The girls didn't notice what Daimon did, and they all returned to the training facilities not too long after that, by the time they arrived Calvin was finally sweating so Boris let him off the hook with that.

Yvonne and Aisha took out the food from their storage rings and placed them in the blanket for everyone to pick what they wanted.

Unfortunately for Calvin the girls said, "You stink so go eat in the platform", so he had no choice but to oblige.

Everyone picked what caught their interests, surprisingly Michael only took vegetables which earned him some mocking from Calvin.

"Oi Michael, if you ever want to grow to become a man, you must eat some meat if you don't want be a little shrimp forever hahaha".

Michael ignored Calvin's comments and kept eating what was on his plate.

"I have a strict diet given to me by my master to keep an agile fatless body, unlike a muscle head like you, so I just eat fish for protein… it's my fault because I forgot to tell you".

Everyone was enjoying their food, until Aliya's fork slipped from her hand as she coughed consecutively, Boris frowned his eyebrows, he actually forgot to call Aliya "miss" and directly called her by her name.

"Aliya, what happened, now that I pay more attention, you look rather paler than before… did something happen?".

Yvonne sighed, but since it was impossible to avoid, she told everything that happened when they were going to the restaurant, of course she didn't forget tell what Daimon did to Leir… and the fact that Leir used corrosive light to harm Aliya but it was later removed by Daimon.

The temperature of the room suddenly went up, Boris stood up and his eyes were filled with bloodlust.

"Hoh, so the brat from the Ascott family tried harm Aliya on purpose… it seems that this time I will have to break the three legs of that bastard".

Aliya knew this was going to happen, so she tried to resort to the only person she knew Boris always listened to.

"Uncle Richard, please tell uncle Boris to calm down…".

Aliya stopped midway because she saw Richard's body trembling due to anger as faint traces of darkness leaked from his body, but Irina stopped him from doing something stupid.

"Father if you go cause troubles, I won't let you see Yvi for the rest of the year… the last time I had to listen to the complains of the elders because you nearly caused a war when you were drunk!!!".

Richard cleared his throat.

"Ahem, that wasn't my fault, I was happily drinking when you called me to tell me that Ferdinand casted a curse in Yvi, because she refused to marry into the Ascott family, what did you expect me to do?".

Irina snorted.

"I don't know, maybe you not causing an intergalactic conflict, but reprimanding Ferdinand instead".

As Yvonne previously explained, it was her mother and Liliana's mother, the ones that got them the chance to avoid a forced marriage with the condition of entering the academy, but the merit was not for them.

Liliana's mother told her father to take Richard to a drinking party and once he was drunk enough, Irina called him to inform about the forced marriage possibility, the result… an army knocking at the doors of many of the planets that were under the rule of the Ascott, Gladius and Grayer families.

Aside from the families, the academy and the council that rules the beast faction, there is another force to be wary of, the army which was originally created by commoners to also have a voice, the number of nobles that manage to get a relatively high position at the army is really low and even then, their superiors aren't members of big families, of course there are always exceptions.

The neutral families like the Risha and Leeris have always supported the army so they have a good relationship with them, for example Richard worked as a military instructor for more than one thousand years.

Among the countless students he had, there is a bunch who nowadays became peak Archmages thus achieving the tittle of generals… the rumors said that even the current field marshal which is the highest ranked person in the army and a half emperor, respectably calls Richard "Instructor Risha" whenever he greets him.

So, when he got word that his precious granddaughter was going to be forced into marriage, he called all his students which were stationed at the borders, or at the outposts near the blue-sky galaxy and they besieged about 300 planets controlled exclusively by the families that were trying to "bully" Yvonne, to demand an explanation.

And that's how Ferdinand and also the other clan heads, had no option but to swallow their pride and accept a deal, in which if the girls entered the elite class, they will be free from a political marriage.

Needless to say, but there were complains from some of the members of the council, what Richard did almost create a conflict with a force that had a half emperor guarding their fort, that being said, all of them shut up when the field marshal personally spoke on behalf of Richard.

Up to this day his words still hummed at the ears of those who wanted to punish Richard, "If the instructor didn't voluntarily retire, he will be the field marshal, every one of us owe him more than what we will ever be able to repay so no matter what, if he gives the call we will follow his command, if anyone has a problem with that, then come and say it in my face and let's see who wins".

The only one that ended having to make amends to the affected families from the blue-sky galaxy was Ferdinand, and that is also how the idea of transferring their heirs to the Wild Claw academy was born… unfortunately they weren't doing it exactly good so far.

Richard did calm down but Boris still looked quite upset, so Daimon decided to tell him the second part of the punishment he gave to Leir.

"Old man, Yvonne told you about the part where I broke that guy's face, but the holy light thing was another fault, so of course a second punishment was needed, use your mana sense to cover from here to about 300 meters away from the restaurant and judge it by yourself".

Boris did as Daimon told and after a couple of seconds his serious expression changed to an amused one, before he laughed out loud.

"What the hell, since when the Ascott family became monks, I know they worship their god of light, but that is a new level of faith hahaha".

,m Richard felt curious and he used his mana sense to see what was causing Boris so much fun, and then he saw it, there was a naked bald young man laying face down in the ground, and a lot of people were watching the scene and talking about it.

Richard gave thumbs up at Daimon as he joined Boris in the moment.

"Well done kid, it seems that trusting these two's safety wasn't a bad idea after all, I want to see the face that bastard will make once he gets to know about this hahaha".

Yvonne let out a sigh of relief, "Whatever Daimon did, it seems it was enough for these two stubborn old men to calm down", she thought.

But that also made her wonder what was the second punishment Daimon mentioned, because she didn't saw him doing anything else.

"Daimon, besides beating the crap out of him and robbing, what else did you do?", she asked.

Daimon shrugged.

"Let's just say his new appearance fits more with the image of someone that worships a god, and he is going to have a hard time trying to revert it hahaha".

Aisha laughed, she had an idea of what her son did, Daimon's darkness was similar to Erin's one, so Leir was probably going to remain bald for a couple of years at least, nothing lethal but still humiliating specially for a womanizer like him.

Now that the atmosphere was festive again, everyone continued their meal without any worries, the only one complaining from time to time was Calvin, but the others ignored him, once the lunch time was over everyone was free to leave to do whatever they wanted.

Calvin was the first one to take his leave.

"See you later I need to take a shower, Michael I'll drop by your room so we go to the library".

Michael sighed, somehow Calvin managed to convince him to go with him to the library, with an excuse along the lines of "If I go alone, I'm just going to flirt with girls, so I need a boring guy like you to force me to study".

Yvonne, Liliana and Leslie on the other hand decided to stay here with Richard, Boris, Irina and Aliya, so Daimon and Aisha said goodbye to them and also left.

Once they were gone, Richard contemplated things for a moment before saying.

"Little Aliya, was he affected by the corrosive light when he helped you?".

Aliya shook her head.

"No, his dark attribute is incredibly strong, it dealt with the holy light as if it was nothing… I have never seen something like that; besides he touched the holy cross of the Ascott family and wasn't burned by it, I can't imagine what race does he belong to, we only know he has claws that are in equal standing with the ones of the Jolbaris".

Irina's eyes widened.

"I thought the Revy matriarch took a liking to him because he has darkness affinity which makes him a twilight alluring fox like her, but if he can completely ignore the effects of the corrosive light and also has claws then… he is a variant, and an extremely strong one on top of that".

Richard nodded.

"That explains why that kid is so abnormal crossing three stages to easily defeat a four-star ranked knight, he was born to fight… students like him make me want to return to being an instructor".

Yvonne listened to her grandfather and suddenly had a bad premonition, about the near future but that is a story for another day.

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