
Despite how much we've discovered about this world's past, and how sad, frustrating, or infuriating it has been, our love for it has never ceased.

We will keep moving forwards as we learn about it and love it even more. And no matter what, we'll always have one another.

"Alright, so there you are." My father walked into our little meal. "Smells good, may I join in?"

"Hello children, seems like you're having a nice barbeque here- Eh? Who is that?" My mother asked, feeling weirded out as she saw Pyuku.

"Looks like… Huh?" Shade couldn't really discern it.

"Pyuku?" Nepheline asked. "It is you, isn't it?"

"It is me…" Pyuku nodded, speaking with words like nobody had heard before.

"E-EEEH?!" My mother reacted the most out of them all. "W-Wait a second! The slime was… a talking person this entire time?! I need to know what's going on in here! Can you at least tell me?!"

"Oh my, it seems the little slime was much more than he showed us to be." Laughed my uncle Arafunn. "Is your name still Pyuku?"

"It is, this is a name I treasure, the name given to me by my friends." Pyuku nodded. "Even if it sounds a bit funny… I like it."

"W-Well, this is shocking, but I'm kind of starving. Mind if we join your little feast?" My father asked kindly. "I'll cook something up too!"

"Me too, we might as well eat together as we discuss what happened." My mother nodded.

Like that, after they arrived, we cooked even more meals and had a gigantic feast with everyone, which was also used to explain to them what had happened to Pyuku, and how he ended like this and all.

Ninhursag helped with explanations as well, our parents were smart, so it didn't take them too long to realize what was happening, and also to understand Pyuku's suffering.

"I see, so that's how it is." My mother smiled gently. "It must have been hard, I'm sorry to hear this… You've been hiding your own emotions a bit too much, child."

"I'm sorry for maintaining this a secret for too long." Pyuku apologized.

"It's fine, you had your reasons." My father said. "You also never had bad intentions, or we would have noticed. You were genuinely lost. I'm glad our kids were able to find you."

"Yeah, that's right." Shade nodded. "Rest assured, you're in good hands."

"And about your family… It is too early to think of the worst, young slime." Nepheline said. "I am sure that somewhere, there might be others like you."

"Unlike my people who were only living in that jungle, you Slimes walked across the entire world. Certainly, there should be someone, somewhere." Ninhursag tried to feed hope into Pyuku's mind.

And I wanted to help him have some hope as well, even if little, it should be enough to drive him to keep moving forwards.

"That's right! Don't give up yet. We'll help you find your kind." I nodded. "Don't worry about it!"

"As she said." Aquarina agreed. "We'll find more slimes no matter what."

"Thanks… for trying to give me hope." Pyuku smiled rather sorrowfully. "I have already given up though, and I'm just… I think I'm just okay with being with all of you anyway. But… I guess, well, maybe… I don't know."

Even after our words, he wasn't too sure if he wanted to hope again, but he had changed, and seemed to be happy with just us… I guess this is better to be left for his own thoughts to decide, instead of trying to tell him what to think.

"Pyuku…" Aquarina seemed to sigh, without knowing what else to say.

I patted her shoulders, giving her a kiss in her cheeks to calm her down.

"It's alright, I think he has improved a lot. He just needs to think and rest for now." I told her. "Don't worry, we're here for him."

"…Thank you." She sighed a bit, as rested on my shoulder, I hugged her back, cuddling with her.

Before the warmth of the bonfire, we ended falling asleep because we were quite tired from all the battles and then having to help Pyuku.

Honestly, hugging her like this and feeling the warmth of her body, and even hearing the beating of her heart was very relaxing.

Her silver-white hair smelled like flowers and was very soothing. Aquarina is such an angel, honestly… Sometimes I begin to wonder how such a pretty and precious girl can even like me.

I ended hugging her tightly as we cuddled and fell asleep with her adorable arms wrapped around my torso.

She's so beautiful and cute, she's my princess…

"Sylphy? Are you awake? Enough napping, dear. We should get moving before it gets dark."

Suddenly, the voice of my mother woke me up. I found myself sleeping inside a small tent, it seemed someone had made it and placed us there. Maybe my dad.

"A-Ah, right… I fell asleep, didn't I?"

I giggled a bit at that, as Aquarina sleepily opened her cute blue eyes, resting over my belly.

"Guh? Ah… Eh?! I fell asleep?!"

"Yep. Are you feeling better now?"

"Yeah… But I wanna cuddle more…"

She quickly dragged herself closer to me and hugged me with all her love, rubbing her face on my chest.

"Hmm, so puffy… You smell so sweet, Sylphy…"

"Geez, you're so spoiled…"

"You spoil me a lot! It's your fault I'm like this now, hehe. Take responsibility!"

She started nibbling my chest playfully, and then grasping one tightly.

"I'm going to eat these tonight too~ Nom, nom!"

"A-Aahhaha! W-Wait, Aquarina, n-not here- Ahahah…!"

I couldn't help but both feel embarrassed and ticklish as she played with me like that. The tent suddenly opened in that moment, as Nepheline walked in looking for Aquarina.

"Aquarina, wake up already- huh?"

The two of us quickly grew as red as a tomato as my mother-

in-law found Aquarina playing with my breasts…

"M-Mom?! Get out!" Aquarina quickly rolled to the side.

"S-Sorry! I didn't see anything!" Her mother was the one most embarrassed, quickly running away. "C-Continue what you were doing, just ignore me!"

"Hahah…" I only laughed a bit nervously. "A-Anyways, let's go."

"Ugh… This was so embarrassing…" Aquarina felt devastated.


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