Chapter 609 -609

Anon is now resting inside his room and looking at the box that, Mike gave him.

Suddenly, A voice resounded inside his head.

'Master, Umm... Can you hear me ?' It was Sephie's voice.

'Hello, Luv. How have you been ?' Anon asked with a smile.

'I am really good, Master. What about you... Are you doing alright down there ?' Sephie asked.

'Oh, I am perfectly fine, Luv. I assume, you got the gift I sent, Right ?' Anon asked.

Sephie's Lab...

Sephie is sitting right in front of the crystal, While the crystal is hovering over the ground. There is no one else inside the room.

"I can't seem to understand this master, But there is something about this crystal that doesn't feels right." Sephie spoke.

'Why ? Is something bothering you about the crystal ?' Anon asked.


Suddenly, A very faint sound came from the crystal.

Sephie immediately picked up a pen and a notebook from her nearby table and started writing something on the notebook.

"There is a sound coming out of this crystal, Master. It was very low at first and came at long intervals, But now... The sound is getting louder and the intervals between them are getting shorter.

I don't understand, If this is a good sign or a bad sign... I just thought that you should know about this." Sephie reported.

'Her heart must've started to work once again and it's a good sign, She is coming back to life...' Anon spoke.

"Oh, Yes... That could be the reason. Why didn't I thought of that ? Stupid, Me." Sephie spoke as she immediately wrote something down in her notebook.

'Anything else, Luv ?' Anon asked.

"Yes, Master... I have studied this crystal and there is something very special about it... I can't-" Before Sephie could've completed her sentence, Anon interrupted her.

'You couldn't find it anywhere, Not in the Human kingdom, Not in the Elven Kingdom and not even in the Mines of the dwarves, Right ?' Anon asked as a smile formed over his face.

"Yes, master. You are exactly right... It's like it's not from this land." Sephie spoke.



They closed the door on their way out, just like Anon ordered them to.

"N-No... No." Mari immediately swam towards the exit door and tried to open it, but Anon holded the door's lock with his 'Telekinesis' skill.

"What a turn of events right, Luv ?" Anon asked with an evil smile.

"N-No... Please don't touch me. Please, I will do everything you tell me to, But please don't touch me." Mari begged as she immediately sat down on the floor and started looking at Anon with a scared expression.

Anon summoned a sword from his inventory and tossed it towards Mari.



"W-What ?" Mari asked with a confused expression.

"Pick up the sword and kill your Queen for me. You said you can do anything, right ?" Anon asked with a smile.

"I-I can't kill our Queen... She is the last one left from our Royal family and-"

"So you can't do it, Right ?" Anon asked.

"N-No, But you can ask me to do anything else... I-I can even take off my clothes and show you my naked body.

But, Please don't touch me." Mari replied.

"Okay, I ask you to kill a small mermaid child from your kingdom. Can you do that ?" Anon asked with an evil smile.

"N-No... I-I can't d-do that..." Mari replied as she started to understand, that Anon wasn't a saviour... He was the devil.

"See, You can't do anything other than offering your body to me." Anon spoke.

"N-No... Please." Mari begged once again.

"Okay, Okay... This is your last chance, If you can't do this... Then, I will take your body forcefully and use it like a toy, until I am satisfied." Anon spoke.

Mari got even more scared after listening to this...

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