Chapter 66: Chapter 66 – Awakening a bit by bit

“Again,” the lady whispered whist calmly sipping her tea.

Feng panted, wiping her sweat away. This has been the third day she was following the gruesome routine, and it was not getting easier.

As her body gets used to these exercises, the old lady keeps increasing its difficulty. Today she was made to do pull up.

Straining her muscle, she pulled herself up the bar with difficulty. Her shoulder muscles were pulling painfully, and her wrist was red and sore.

“Take a five-minute break,”

Feng glanced back at her and instantly let go of the bars. She fell face-down, but the soft mattress under her softened her fall. She silently laid there with her eyes closed.

“Darling, I did not allow you to sleep. You should take a small walk as a break,” the lady reminded her kindly.


Feng groaned. She sat up tiredly and walked around, pulling her feet step by step. “Why can’t I just sit down?”

The lady placed her cup down and wiped her mouth with a kerchief.

“If you sit down now, all the workout you did the past two hours will be of waste. When you are training your muscles to be strong, there is always a procedure to warm up and warm down.”

“When you train your muscles get warmed and heated expanding to its fullest potential. When you are idle your muscles cool down and contract.”

“if you suddenly take a break, your warm muscles might cool down to quickly causing cramps,”

Feng stumbled towards the walls and slowly walked. Her legs were not that painful anymore and her hands were feeling better. “Oh...”

“Feng, I know it is hard for you but a little bit of hard work at your age will make you into a very strong person.” The lady whispered, as if sensing her low mood.

“Why is it not possible for an older person to train?” Feng whispered, wiping her sweat on her sleeve.

Lady Hiliana gestured for the maids with her hand. The maid rushed towards Feng and helped wipe her sweat away.

“it is. But it will be very difficult. When you are young, your bones and muscles are like clay. If you mould it properly, then as you age your body will be healthy as a horse.”

“But for an older person their muscles and bones are at their fullest potential. Even if you train so well, there is a less possibility of seeing maximum potential,”

Feng nodded. “Don’t worry lady Hiliana, I will not let you down,”

“I know darling, I know,” she smirked slightly. Her right eye became red as she peered at her. ‘oh my my ..... she has awakened her powers a bit. But why is her awakening not all at once?’

Usually when a child awakens as a warrior, they go through a painful awakening. Their muscles tear and reattach themselves; their bones break apart and re-grow forming their steel like body. Every inch of their body is reformed.

But for Feng, it was completely different. She could only sense a bit of awakening near her thighs and her hands.

‘Looks like training is helping her awaken bit by bit... this child has a long journey ahead of her.’ Lady Hiliana nodded to herself.

Soon the training progressed until the kid was too tired to move. This time she even fainted in the middle.

“Lady... its not good for her,” the maid mumbled as she worriedly hovered over the unconscious child.

“You know nothing of my child,” lady Hiliana gently picked up Feng and gingerly took her back to her room.

By then the twins were already back with a tired expression on both their faces.

Lady Hiliana smiled at them and continued her usual practice of applying pain relief balm and massaging.

“Old lady, is she having a very tough time?” Aiden mumbled as he wordily peered at Feng. Every day this girl collapsed as soon as her head hit the bed but this time she collapsed whist training.

“She is undergoing the process of awakening as a warrior. A little push at this time is vital,” she whispered and gently caressed his blond head. “Don’t worry too much; she is going to grow stronger and stronger.”

“I don’t want her to suffer.” Aiden frowned slightly and held her hand.

Lady Hiliana smiled. “Well, nothing great comes without a little suffering child.”

Aiden had no word. This, in fact, was the truth. In this world the one who slacks off will end up being the prey to the strong.

“But.... she wanted to be a mage,” Ethan mumbled softy.

“.....” lady Hiliana blinked at him. “We all want something but what we end up with is not in our hands now, is it?”

“Hm.” Lady Hiliana put Feng to bed and continued helping the blushing twins. They both were super shy and refused to even look at her face.

“What cute little kids. Tell me, why don’t I adopt you as well?”

“No!” the silent Ethan was the first to object this idea.

“Okay.... you guys are still planning on marrying Feng?”

They both nodded.

“You both know that she can have only one husband, right?”

The twin’s eyes wide glanced at each other.

After saying her part, lady Hiliana happily left the room with a naughty smirk. The maid waiting outside confusedly looked at her.

“It’s so fun to tease them, but for real, though. Who will end up with our beloved Feng is a mystery indeed,”

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