We splendidly managed to secure our base from the opponent's attack. Well, it was half—umm, mostly due to the surprise element.

Obstacles were just another tool that would give you the advantage depending on how you could put them in use. Just like now, we weren't particularly waiting here to ambush them, however it appeared so from their perspective, all thanks to obstacles.

What seemed to be a glum situation with ?Eden? outnumbered by our opponent with nearly double our numbers was sorted out in an, well, unexpected way. A coincidence, but not a rare one.

This was one of the ups and downs about the field changing from a vast but suspenseless to a full of surprise. This was the trial to overcome, to take everything into account and show you would deal with them. It was especially a PvP favorable ground with the 'Chance Encounter' previous fields were missing.

Such variations were what made guild battles amusing. Besides, the opponent's reaction was another novel thing about guild battle in reality. It was impossible to expect 'kyaa, ambush' or 'stop and retreat' reaction from opponent AI in the game.

Anyway, now that we had taken down one of our opponents from, supposedly, ambush, they shouldn't be jumping into the frying pan once again for the time being. Considering the chaos that had erupted, maybe they returned to base to recover? I guess that counts as a jackpot amidst quirky twists, huh? What a blessing. Except, certain people didn't share the same feelings.

"?Healing Prayer?! ?Heal?! There you go, Rika, Lulu. And Zephyr—heal by yourself." (Lana)

"Bop." (Lulu)

"Seriously serious. You're sometimes too much, Zephyr."

Of course. Who could else it be if not Lana? The pampered princess. I had called them to back up us when they're racking points one after another and all that they saw was the deserted place, enemies being fled away. And as a result, she has been spewing out flames since a while. Though if I have to say my piece, she looked adorable with her squirrel-like puffed cheeks.

Uh-huh, this also means she didn't heal me. What a tough life. Alright, that was hoke. She had just used low-grade and mid-grade healing spells which were now in cooldown, so she only has high-grade spells left but that would be a waste for a damage as much as scratch that I sustained. So my ?Aura Heal? was enough for that...probably.

I was healing myself when someone approached me. She was Sierra. Shizu, Pamela and Ester were on guard in other directions. She and Lana were moving in a group, so she was waiting for Lana to finish healing everyone.

"What's our next plan, Zephyr? Shall we mount a counterattack?"

"I'm in. That's our chance, Zephyr. Let's parade on!"

"Huh?......Hold on, just focus on small castle points for now. It was by luck we managed to force the opponent to retreat."

Lana immediately jumped on Sierra's proposal but I turned it down after a moment of consideration. Opponents might be restless from the retreat so this was indeed a chance for payback—a tooth for a tooth, eh?

Speaking about it, Revenge was something missing from the game. For A never back down.

If anything, however, we didn't have any advantage in taking down the base. There's a never ending stream of opponents with the ?Loser's Revival? at play. Besides, we're already at the lead and snatching back whatever two red Big Castle they got weren't a game changer for us. So we might as well focus on more efficiency that doesn't require us to go out and fight.

"Understood. We're off to the east then."

Sierra replied hearing my reasoning.

"You're really insufferable, Zephyr! Fine, but make sure to call us if something happens. I will definitely be a part next time!"

"Yeah. Be careful."

Sierra, leaving behind what their next destination will be, and Lana, after showing her discontentment, left for the east. The way she threw her temper was cute. And I guess Sierra telling me about the east means 'you know where to find us.' It seemed like she was also disappointed to miss the chance.

With them departing, we, Team A, also made our way to the west.

We moved in vigilantly, since I wasn't sure if the opponent was just feigning to retreat and bidding a chance to make a counterattack. Well, it ended as unfounded worry to say the least.

We didn't see them, so they really seemed to have retreated to base for now to heal. And they might also be on guard for our counter, as Sierra had proposed.

Either way, we were in clear from further movement by the opponent for time being, so I informed the same thing to Ester and the group guarding west and returned back to farming the points.

We sneaked our way and discreetly glanced at the opponent's base from the blind angle of the audience seat.

"Hn, ?So-nya?! No enemy detected."

"Great work, Karua. So, it seems like they're worried about counterattack huh? Putting up a guard and all."

"That's also what I think so, Rika. Alright, now is our chance to snatch all the squares in the south while they're still on their toes. Be discreet, understand?"

"Hn, got it."

Well, this adds Rika too, who shared the same thought as me. We turned around to the opposite of the audience stand and taking advantage of the opponent's vigilance that tied their action, we started racking points.

Karua and I moved to the south while Rika and other members mainly prioritized the small squares around the white team base.

After several minutes, opponents were finally on their base, ready to capture the small castles—which was destined to never happen. The moat between us had widened to the point any normal strategy would be a losing bet for them.

They should have sensed that as well as they gave up on scrapping on leftover small castles and showed signs for a second raid on our base. Given the time, the knocked out person should still be out there in the loser's room. So the raid this time consisted of only six members. Their gait showed their cautiousness as they made their way from the west this time. As to be expected of our seniors, once bitten twice shy huh.

Karua and I, once again, noticed their plan a step ahead and I had Karua contact Lana and others in the south, while I joined in with other team A members and prepared for invasion. from freewēbnoveℓ.com.

Same strategy, same development. But I just hope things don't pan out the same way.

We trailed along the obstacles to hide ourselves and waited for the opponent to emerge from the north—an ambush, this time it was.


"We already expected it!"

"Not this time! Everyone, fan out!"

"Understood, sub-guildmaster! Payback time!|

It's a pity our opponent had already learned the lesson so we couldn't thin them out. But that said, our role this time was to earn the time...definitely. Absolutely.

Both parties launched their attacks near the audience stand's corner, with our team stalling the opponent through defense or hit-and-run tactic while waiting for reinforcement. And soon after, they were there.

"Good work holding out! ?Guardian Dog's Blessing?! ?Sacred Demon's Protection?! My turn—?Sacred Shining Sabre?!" (T/N - Shining saber of sacred light?Sacred Shining Sabre?)

Lana, finally arriving at the right timing, swiftly caused offense and magic buff and slammed down her one of the strongest offense attacks.

"Crap! Dodge, everyone!"

"No way—!?"

However, our opponents easily evaded the shining attack. I mean it was literally a hugely huge sword. Perhaps it was their instinct as swordsmen, our opponent immediately deemed it dangerous. I expected nothing from our seniors.

But there was just one unlucky person who got struck square on. It was the same person who had been sent off to the loser’s room.

"I have arrived to help—guaaahhhh!?"


She must have straight rushed off to here immediately after being revived at the base. However, that person had just jumped from the corner of the audience stand, about to join her comrades when Lana's attack came swooping down. Maybe this person has gotten up from the wrong side of bed today.

If that wasn't enough——

"Alive still? I also have many more! ?Rise of the Sacred Tree?! ?Light Pillar?! ?Light Blade?!"

"Hol—gaahhh! Can you—guuuhhh! Help m—nooooo!"

"Guildmaster is down again!?"

The persistent attacks from Lana gave no room for the unlucky soul to escape and was dispatched to the ?Loser's Room?. This should be traumatizing enough. ƒгeewёbnovel.com

Even her comrades were in apparent shock. I mean, they were so shocked that they forgot in which situation they were, forgetting to put the defense in.

Lana, with her hand on her forehead, was the only one pepped enough to say 'one nuisance down.' Apparently, she was referring to the wicked aura she felt from her opponent which I came to know later. No, what the heck was I supposed to make out with just 'wicked aura'...... whatever, now was our chance.

"A buffet of attacks now, everyone!!"


Lulu was the quickest one to respond to my cry,

"Rats! We're retreating now, everyone!"

"Back down, now!"

"Wh—, hold on for me!"

Seeing that their lineup was unable to hold on, ?Flash of Flower? scurried away for retreat, once again. I think I heard other members calling that person—who pulled the shot to retreat—sub-guildmaster. So she's the leader I guess? (She's not)

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