Chapter 163: Escape, Despair

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

At this moment, the others looked at each other carefully.

They could see a hint of joy in each other’s eyes.

Clearly, those zombies had been attracted by that brave person.

This was their chance.

At the thought of this, everyone immediately ran out.

They also came to the window and opened it.

As expected, after the window paper was removed, the place behind the window was empty.

The zombies from before were gone.

In this situation, everyone immediately felt very happy.

They all knew that this was their chance.

Now, they could finally find a safe place quickly.

One of the men hurriedly said, “Let’s hurry up and set off. We definitely can’t delay now. If we delay, it’ll be easy for those zombies to come back.”

Leng Xue’er also felt that this was a very suitable opportunity.

If they didn’t leave quickly, the zombies would come back, and they would be blocked in the same place again.

When the others heard this, they agreed. They also felt that there was no time to lose.

They had to leave immediately. Otherwise, they would easily be in danger.

Those zombies were not simple. If they were caught by those zombies, they would definitely be in danger.

At this moment, the eight of them were united and worked together. None of them wanted to drag anyone down.

They hurriedly packed their things and opened the window and door.

This was also a precaution. If there were still zombies, they could quickly hide inside.

When Leng Xue’er saw others move, she hurriedly instructed, “Don’t open the door completely. Leave a gap after we leave. This way, we can also quickly return and hide if we encounter danger.”

After all, at this moment, it was indeed not right to bet everything.

If there was a problem, they needed a way out they could reach quickly.

It was impossible for all zombies to be gone in all directions.

If they picked the wrong way, they would be in a very dangerous situation.

Therefore, it was very important to leave a way out for themselves at this moment.

When the others heard this, they agreed.

That was because they also felt that under such circumstances, they definitely could not place all their eggs in the same basket.

If there was danger, and there were no backup options, they would be in even greater danger.

Therefore, the last person to leave quickly closed the window and door.

However, there was a small gap in the last window.

The small gap wasn’t easy to spot, and one still needed a bit of strength to open it.

With this, it shouldn’t be discovered.

Moreover, there were still some traces left behind in some places.

This mark could also allow them to quickly find the right place.

Soon, everyone hurriedly walked out. Actually, they were also very careful.

They were afraid that they would encounter danger if they picked the wrong way.

They arrived at the corridor, and one of them looked up at the field.

When she saw the scene on the field, she immediately exclaimed softly.

“Oh my God, look at those zombies. There are so many of them.”

The person who saw the scene outside the window shouted softly as she pointed outside the window.

When the others heard this, they also saw the scene outside the window.

All of them were very shocked.

They had not expected so many zombies to be attracted.

When Leng Xue saw the others’ actions, she hurriedly said, “Stop talking. Let’s hurry up and leave. The current situation is too dangerous. If we delay, it’s very easy for danger to happen.”

At this moment, they definitely could not be distracted at all.

When everyone heard this, they agreed.

They could also tell that this was definitely the most suitable opportunity.

If they didn’t make use of it in a timely manner, it’d be very dangerous for them.

That could easily lead to a worse outcome.

It was also because of this that after everyone looked outside, they hurriedly began to pack.

They followed closely behind Leng Xue. At this moment, Leng Xue took the lead, and she investigated the route ahead.

Soon, Leng Xueshe immediately discovered a suitable route.

Only this route could allow them to leave this place quickly.

Everyone hurriedly followed the route and continued forward.

At this moment, they were extremely careful along the way, afraid that they would encounter some danger.

Because they really couldn’t predict all dangers.

A man on the left, who had finally passed through the corridor, immediately felt a trace of excitement.

He felt that they were getting closer and closer to safety.

However, at this moment, Leng Xue suddenly stopped in her tracks.

At this moment, an ugly expression appeared on her face.

When the people behind her saw this, their expressions changed.

They knew very well that something bad had to have happened.

“What’s wrong, Teacher Leng? Is there any movement ahead?”

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