152 Chapter 152 – Changing future

Feeling the numbness in her arms and shoulders, Feng shot up awake looking around vigilantly. Her uncle was talking to the healer, aka Yubiri, In a hushed tone. Lady Hiliana and Perlin were also there but they seem quiet, distracted chatting with themselves.

‘I’m alive?.. I did it.. God that guy died, right? I’m so glad it worked! Fucking hell that was the worst kind of task ever!’ she flopped back down on the bed.

Hearing that soft sloshing sound, everyone glanced her way.

“Feng!” lady Hiliana and the others rushed to her bedside and checked in on her.

Feng just smiled at them. “I’m just tired. Nothing much. I’m totally fine. She even went ahead and rolled her shoulders for them to see.

The duke had a complicated look on his face, gazing at Yubiri after this.

Feng could not put her finger on it but she had a feeling something significant happened while she was unconscious.

‘What might that be.... Hmm, I’m super curious now...’ but her tired eyes started to droop down. She slightly sighed and pulled the quilt closer to her chin.

“She seems tired. Feng, are you feeling uncomfortable anywhere else? Tell me this before you head off to sleep.


Feng shook her head. “no.. im.. sleepy..” she fell asleep right after.

Lady Hiliana gently touched her messy hair. “do you have any idea who attacked you guys?” her narrowed eyes fell on Lineti Parlov.

“it was a demonic ability user....” The duke whispered with a complicated look on his face.

Demonic ability, they were not technically demons. They too were humans but the ability they possessed could easily harm and kill people. In the past few years, any child or an adult with such powerful abilities has been kidnapped silently from the streets. No one knew who was doing this heinous action.

But one thing is for sure. That group was training them into killers.

That guy today was very powerful. He was more powerful than himself.

The duke was stuck in a dilemma. Even though he didn’t have his magic sword that doesn’t mean he was weak. He had seen wars; he had fought countless battles. Yet he had never faced an enemy who was so impenetrable.

If it wasn’t for Feng’s help, they all could have easily become a target to the heinous ability users.

Lady Hiliana gently patted his back. “don’t be disheartened, we will find them and vengeance will be served.”

He dully glanced up at her. “I fear we are no match for them.”

Lady Hiliana did not look phased after hearing this. “we only have to find their weakness... even a mighty elephant has one,” she reassuringly smiled down at him.

“I hope we do.” He shot up. “I’ll go and heck the records of the disappearances. Maybe we can find out their lair,” he dashed out of the room in hurry.

Sighing lady Hiliana peered at the guard standing behind her. Haily’s back was ramrod straight and stiff. “Stay beside her, I’ll be right back,”

Haily stood guard by Feng’s bed all night.

And when Feng woke up, the first thing she saw was Haily’s bloody armor. For a second she was startled that someone had infiltrated her rpm. She scurried away and ended up getting tangled in the quilt and fell off the bed.

“Young miss!” Haily ran to her aid.

Feng awkwardly stood up. “I, fine.... Why haven’t you.. um changed your clothes yet?”

Haily looked down at her ugly bloody armor. “I was ordered to stay close to you. I couldn’t leave my post. Sorry if that startled I you miss.”

“no no, its okay, you should get cleaned up.” her eyes fell on the window. it was bright outside. It was the next day already. “lets get ready for class...”

A new maid tended to her today as Lana was still in the magic school. This young maid was not as through as Lana. she even accidentally ripped off a bit of Feng’s hair when combing through. But she ignored her small mistake.

After wearing her usual uniform pants and shirt she walked out to meet Elle and the others.

Ethan and Aiden were the first ones to bounce off to her.

“We were banned from disturbing you.” Ethan cried hugging her. “How are you feeling right now? Do you feel dizzy? Are there any aches in your body? I can give you a massage,”

“Stop bombarding her with questions...” Aiden slightly glared at his brother. “How are you Feng?”

“I’m fine guys. It was just a small injury....’ She was sure she broke her shoulder yesterday, but somehow it was fixed. She guessed it must be one of the mages doing. There were not many healing mages around here.

So the one who healed her yesterday was most likely Yubiri.

‘ I need to thank him.. agh I don’t want to have any contact with him now that Elle is going after him. God let him forget about me and fall in love with Elle.’

Elle held her hand. “You did amazing Meimei! The way you change the future.... It was so awesome. I wish to e powerful as you one day.”

“Powerful?” Feng was the only one who knew that she had died twice and had seen everyone she loved die in front of her by that black-cloaked man, before she could achieve her success.

Her success in defeating him was not a coincidence, nor was it a well-planned out attack.

She ever had the talent to foresee the future like Feng, she was neither strong like her mum, or was she magically talented like the twins but somehow, she felt like the game system was her advantage.

Without it using extra lives, she would have been six feet under the soil by now as would everyone else in this family.

Thanks to the game, she was able to survive.

It gave her the notion that the game system was actually trying to help her change her own plotline.

‘But why? Why would someone go through so much length to change my life here? mister ling, why did you choose to put me in his game.....’

“Meimei?” Elle waved a hand over her face. “Are you really okay?

“I’m great. Let’s head off to school.”

Today, they officially will start their stay in the school to proceed with their education.

Lady Hiliana and lady Perlin looked quite reluctant to let them go. The most obvious one who was distraught was the duke. He silently hugged the boys in his arms and refused to let them go even when the carriages had arrived.

“Uncle we’ll get late.” Elle shouted from the carriage window

Sighing, the duke reluctantly let go of them. “Why don’t you guys start next year, it’s too early to part.”

“no.” Ethan coldly said and entered the carriage. As for Aiden, he smiled at him kindly bowed ad walked into the carriage.

The duke poked his head into the carriage, glancing at them with that weird gaze. “Feng was hurt just yesterday. We could take a few days of. Let her stay here and recover.”

“Uncle, I am not hurt in anyways.” Feng was strong about her stance. Because she needed to train.

Her body was weak. her powers were so strong but because of her darn weak body she almost bucked. she even broke her bone after just two uses of her time freeze.

She needed to make sure that she can easily and freely use that power in the future.

‘Or else how will I deal with Clarina...’

She idly watched as the carriage moved away from the mansion, this time without any of their parents. the guard’s numbers had increased. Ten of them were following In horseback riding parallel to the carriage. if in any case of emergency, a certain guard was assigned to take them and disappear until the danger was resolved.

Feng sighed. ‘He is getting paranoid now. we are not even allowed to have that many guards, what will we do with them....”

Elle patted her hand. “don’t worry they will leave after escorting us to school. they will stay close in the city. when we are planning on going shopping, we can just summon them. its much safer than going out alone.”

Feng nodded. “Elle, can I ask you something?”


“What did you see yesterday? your vision. what happened in this?”

“Elle suddenly paled. “it was bloody. that guy killed our uncle and he killed everyone... it was so so so bad.... don’t want to remember this. but somehow you stopped it Feng. do you know something I have never seen anyone being able to alter the future I see? its always been such a wonder that you were able to alter them. Maybe it is because you have time ability...” she looked confused.

“isn’t it a good thing I can change it.”

Elle suddenly let out an adult-like sigh. “I don’t want certain future to change.”

Feng understood instantly. “Yubiri?”

Elle nodded. “can you promise me you will never fall in love with him.. please...”

“Elle,” Feng held her hand. “I will never do that.”

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