An Xiulan pouted her lips. How was she supposed to stay mad when he was being sincere?

This was not fair to her kind and fragile heart.

Suddenly, her lips tugged to form a smile and as he saw her smile, he was dazed for a moment.

“Cheat prince, my hands hurt,” An Xiulan acted pitifully.

Han Zixin quickly stood up and took the chair next to her bed before he started feeding her the tangerines.

“It was sour. I want a sweet piece,” An Xiulan demanded.

Han Zixin nodded his head and prayed for the next tangerine to be sweet and then began feeding her.

When An Qinyan looked inside the glass wall, she was speechless to find her daughter demanding her friend massage her legs. Wasn’t it getting too much? However, since it was An Xiulan and Han Zixin, she didn’t say too much. They both were weird!

Inside when An Xiulan saw Han Zixin hiding a small box, she immediately spoke, “Cheat prince, what are you hiding?”

Han Zixin was embarrassed but he still spoke, “This is a gift for you. When my grandfather found out that I was going to visit my friend at the hospital, he helped me choose a gift for you.”

“Are we friends now?” An Xiulan gasped as she covered her wide mouth with her delicate palms..

The tips of his ears reddened as he saw her reaction. “An Xiulan, would you like to become my friend? I promise I will always protect you and have all the fun in the world with you.”

“Will you attend those club activities with me that I want to?” An Xiulan asked. She once asked him to join those club activities to find out their aim in life but he never went with her. Since she was alone, she never tried those clubs. However, she had a chance to convince him now.

Han Zixin nodded his head. “As long as it’s you, I will accompany you everywhere.”

An Xiulan smiled widely and clapped her hands. “Quickly give me my gift or I will change my mind.”

Han Zixin helplessly shook his head and pulled out the gift from his pocket. He didn’t know what was going on his grandfather’s mind when he chose this locket but when his grandfather said that this locket was gifted to wish for long and healthy life, he quickly took it.

“Tie it on my neck,” An Xiulan said and he nodded his head. As she felt the cool stone resting on her neck, she smiled. This locket was the symbol of their friendship. They were finally friends.

“Thank you for being my friend, Han Zixin,” An Xiulan smiled brightly at him.

Lu Zhaolin, who was watching this little episode from the outside, had a dark look on his face. He didn’t like this teenage boy with his delicate daughter. He knew that he was a shitty father to his daughter and had no right to speak in her matters, but he still couldn’t help but worry about them.

This friendship was not approved by him.

An Xiulan was discharged two days later. However, she still was not allowed to attend school. Thankfully, the weekend was near and she didn’t have to worry about missing too many classes. Her friend constantly visited her to entertain her at home.

Today, an unexpected guest visited her.

“Hi,” Shen Yue waved as entered An Xiulan’s room. When she heard that the girl wasn’t attending school due to health issues, she came to visit her on the weekend. “How are you doing?”

“Shen Yue, you came to meet me?” An Xiulan asked with wide eyes. She was so happy to see her here. As Shen Yue nodded her head, she spread her arms as if asking for a hug.

Since An Xiulan was asking for a hug, how could Shen Yue decline it?

“Did I ever tell you that you are my favourite person to hug?” An Xiulan asked with a happy smile.

Shen Yue laughed as ruffled the girl’s hair and took a seat next to her.

“Meimei, this is Shen Yue, my friend. Aren’t you going to serve her refreshments?” An Xiulan introduced them. She didn’t let out that she had an ulterior motive here.

Meimei nodded her head and a while later came auth refreshments. As she exited the room to give two friends privacy, An Xiulan sneaked a pastry from the plate and took a big bite. Eating bland food for days was having a toll on her body.

“Xiulan, who are these refreshments for? Me or you?” Shen Yue narrowed her eyes at the girl.

“Yue’r, sharing is caring,” An Xiulan said with an adorable look on her face.

Hearing such an endearing nickname, Shen Yue felt shy. However, she didn’t stop An Xiulan from stealing her food. Never mind, as long as this adorable girl was happy.

Shen Yue didn’t realize it when she was completely won over by An Xiulan.

“Yue’r, how about you help me with my missing syllabus?” An Xiulan asked later.

“Oh, I brought notes with me. I can help you revise them,” Shen Yue said as she showed her the notes that she had saved for her.

“I noticed something,” An Xiulan wondered out loud. “God Han is good when it comes to teaching English and Science. Gu Shangyan is good when it comes to mathematics. You are excellent when it comes to Chinese and social studies.” Taking a slight moment, she joined her hands in a pleading posture and announced, “Sensei Yue’r, please accept me as your disciple. I am ready to sacrifice my life to you for knowledge.”

“An Xiulan, do you have a death wish or you will stop speaking nonsense!”

An Xiulan shuddered when she turned her head to find an angry Gu Shangyan.

“Crayfish, what are you doing here?” An Xiulan asked, mustering up a small smile.

“Why didn’t you tell me you were ill?” Gu Shangyan asked. Imagine his shock when he returned home only to hear that she was admitted to hospital for her fragile health.

“Crayfish, I thought I was dying. I was in so much pain,” An Xiulan began speaking in a pitiful tone. ” Still you are scolding me. I don’t want to live. I wanna go back to the hospital.”

Gu Shangyan panicked as he heard her words. Thus, he quickly began coaxing her. “I’m sorry. I was being stupid. Xiulan, don’t speak nonsense. It was me who was at fault. Be good. Don’t be angry. Getting excited is not good for your health.”

Shen Yue, who was watching the scene, ended up smiling when she saw how the invincible Genius Gu ended up falling for An Xiulan’s word trap.

“If you are sincerely sorry, then explain chapter 4 of mathematics from the beginning,” An Xiulan said with a blank look on her face.

What could Gu Shangyan do at this time?

Wasn’t it just teaching her maths chapter?


“Cheat Prince?” An Xiulan suddenly called out his name.

“Hmm?” Han Zixin looked up to gaze at her face.

“How come you are visiting me too often these days? Don’t you have fixed timing at the dormitory?” An Xiulan couldn’t help but ask.

“I moved out of the dormitory,” Han Zixin shrugged. “I am living with my grandfather now.”

“Ah?” An Xiulan looked at him in surprise.

“Do you wanna visit my house?” Han Zixin asked. “My grandfather is raising a lot of small animals at his house. Do you want to see them?”

An Xiulan excitedly nodded her head. She wasn’t allowed to cuddle with Augustine and Betty for long these days. She would really like to get out of her home for a while.

“I am afraid my mom won’t allow me to leave home,” An Xiulan said in a small voice.

“Wait here, I will convince your mom,” Han Zixin said before leaving the room to find An Qinyan. Much to her surprise, he returned with a grin.

“My mom agreed?” An Xiulan asked while gaping.

Han Zixin grinned at her and held her arm before guiding her out of her home. He didn’t tell her that they were neighbours and this was the main reason why An Qinyan agreed to send her daughter to his house. Moreover, she had met his grandfather in passing a few times when he had moved there.

“Oh my God, we are neighbours,” An Xiulan jumped in excitement. She thought initially that she was dreaming but no it was all reality. He didn’t tell her previously that he was living near her house. This was the reason why she would find him at her house almost all the time.

Han Zixin looked at the bright look in her eyes and asked, “Are you happy?”

“Very,” An Xiulan nodded with a smile.

Han Zixin’s grandfather’s place was more decorated from the outside than her own house. They had less rooms than them and had a larger garden area. As she entered the villa, she was thrilled by the scene of plants and flowers that surrounded the house. It was like entering a flower house. She didn’t know why but the house smelled so fresh and good.

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