Reincarnated With The Undefeated System

Chapter 113 He Hasn't Still Being Found.

They tried their best, they searched well, but didn't find Aiden. This was the case for all of them in their different territories.

The thoughts running through some of their minds at that moment were,

'How are we sure he hasn't been killed and his body buried somewhere? Maybe the person that captured him ended his life immediately. But if he's alive, where could he be?'.

..Those were the thoughts that ran through their minds, but they didn't dare say them out, especially the ones that were in the same territory as Ethan and close to him.

A gloomy expression was plastered to Ethan's face at that moment. Though they've thoroughly searched around to the best of their capabilities, they didn't still find his son.

Where was he? Is he still alive?...He was distressed.

And as of this moment, they'll have to climax with the search. But they wouldn't give up easily, they'll resume tomorrow...they were ready to keep assisting Ethan look for his son.

This was what they decided while they were still together before they divided themselves into groups and moved to their different territories. Once they were done with the search, whether they find Aiden or not, they'll meet at the king's palace and report the situation to him.

Some of the warriors and knights in the same territory as Ethan had already noticed the distressed look on his face. So some of the warriors strolled toward him, and one of them placed his palm on Ethan's shoulder and stated,

"Ethan, don't lose hope. Just because we are climaxing with the search today doesn't mean it is over, we'll resume tomorrow. And if we find out the person behind this, the person putting you through all this, he would pay dearly. We'll handle that for you, you wouldn't need to do anything".

..No, Ethan would love to do something, he'll love to handle the person putting him through all these himself.

The person would pay dearly, he wouldn't pity him or her at all.

Ethan glanced at all of them, and they had bits of smiles on their faces just to comfort him.

"Thanks, and I really appreciate the effort you guys put into searching for my son today. Thanks once again".

All of them nodded their heads, it was only one that said,

"It's nothing Ethan, we are ready to do this for don't deserve what is happening to you currently".

Ethan did nothing but nod his head. He doesn't deserve what is happening to him, but it was happening to him...that is life. Right now, all of them were marching back to the king's palace, and the knights and warriors in other communities were marching back to the king's palace as well.

..Right now, they had all gathered in front of the king's palace, every single one of them.

Now that they were complete, they walked into the palace to tell the king of the current situation...did they find Aiden or not?

When the king saw them sauntering toward his palace, he just kept hoping for some good news...he was really hoping for one. But what did he get? Bad news, they told him they didn't find Aiden though they searched thoroughly but would continue with the search tomorrow...

..And the king wasn't happy with the news at all.

All he could do was comfort Ethan, what else can he do? But he was sure of one thing, he'll try his best to find out the person behind this. If the person was among the natives of this kingdom, then there was no way he'd be able to find out who the person was.

But if the person was among the officials, then there was a chance. The search would resume tomorrow, all the warriors needed to head over to their homes, and the knights would stay with the king 'cause they belonged in the palace.

Ethan began walking to the horse he brought over to the palace. He remembered leaving home this morning to come report his missing son to the king which he did. And since then, many activities had taken place.

..It was evening already heading to complete nighttime, and he was just going home.

He didn't achieve anything, he didn't find his son, he didn't even know if he was dead or alive...he wasn't happy. He climbed his horse and rode it out of the compound of the king's palace.

As he was riding the horse in the village square, he began wondering how his wife would react once he tells her they didn't find Aiden though they searched thoroughly. She'd most likely cry her eyes out.ραпdα `nᴏνɐ| сom

'Should I tell her? Or should I find a way to lie? Would it even be possible to lie? I don't think so. She wouldn't see Aiden with me, so she'd easily discern we searched around and didn't find him. It wouldn't even be nice for me to be lying to my household, I'll just tell them the truth'. Ethan thought to himself.

..He didn't want his wife to cry her eyes out, he didn't want her to become too worried.

But what can he do? He has to tell her the truth, he can't lie to her. And even if he lies, how long can he keep up with it? He arrived in front of his house, rode the horse into the compound, parked it, came down from it, tied it well, then strolled into the house.

Arriving in the living room, he saw everyone there. From his wife, to his daughter, and the servants, and from the look of things, they weren't at rest. It just seemed like they had been waiting for him to come back home and inform them of the current happening.

Had Aiden been found? Or did they find the person behind his capture? Emma immediately stood up from the chair she was sitting on the moment she sighted Ethan. Walking toward him, she didn't see Aiden with him, she knew disappointment was gonna hit her.

..But she still asked anyway? Who knows? There might be hidden good news. Maybe they had found a lead on how to locate Aiden.

"So, any good news? I heard you and other warriors and knights searched around for Aiden. Did you find him?".

"We didn't, Emma. We searched around thoroughly, we even searched people's houses, but we didn't even find a strand of his hair. As of this moment, we don't even know if Aiden is alive or not".

That statement hit Emma hard, but she still managed to speak again,

"And the person behind all these hasn't been found?".

"Not at all, we don't have a single clue who the person is. We don't know if it is among the officials or the natives of this kingdom".

..This was just really painful to Emma. Her son hadn't been found, and they don't know the person behind his capture.

It was just so painful, tears began flowing out of her eyes as she began sobbing...just as Ethan thought. The servants and Hazel strolled toward her at that moment as they began consoling her.

Ethan didn't do anything, he just stood there glancing at her crying. What can he do? At least, she was being consoled already. He was feeling pain as well.

ƥαṇdα-ηθνε|·ƈθm ..Emma couldn't hold back her tears, they were just flowing out freely, and Hazel and the servants made sure to keep consoling her.


It was completely dusk already, and Aiden was so fed up being tied to that chair. Yeah, up till now, he was still tied to that chair not even able to move his body a little...and it was so frustrating.

'How long would they keep me like this?'.

From his facial expression, one could easily tell that he was so tired. Being stuck in one place was so frustrating and tiring.

After the assassins came to feed him and give him something to drink in the morning, he hadn't set eyes on them again, they hadn't stepped foot into this compartment again.

..And you know what? He was hungry, he wanted to eat something.

Yeah, he was full after they were done feeding him and giving him water to drink in the morning. But everything had digested, it was nighttime now, he didn't even get to eat lunch...and he wasn't even sure if they'll come to give him dinner.

Well, he was a captive, anything he sees, he takes.

But what he knows was that he was so uncomfortable here. He was already feeling pain around his body from sitting in one place for too long. The thought that ran through his mind at that moment was,

'Dad, are you even searching for me?'.

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