Chapter 60: Chapter 60 – Freeze

Underwater, Feng glanced up at the surface. Only a small part of the ice where she and that man were standing had broken off.

‘Elle is safe...’

The weight of her dress and the extra layer she was wearing were pulling her down. With clumsy hands, she untied the fluffy scarf and the dress skirt off. She slung them over her shoulders.

‘Good, now let’s take care of this man.’

She got hold of a randomly floating piece of sharp ice shard and swam towards the swimming man. Much to her surprise, he was quite good at swimming.

He was agitated and was swimming up to the surface.

‘Ah, ah, not letting you there buddies,’ she swam to him from behind and slashed at the back of his neck.


Red blood gushed out, blinding her sight.

The man glanced back and slapped at her. Feng took this chance to tie than man’s hand with her heavy scarf and flung her dress skirt onto his face.

The man flayed around, trying to untangle himself.

Feng swiftly swam back and up towards the surface and crawled up. The brittle ice shatters a little as she tried. Little to her left, the ice was much thicker. She climbed up, shivering at the night breeze.

“Is he dead?” she glanced inside the dark waters. Nothing was visible. “I’m gonna assume he is dead.”

Feng ran to Elle and gently lifted her over onto her back. “I wish lady Hiliana and the others are doing well,”

The situating on the bridge did not look good.

The entire harbour was covered in fog and a strong wind was gushing around, breaking everything at its path. Feng frowned slightly.

She moved swiftly and placed Elle in a safe place behind a small boat and glanced out. ‘There is a small opening there. If I can crawl over I can get through the gale and check out the situation.’

Feng slowly progressed stealthily towards the fight. Through the fog she could make out two tall figures that were battling with fists. Lady Hiliana had a red glint in her eyes that shone as she moved about. The man in the black cape was able to keep up with all of her attacks.

‘Lady Hiliana is slightly panting....,’ she searched for the twin boys; they both were fighting that fat man she met in the slave ship. ‘I don’t think any of them can manage this fight any longer.’

The bridge was completely submerged in gale. It would be impossible to pass through that into the town.

Seeking Yubiri’s help went out of option.

‘How can I help?’

Suddenly her recent task reward came to mind.

“Hey game system, tell me more about my recent reward.. That time freeze thing..”


Task reward: Ability Type

Ability: Frozen In Time.

Use: The ability to freeze time for twenty-second. Use it wisely adventurer.

Number of uses – 1

Do you wish to activate the ability adventurer?}

Right at that moment she saw the fat man pushing Ethan off and slashing towards Aiden.

“Activate!! Activate it!!”

{Reward activated.

Time remaining: 19}

Feng ran towards the pier and into the storm. Everything was frozen. It froze even the small dust flying off in the gale, midair.

She directly ran towards the fat man and pulled the sword that was aiming towards Aiden off of his hand and slashed at his hand. It severed from below his elbow and flopped to the side.

His blood splattered out and floated as small droplets as they froze in time.

“eww.. ewww....”

Feng dragged Aiden and Ethan back to a safe distance and checked the time.


“I still have time,”

She ran back to lady Hiliana, frowning slightly. The man did not have any weapon in hand and they were both fighting hand to hand combat. There was nothing she could do to help.

“Wait, I can do that.” Feng ran to the ocean and chipped out a shard of ice. The ice slowly melted in her hand. She splashed it into the black-robed man’s face. “I hope the salt water can keep him distracted a bit.”

{8... 7....}

“I still have time. Great.” Feng dragged both Ethan and Aiden off onto the frozen surface of the ocean towards the place Elle was hidden.


Ability deactivated.}

Time started to flow as normal.

The fat man suddenly squealed loudly, holding his bleeding hand. Blood gushing out everywhere.

The man struggled to bandage it up, and he ran off into the darkness.

And as per her plan, the black-robed man was also silently distracted by the salt water in his eyes. Lady Hiliana threw a punch, and the man went flying off.

“Great!!” she cheered in glee.

“umm... Feng?” Ethan mumbled with his eyes wide open.

“Are you both hurt?”

The twins were not hurt anywhere, but they were slightly bruised up a little. She looked at the blue bruise on Ethan’s chin and growled. “That pig!! How dare he lay a hand on you?”

“Feng, how did we get here?” Ethan said with a calm look in his eyes.

Feng’s eyes went wide. ‘Oh my, what a blunder I’ve done.... I bought them here while they were conscious.....’ gulping she whispered, “You both lost consciousness a little. I think that man had a weird power. Thankfully, I was close, so I dragged you both here.”

Ethan sceptically glanced at her while Aiden just nodded with a mysterious smile.

{‘What was that power... it’s definitely not an ability. Wait, I’ll ask her what that was.’} Aiden said through their mind link.

Ethan glance at him and nodded. {‘No, we’ll wait until she reveals it to us.’}

The slavers began to fall back from the overwhelming attacks from lady Hiliana. They all rushed into their broken ship and sailed away in the dark of the night.

“phew... that was.... something alright.” Feng hugged all the children’s close to her.

Ethan blushed slightly and hugged her back. “They were after you,” he whispered softly.

“Why? I am nothing special.”

“That fat guy said so...” Aiden mumbled, as well.

“I see... I hope I never see them again.” Feng glance at the broken ship that was sailing in the dark.

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