Parents should come with an exchange offer!

An Xiulan nodded her head.

“I heard accidentally that he didn’t like you coming to live with us,” An Xiulan looked up at him and intentionally pressed his sore point.

Suddenly, Lu Xuan grinned as he looked up at him and said, “You mean you were eavesdropping?”

An Xiulan turned her gaze away. She had heard from her mom that eavesdropping was not a good habit, especially something to be proud of. But she had to say that her eavesdropping skills were lit!

Was not it the reason why she knew that Gu Shangyan’s uncle was planning to steal her mom? He was even worse than this Lu Xuan who made it his only goal of life to annoy him!

Suddenly, she had the wish to take him to a talisman where he could learn a real ambition of live and LEAVE HER THE HECK ALONE!

Lu Xuan made a horrified face as he said with wide eyes and palms on his cheeks, “What a bad girl! You were eavesdropping on Ma.”

An Xiulan glared at him, “I was merely curious, okay!”

“You mean nosy!” Lu Xuan corrected her.

“You are so hateful!” An Xiulan harrumphed as she crossed her arms over her chest.

“And you are so lovely,” Lu Xuan said with a sarcastic smile in a sickly sweet voice.



An Xiulan was so mad that she showed him two middle fingers.

Lu Xuan’s eyes widened as he looked at the gesture. He lightly hit her head. Who the hell was teaching her all the wrong things!

“Ouch!” She glared at him as she rubbed her head.

“Who taught you that?” He asked angrily. Did he need to beat someone up again? He promised his mother that he would not engage in fights anymore.

An Xiulan pursed her lips. She couldn’t tell him she learnt it from Han Zixin. He told her the real meaning behind this gesture or else she would have thought that it was a gesture of sorry.

She gasped.

What–what if she had shown this gesture to her mom?

Her mom surely had beaten her black and blue!

Mom hated potty mouths and potty dictionaries!

Suddenly Lu Xuan said in a loud voice, “I knew it!”

He scoffed as he went on, “That boy taught you this, didn’t he? What a jerk. How dare he teach you this gesture! You should stay away from him. Stop going to his house. Don’t sit with him in class. Don’t hang out with him. He is a virus. Stay away from him.”

“Fuck off!” An xiulan growled. “And I learn this from you.”

No one gets to insult her chest prince!

Only she had the authority to insult him!

No one else!

Lu Xuan pointed his finger at her in anger but he was so consumed by so much rage that no words came out.

“Stop getting on my nerves, “Lu Xuan shouted.

An Xiulan turned her head away and grumbled in annoyance, “Earth has a population of over 7 billion, and I had to meet the biggest jerk possible. What’s more tragic is that he is my twin!”


Author Note: We will have a mini mass release today!

Reason: We have got #2 second trending ranking in the seasonal category. Although Golden Ticket, PS, and winwin ranking is a unmentionable, This pretty author is still happy! Well, too happy!

Since you guys made me happy, I will make you happy!

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