Reincarnated With The Undefeated System

Chapter 136 To Take Part In The Awakening.

And Oliver and Ava had noticed he hadn't been saying anything for a while now. And Ava inquired of him at that moment,

"Aiden, why aren't you saying anything concerning our conversation? Aren't you worried if you'd get to awaken an ability or not?".

"I am definitely worried, but I don't want to think about it too much. On that day, I'd know if I'll get to awaken an ability or not, I don't want to stress my brain thinking about it now". Aiden retorted.

"Hmmm". Ava let out while nodding her head a little.

..Aiden was making a really good point, but the two of them couldn't stop themselves from worrying.

They didn't know Aiden knew he'll awaken a power element, that was why he wasn't worrying. And Ava and Oliver didn't need to be worrying as well 'cause they'll get to awaken a power element as well.

"Even if I try to stop myself from worrying, I just can't. Not awakening a single power element is really bad, you'd definitely be looked down on". Oliver voiced out, and that was the absolute truth.

"But it wouldn't last forever at least". Aiden stated.

"Even if it doesn't last forever, the period it lasts could weigh a person down". Ava uttered.

..And this was the thought that ran through Aiden's mind at that moment...

'But you both would get to awaken an affinity or even more, there's nothing to worry about. But they aren't aware of this though'.

"I want to take part in the first awakening". Oliver stated once again.

"Then all you have to do is be there on time with your family. The queue would be long, so the time a person arrives there would determine if the person would take part in the awakening that day or not". Aiden voiced out.

Oliver and Ava nodded their heads to his statement, what he said was true. Students in Aiden's classroom kept talking about the upcoming awakening until a teacher stepped foot into their classroom.


The time for the awakening had arrived, Ethan and Emma had become more anxious, would Aiden awaken a power element or not?

..Especially Ethan, he was the most anxious among the both of them.

They were anxious if Aiden would get to awaken an affinity or not, but Aiden wasn't anxious. You see that? A certain set of parents were anxious if their kid would awaken an ability or not...but the kid wasn't anxious.

All the Dankworth family would be heading to the temple where the awakening would take place apart from, Lydia. According to Ethan's utterance, Lydia would stay at home and watch over the house.

ƥαṇdαηθνε| Lydia wanted to attend the awakening to see if Aiden would awaken an affinity or not, but since one of her masters says she wouldn't go, then she wouldn't go. At least, she'll hear from them when they get back home if Aiden awakened an ability or not.

..But Lydia wouldn't be staying at home alone, two knights would be staying with her.ραпdα `nᴏνɐ| сom

Remember, they were still being cautious, the person that captured Aiden might decide to make his move again now that everyone has gone for the awakening...he might decide to capture the last person at home.

..But with the knights at home, Lydia would be safe.

This was something Ethan had already prepared ahead of time. He knew Lydia wouldn't be following them to his son's awakening, so he had already informed the king he would need knights to stay at home with her...and arrangement was made for it.

As early as possible in the morning, everyone had already woken up in the Dankworth family. They needed to begin heading to the Xeterra Temple on time, as known, there'd be a long queue. So getting there on time is really important if you want to partake in the awakening that day.

The first thing that ran through Hazel's mind after she woke up that morning was,

'Would my brother awaken a power element or not? Would Aiden awaken an affinity or not?'.

While she was preparing, she came across Aiden, and she inquired of him,

"Do you think you have the mana core in you? Do you think you'd awaken an ability?".

And this was Aiden's reply to her, "I don't know, but I hope to".

And Hazel was like, 'He doesn't look anxious at all'.

..She didn't see anxiousness in his face at all while asking him that question.

While the Dankworth family were preparing for the awakening, the knights that would be staying with Lydia early as possible.

Students wouldn't be going to their different academies today, awakenings would always take place when students aren't supposed to go to school, that's how it was always done.

By now, the Dankworth family was already prepared to begin journeying to the village where the Xeterra Temple was located. They have all dressed in nice-looking robes apart from Ethan...he was dressed like a warrior.

Two knights would be staying with Lydia to protect her, but knights wouldn't be escorting them to the awakening...that was how Ethan wanted it. He would be there to protect his family, so he needed no knights to escort them to the awakening.

Since everyone was already prepared, Ethan took his scabbard, placed it on his waist, took some things, then all the Dankworth family began walking out of the house including Lydia.

The moment they arrived at the compound, Ethan said some things to Lydia like watching over the house and all that. Then he faced the knights and said some things to them as well. Then he and the others began walking toward the horse that had a carriage attached to its back.

The moment they reached the horse, Ethan untied it, then his family entered the carriage, and he mounted the horse. Taking his last glance at Lydia and the knights, he began riding the horse out of the compound.

..And by now, they had already arrived in the village square.

It was very early in the morning, so there weren't many people on the road...they could only see a few people walking about.

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