Anon is now standing in front of the Mermaid kingdom's main gate...


The gates Opened up and the first thing that Anon saw after the gates opening, was Aegis bowing down to him in a very obedient manner.

"I welcome, My master." Aegis greeted.

"Hello, Aegis..." Anon spoke as he walked inside and the gates were instantly closed by some dark Minions.

"How are you master ?" Aegis asked sincerely.

"I am alright, Aegis. Where is my fuck pussy, that I left here last time ?" Anon asked.

"She is inside my Royal Court, Sir. I have already prepared her for you... Please come." Aegis spoke as both of them started swimming towards the Royal Castle.

"So, Aegis... I have a question in mind for you." Anon spoke.

"Please, master.... Ask it without any worries. Your loyal slave will answer everything truthfully." Aegis spoke.

"Yeah, I know you will because if you don't... Then the collar will give you the feeling of ultimate physical and mental torment." Anon replied.

"I-I know master. I-I just wanted to say it in a way that you-"

"I understand, I am just fucking with you. Now, to the question. I have seen 2 gigantic Minions made with the same magic that you make your minions with.

I know that you are not strong enough to control them. So, Do you know anything about them ?" Anon asked.

As time passed, they were forgotten and became mythical lores in between these seven kingdoms. Now they are just a bunch of evil guys that can kill their children if they don't sleep at night.

That's all I know about them master." Aegis spoke as both of them reached into the Royal Court.

As soon as the minion's opened the gates of the Royal Court, Anon noticed that Sera is sitting right in front of them with her legs wide apart.

"I greet my master with my pussy... Please fuck me master." Sera spoke as she opened her pussy lips with her own fingers, so that Anon can fuck her.

Anon placed his leg over Sera's pussy and started rubbing it with his leg.

"I am bored with your loose pussy, but I will fuck it later... If you follow my orders and get the fuck out of this room right now, you stinky cunt." Anon commanded.

"Y-Yes... Master." Sera spoke as she immediately stood up and left the Royal Court at once.

"I can leave too, if you want master... ?" Aegis asked as he looked at Anon with a neutral expression.

"No, You stay... I still have things to ask you." Anon spoke as he walked upto the Royal throne and sat down.

"As you say, master." Aegis replied as he Obediently stood near Anon.

"So, when you say that these creatures in this deep sea are dangerous, What is the level of threat they possess ?" Anon asked.

"Master, I have seen many tribes in the deep sea that are so powerful that, even if one of them got out of the deep sea... They will destroy all seven kingdoms, inside the seven seas in just one day." Aegis replied.

"Holy shit... They are that strong ?" Anon asked with a surprised expression.

"Oh, that's for one tribe master... If all the deep sea creatures were to be released from that realm, then they will definitely destroy everything on this holy land and take over everything once again just like they did at the start." Aegis spoke.

"Are you sure about that Aegis ? Because, there are some really strong people living up there on land." Anon replied with a smile.

"I know master, I have seen every creature living on land. Even if you combine all of them... I don't think you can even kill half of the creatures from the deep sea.

One of the tribes in the deep sea, captured my soul and tortured me for 200 years... I mean, if they can capture my soul then I am preety sure they can do anything." Aegis replied.

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