The next morning when An Xiulan was asleep without any worry about the world. Lu Xuan was awake and sitting in the living room wearing his tracksuit. As he saw An Qinyan in her tracksuit, he cleared his throat.

“Uhum..are you going for your morning run?” Lu Xuan asked. He appeared as if they had coincidentally met. Surely, something mischievous was cooking up in his mind.

“Yeah, you know I run daily. Do you wanna join mom?” An Qinyan asked, hiding her smile.

“Whatever,” Lu Xuan played hard to get.

Both of them returned from their morning run after an hour only to see an angry little girl standing at the door with her dishevelled hair and unwashed face. She was shooting glares at the stinky brat!

How dare he steal her mom?

“Both of you, wash up and come to the breakfast table,” An Qinyan ordered before she went to her room. She left two of them to break the ice between them. There was no way she was going to be stuck in the twin’s fight. Instead of ignoring and shooting daggers at each other, fighting verbally was better.

Currently, at the breakfast table, Lu Xuan was adding dishes to An Qinyan’s bowl while giving mocking looks to An Xiulan who was seething.

“Ah Xuan, what are you going to do about the football team?” An Qinyan asked.

“I passed the trial and I’m officially a member of the team,” Lu Xuan replied with a shrug.

“If you face any problem in studying, tell me,” An Qinyan told him. “You can’t change school now if that’s what you are thinking about. Study your junior year in Jingyuan High and if you still can’t adjust there, we can discuss this matter next year.”.

“Mom, I will go to school with my friend. Yeye is dropping us at school,” An Xiulan informed. She called Han Zixin’s grandfather Yeye. Yes, she was close enough to the old man to call him Yeye and grandpa Han doted on her like she was his granddaughter.

“No,” An Qinyan said in a strict voice. “Both of you are going to school together. Uncle You will drop and pick you up daily. If you have any extra classes or match practice, you will inform home first. You guys are going to live together. I’m not asking you to forget your differences with each other and start living like loving twins. However, you can live peacefully with your differences.”

Lu Xuan and An Xiulan pursed their lips and refused to speak a word. They didn’t like to be chided.

Lu Xuan recalled the time when his mother would come for her monthly visits and shower all the love on him. She had never scolded him. And now because of this girl, he was getting chided.

“You both are getting late for school,” An Qinyan replied. She initially thought to drop them at school but then she changed her mind. If she kept on coming between them, they would not stop fighting. Whatever their differences are, they need to sort them out themselves.

She kissed their foreheads before bidding them goodbye.

An Xiulan stifled a giggle when she saw his red face. Aww, someone was shy.

In the car, both of them were sitting on each corner respectively, making sure not to touch them at all. Housekeeper You was sitting in the front seat while the driver was driving the car.

“Grandpa You,” Lu Xuan called out the elder’s name so sweetly.

An Xiulan snorted. He was up to no good. Don’t ask her how she knows. She just does. Anyway, nothing that this boy did was decent.

“Young Master?” Housekeeper You looked at the boy with a tender smile.

“What young master? Call me Xiao Xuan,” Lu Xuan suggested making the old man chuckle.

“Xiao Xuan, is it okay?” Housekeeper You asked with a smile.

Lu Xuan nodded his head. “Grandpa You, I think I saw a red Ferrari in the garage.”

Housekeeper You had a knowing smile on his face. “If Xiao Xuan wants, he can ask the driver to drop him to school in that car.”

“I don’t like that small car,” An Xiulan replied with annoyance. “I wonder what was the intention of making that car so big when it only has two seats. Isn’t it better to just call a scooter Ferrari!”

Lu Xuan gaped at her. “You are committing blasphemy! Comparing a Ferrari with a scooter?”

“Whatever, I don’t wanna come in that small car to school and what’s with that bright red colour?” An Xiulan scrunched up her nose in irritation. She didn’t like that weird card. She was more of a Mercedes girl.

“You are hopeless, ” Lu Xuan said, pointing a finger at her.

“Tell me something I don’t know,” An Xiulan kindly smiled at him and then gave him a dirty look.

“What’s your problem?” Lu Xuan asked her in annoyance.

“My problem? It’s so big that you can’t even pronounce it,” An Xiulan sassed.

“Did you fall from the cot when you were young?” Lu Xuan genuinely seemed concerned for a moment. “If not, why are you so stupid.”

“Lu Xuan, don’t cross your limits, okay,” An Xiulan pointed her finger at him. “Ever since you have come home, you are only looking for a moment to start a fight with me. First, you hurt Betty and Augustine and then you plotted and schemed against me to steal my mom away from me. If I can be generous enough to share her with you, why can’t you be peaceful with me?”

“Bravo!” Lu Xuan clapped his hand. “You are peaceful to me? You burned my fucking ass by spilling water on me. You started a fight with Lily for a girl. You went to participate in that stupid contest just to hurt Lily. Not only this, you think you are doing a favour to me by sharing our mother with me? Since the time I returned all you have shown me is how I should be grateful to you for letting me live in that house. Come on, An Xiulan don’t be so proud of yourself. You are no one.”

“And don’t forget that’s our mother’s house,” Lu Xuan snarled. “It’s as much yours as it is mine.”

Before anyone could meddle between the twins, the school gate appeared and the car stopped, Lu Xuan got out of the car first and then An Xiulan quietly got out of the car.


An Xiulan turned her head to find Shen Yue eating breakfast in the small restaurant in front of the school. She placed her head on Shen Yue’s side shoulder and murmured.

“Yue’r, am I bad?”

“Nah, my Xue’r is the best in the entire world,” Shen Yue’s chubby face widened to form a smile. “Let’s go to class. I will give you some magical notes of history.”

Study always made An Xiulan happy and Sheh Yue seemed to know about this.

“What caused your bad mood?” Shen Yue asked later.

“My twin brother,” An Xiulan pouted.

“You have a twin?” Shen Yue looked surprised. “I thought you were an only child.”

“Well, I have two brothers. One is my twin and another is only a baby, “An Xiulan replied with a smile. “I miss Xiaobao.”

It was not a secret that Lu Xun was her favourite brother, not Lu Xuan.

“Did your twin annoy you?” Shen Yue asked.

“Something like that, “An Xiulan replied. Seeing that Shen Yue didn’t understand, she narrated her entire family story to her friend.

“Xue’r, we were meant to be friends,” Shen Yue laughed. “No one in the entire school will have such a cliche and dramatic family like ours.” Taking a pause, she added, “So Lu Xuan is your twin and Lily is again causing trouble.”

An Xiulan nodded her head.

“Do you wanna know a secret?” Shen Yue whispered, looking here and there. It was such a lethal secret that if anyone found out that she told An Xiulan this, they were going to behead her.

An Xiulan leaned over to listen to the secret. She was always nosy and how could she leave her curiosity when her twin is involved.

“Lu Xuan’s grandmother always wanted Zhou Lily as his grandson’s bride. This is the reason why she made him dote on Lily all the time,” Shen Yue whispered. “I have heard my stepmother discussing this with my father. In their eyes, Lu Xuan is their potential son-in-law.”

“Puppy love?” An Xiulan whispered.

“Nah, Lu Xuan had no idea about this conspiracy,” Shen Yue shrugged.

“Isn’t this illegal? They are only 16,” An Xiulan found herself saying. “And isn’t that girl his cousin?”

Shen Yue snorted. “Uncle Zhaolin doesn’t have any brother or sister. And she surely is not your maternal cousin. This makes her a distant relative, not blood-related.”

“The boy is really pitiful. Maybe, I shouldn’t be too hostile to him,” An Xiulan muttered under her breath. She was completely forgetting the fact that An Qinyan was strongly against bethronement. There was no way the twin’s mother was going to let anyone arrange the marriage of her children at such a young age.

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