
Pyuku slowly opened his eyes again, realizing we were hugging him with Aquarina. His shapeless form slowly taking back the appearance he had before, of a young-looking boy… or girl.

"Are you feeling better now?" I asked him. "Can you relax and explain what you found out?"

"I-I…" The young slime didn't know what to say. He seemed to feel some guilt, but also seemed to still have the same feelings as before.

"It's alright, we're here for you!" Aquarina smiled. "We're pals, right? Since we found you! Like Ninhursag said, that you might be the last of your kind doesn't mean you're alone. And who says you're the very last? You know how BIG the world is, Pyuku?"

"Aquarina…" The slime sighed, nodding. "Sorry… Sorry for lying to you and everyone else about who I truly was. I felt like if I simply pretended to be a slime, my life wouldn't become complicated. But… as the years went by, I felt more and more depressed. It felt as if life was becoming meaningless."

"Of course you would feel that way." Ninhursag said. "You were accompanied by people but could not speak your heart out, you couldn't have someone to talk with because you choose to pretend to be something you weren't."

"…" The slime prince remained in silence as he nodded. "You're right… It is all my fault at the end, that I felt this exasperated, and that I ended breaking down like I did. I'm really sorry- Ah, are you hurt?"

He started checking Aquarina's arms and legs, but she was alright.

"I'm fine, really! Don't worry about it." Aquarina smiled. "I'm just relieved you're feeling okay now. Just, don't hide more things from us, okay? We want to learn about you and, know you better, right?"

"Of course…" I nodded gently. "Please, open up with us. There's no need to feel afraid."

"Ugh… Guuh…" Pyuku started crying again, hearing our words. "Thank you… I'm sorry again… Sniff…"

"It's fine, it's alright…" Aquarina comforted the slime with a hug.

Everyone else arrived at our side once things calmed down. We decided to wait for our parents to arrive and make a small camp here. I took a few things from my Inventory and set a small bonfire, deciding to cook something tasty.

The meat of the lizards Aquarina hunted before was still fresh, so I decided to butcher one with her help and then cut the tender parts of the meat into giant steaks, which I began to grill after seasoning.

At the same time, I saw the Quest Completion Notification.


[You have Completed the [Special Quest]: [Level Up Aquarina's Spirits and Find Pyuku]!]

[After leveling up and evolving Aquarina's Spirits, you've found Pyuku in a terrible mental state, and helped him recover with your words and love.]

[However, there's still a lot to learn about his origins, and what he read in this strange mural… And don't let me get started about the whole mural itself!]

[Too many mysteries!]

[The Quest Completion Rewards have been increased for completing the Quest in less than 2 Hours.]

[You Received The Following Rewards]: [10.000.000 EXP] [Yggdrasil's Heart Fragment 1/3 (A+ Grade)] x1 [Rune Growth Enhancement Nut (A+ Grade)] x5 [Physique Growth Enhancement Bean (A+ Grade)] x5]

"These rewards… Yggdrasil Heart Fragment? One of three?" I wondered. "And these growth items are different than the others…!"

"Indeed, these are new items to fit your growth. Now that the other enhancement items seem to nor work properly with you, we calculated it would be better to boost the speed in which you create your own runes or enhance your physique!" Said Alice.

"The other Potions gave too little Runes now, and my body wasn't growing much stronger either." I nodded. "And that's when I was drinking dozens of S Rank ones, so you're right. I'll keep on training and cultivating on my own, these growth acceleration items might be more worth it in the long run!"

I checked their effects, they were interesting.


[Rune Growth Enhancement Nut (A+ Grade)] / [Physique Growth Enhancement Bean (A+ Grade)]

A Special Nut or Bean created to boost the growth of someone's magic circle or physique, created in ancient times by a famous Sage, once consumed, a powerful Magical or Strengthening Aura will encompass your entire body.

These Auras will accelerate your natural growth of Runes within your Magic Circle, or the Physical Fitness of your Physique by +300% for the next 72 Hours.

Each usage of these items will lower their boost by -5%.


So I can use them around 60 times each before their effects are completely lost? Well, interesting. I will be using them for a long while, seeing how they last for 72 Hours.

"But what's the Heart thing for?" I wondered.

"Check it~!" Alice said.

[The [Quest System] nods, you have to check its description.]


[Yggdrasil's Heart Fragment 1/3 (A+ Grade)]

A Fragment of a small Yggdrasil's Tree Heart. It contains its mystical essence, capable of not only enhancing the magic power of someone that absorbs this item, but also strengthen their connection with Nature as a whole.

Once the three fragments are together, the True Heart can be recreated. Once the True Heart is fully absorbed, it is possible to undergone Class Rank Up according to the affinities of the user.

Remaining Fragments: 1/3


"It's a Class Rank Up item! Like the Divine Farmer Elixir." I was surprised. "Nice! But… I need two more?!"

"It is too strong, so it can only be generated through fragments. You'll have to work hard to get the other quests!" Said Alice.

"So that's it…" I nodded. "I guess there's no helping it, you can't get everything easy in this life."

[The [Quest System] says they have the other two quests in standby…]


[This Quest has been shared with Aquarina.]

[Aquarina Received The Following Rewards]: [5.000.000 EXP] [Water Spirit Essence Crystal Fruit (A+ Grade)] x1 [Ice Spirit Essence Crystal Fruit (A+ Grade)] x1 [Slime's Favorite Snack (A+ Grade)] x1]

[Aquarina] Level has increased by 3!]

Wow, even Aquarina got her own unique rewards this time?! Was it because the Quest was shared with her? I think this is some new function that wasn't explored beforehand…

"Huh?! What is this?" Aquarina was surprised when she saw items materialize in front of her as she walked towards me.


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