129 Chapter 129 – Contract part Feng followed that weird guy back to his lab. Unlike the beautiful hallways, the guy’s lab was in ruins and somehow dusty in every corner. There were so many beakers and jars lying around in the most random corners.

And in the middle of the room, she saw that weird device he was carrying around.

‘This place is shabby as I had imagined.. how can a person work or even study in a place like this.’ She glanced back at him.

Once a student chooses their mentor, they would have to stay with them for almost half the day to learn from them. The first of the day is spent on common classes that would be taught by other teachers.

But looking at the mess of a room Feng was unsure of she can even concentrate on studying in there.

‘I think I might find a few spiders hiding in each corner of this place....’ She did not like how unkempt this place was.

In her previous life, she led a very controlled and clean lifestyle. Dust and debris always irked her so much.

“When was the last time you cleaned this place?”

“Five years ago. maybe...” Her new teacher, Harry was looking at her with a weird gleam in his eyes.


‘This guy thinks he has the upper hand. I’ll show him I’m not some kid to be cheated with candy.’

First, she had to exert dominance. For that, she moved towards the device and grabbed the delicate glass flute of it.

“don’t touch it! It’s too delicate!” he came running.

Feng simply tightened her grip. “oh, Is that so? I think it can handle a bit more pressure.”

“Little student, don’t hurt my new invention, ah. It took me years to perfect this shape and formula,” he hurriedly took it to form her hands and placed it in a corner.

Feng then saw a sofa that had been hidden by that device.

She sat down on it leisurely. “The contract, when shall we sign it?”

“if you want to,” he said with disinterest.

“Looks like you are not that keen in signing the contract,”

Harry glanced at her with a coaxing smile. “No no, I’m very much interested in having you as my student.”

“Great let’s start the procedure. Which contract is binding in this world?”

As soon as she said this, she knew she made a mistake.

Harry had a small grin on his face. “a written contract is binding on it’s own,”

“I don’t believe you one bit. I shall call my cousin. Let’s talk about the contact with him in here.” she decisively added.

Harry looked downcast at this statement. “Student, you are discrediting me so much. you act like I’m going to bully you. I’m not going to cheat you or anything...”

“no amount of words is going to make me back out on my decision. Mister, Harry you are untrustworthy. The first day I met you, I already realized you are a person who would go a mile if I gave you an inch. There must be white lines drawn between us or else I might be taken advantage of. Don’t look at my small age and think I’m easy to fool.” She narrowed her eyes at him.

Harry peered at her for a second. he sat down on a small stool opposite her and sighed. “How do that Rofles people train you?”

Feng just shrugged. “call my cousin,”

“Fine wait here. It’s Alvin kid, right? I’ll bring him here,” he said and left her all alone in the lab.

Feng jumped off the sofa and started to explore. First, she peered at the beakers and test tubes filled with unknown substances. And at one corner she noticed that golden substance.

That crazy man had filled that device with this substance.

She poked her finger in and touched it.

As soon as the liquid came in contact with her fingertip so many golden specks of particles started to fly toward her. They stuck to the liquid, making it glow brightly.

“What is this thing? He said that we can open a time portal with this. How though?” Feng had to admit she was quite curious about Harry’s device. But at the same time, she was scared.

So, she curbed her curiosity, wiped her hand and sat back down on the sofa, patiently waiting for his return.

Harry came back with Alvin in tow.

“Feng! Are you okay!” he anxiously ran to her and lifted her up like a little child.

Feng let him manhandle her. “I’m fine.”

“Why did you follow this weird man here?” he sighed. “Feng you have to listen to me. You must not follow weird men or any man in that case to a private space like this. It’s very dangerous, got it?”

“But Alvin he is my mentor,”

“What!” Alvin glared back at Harry. “Why did you choose him?!”

“The duke asked me to choose him who knew he was such an oddball.” She pouted.

“it’s okay. I’ll talk to my uncle. We can prepare another teacher for you.” Alvin gently patted the top of her head.

“no! I chose her! She is my student!”

Alvin placed her back down on the sofa and stood protectively in front of her. “Says the man who chased after her like a perverted beast! How can I trust you with my aunt!”

“Aunt? Hey how are you guys related?” Harry leaned to the side to look at Feng.

Feng sighed. “He is my cousin.” She jumped down the sofa and tugged at Alvin’s sleeves. “its okay. I have everything in control.”

“No this is not ideal at all. I can’t let you be here alone with him. Don’t be afraid Feng I will take care of this.”

Feng glanced up at him, blinking her pretty lashes. “But I don’t have any teachers who specialize in time ability. He is the only one. I know he is crazy and weird, but he has not hurt me in any way and I assure you he will not hurt me as well. If you are so unsure, I can make him sign a contract.”‘ She glanced at Harry. “you’ll sign a contract, right?”

“Yeah! I’m ready to sign a contract!” Harry shouted in desperation.

It had taken him a very long time to find a person with the qualifications as this child. He did not wish to lose her in any case.

Alvin glared at him for a moment and sighed. “Fine I’ll prepare the magic papers for the contract to be signed in.”

Feng raised a brow. “Magic papers?”

“yes, a contract should be signed in magic papers. if not, its not a legally binding one,”

“Oh... is that so?” with her eyes narrowed Feng glanced at the mage.

Harry just gave an awkward laugh.

“Alvin, add two more clauses in it. Mister Harry here is bound to teach me with much sincerity everything he knows of. The second clause should be like this, Harry does not have the right to force me to get involved in any of his laboratory creations. Is that okay?”

“Yes, I’ll make sure to add these for you. And I’ll also add if anything happens to you, he will be torn to pieces.” Alvin said with rare ferocity.

Feng smirked. “Thanks a lot Alvin.”

“My pleasure.” Alvin held her hand. “let’s go and fetch the papers, shall we?”

“it’s okay I’ll stay here. you can go and come back.”


“I’m perfectly safe here. don’t fret.” She assured him.

Only after that did Alvin leave her alone with Harry.

Feng sat back down on the sofa and peered at her mentor. “Sorry for doing this, but I have no other way but to.”

“it’s okay...” Harry glanced away. His wide eyes fell on a piece of cloth with shining golden liquid on it. “You touched it!”

“Yeah, I was curious about it. Don’t worry, I didn’t touch anything else,”

Harry excitedly picked up the piece of cloth. “The liquid is still active! What did you do!”

“I only touched it. Nothing else. What is that liquid, by the way?”

“Something I synthesized with a few rare ingredients. It has the property to control time. But only now I have been unable to activate it. But when you touched it, it activates on its own. Its magical really,” he excitedly placed the piece of cloth down and came to her with that test tube full of liquid. “Can you hold this?”

Feng simply took the test tube in hand.

Suddenly the golden liquid in there started to shine.

“Marvelous!! Fucking marvelous! Who would have known? A level three mage can activate this!”

Feng raised a brow. “You tried it with others?”

“Yes many. Even a few high-level mages came to test this liquid, but none of them activated it. Its spectacular. It’s like your body has been exposed to time variance.....”

Feng froze. She indeed came from another world. At least her soul is from another world. Maybe that might be the reason the liquid was reacting only to her.

She looked at the liquid in slight fear. ‘This guy is dangerous. If he figures out my identity, that stupid game system will go into self-destruct mode immediately.’

Hurriedly, she handed it back to him. “Keep that away from me.”

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