
"It's clear, let's go in!" I roared, calling the rest of my friends, Aquarina running to my side after she was done. "The cave's filled with golems! Remember what I said! Whoever kills the most gets a custom equipment!"

"They're getting ahead already?!" Celeste said, moving across the battlefield.

She was both summoning her curse magic in the form of chains to immobilize golems and lower their stats while using her mighty spear to pierce their joints, making them crumble down with ease.

"Not fair! You can't just get ahead so easily!" She said angrily. "Spear, come! We're following those two!" She quickly flew right towards us from behind.

"Hahaha, fine, if you really want to have a fair fight, there you go!" I laughed, as Aquarina and I slid through the floor and evaded a huge Golem stepping forwards.


"Hmph, another crystal golem won't be a problem! Don't you remember we've all grown super strong- Eh?!"

However, this golem looked much different than normal crystal golems, it was red, green, and yellow colored instead of just transparent white.

And it was overflowing with an aura of magic and elemental power!


[The [Spirit Crystal Giant Golems (Tier 6)] have stepped forwards!]


Three beams of light, fire, and winds were fired from its chest, reaching Celeste in an instant! The half-demoness panicked, quickly encompassing herself into a barrier of darkness with her Aura.

"[Beast Aura: Abyssal Bat Queen Aura]! [Barrier Form]!"

Her Aura surged in the form of a gigantic Bat made of shadows, encompassing her on its enormous wings as the three beams hit.


"Urgh! You damn thing!"

Celeste was slowed down a lot as she was left fighting it, but I could hear her conjuring some of her Skills as we moved forwards.

"[Cursed Dark Chains]!"

Countless chains made of darkness wrapped around the golem's body, inhibiting its ability to fire too much magic, but it was still bombarding her with fireballs and wind gusts, and rays of light.

"A magician golem is the least thing I could have ever dreamed of!" She sighed, her black spear absorbing her Aura and growing five times as large. "But this is still not enough! I have over 10k Magic after all! [Abyssal Cursed Spear Strike]!"


Her giant spear of darkness pierced the golem's chest, blowing it up and destroying its core in the process, the beautiful and brightly colored golem was no more.


As she dealt with them while the rest of our friends were running into the cave, with Aquarina we were dealing with a colorful group of Spiritual Crystal Giant Golems and some Metal Golems as well!

They were seven in total; seven Tier 6 Monsters would be utterly impossible to deal with by normal standards. Most typical adventurers could barely deal with one if an entire group goes against them.

But us? Well that's a different story entirely.

"Aquarina, take the left, I'll go for the right!"


Aquarina quickly leaped into the air by kicking the ground with extreme strength, shattering the floor below her boots due to her sheer physical might.

Her bare fists reached the Metal Golem in front of her, the creature too slow to react to her lightning speed movements.

Her fists imbued with two giant black frost claws, she swung them against it several times, even as the claws shattered, she simply regenerated them back, kicking and punching the beast!



With a furious roar, her Aura erupted from her body, her two Spirits reacted to her mighty roar, fusing their strength together with hers, forming a gigantic Frost Trident and firing it into the golem's chest.



The Metal Golem couldn't even fight back against Aquarina, quickly falling into the ground and crumbling down to pieces, its core destroyed!

"Hahhh… My hands are burning." She laughed a bit, her hands were bleeding and I could even see a bit of her bone… it was terrifying, but she quickly healed back as she was munching one of Naturia's leaves. "There's nothing like Naturia's leaves! It heals a nice amount and the effects are instant, unlike usual healing magic!"

"You can have as many as you want!" I said. "But please don't push yourself TOO much, okay? I don't like seeing you suffering!"

"It's fine, don't worry about me, sweetie." She smiled. "I love that of you, but I'll be fine! Just watch! I'll inherit that ancient legacy that mother wants, and I'll become the toughest person in my entire tribe! I plan to even surpass her!"


Aquarina covered her fists with gauntlets made of Leviathan's Frost Scales and her Darkness, punching yet another Metal Golem.

I guess I cannot really reason with her, she has gone into complete battle junkie mode!


Meanwhile, the four Spirit Crystal Giant Golems surrounding me unleashed devastating explosions of light, fire, wind, and even darkness.


I swiftly slashed through their feeble elemental attacks with Scarlet, my body gaining red scales and a pair of wings, as I flew into the air with them. I barely had a few scratches if any.

"Your magic's nothing compared to monsters like Arachne!" I roared, activating Scarlet's various Skills, and imbuing them with my Yggdragon's Aura. "[Stone Break] + [Lightning Blade] + [Blazing Sword] + [Dragon Fang] = [Stone Breaking Blazing Lightning Dragon's Fang]!"


My sword unleashed an enormous illusion of a gigantic roaring dragon made of lightning and flames, clashing against the crystal golems one after another, huge explosions of these elements overwhelming them, as giant marks of huge fangs piercing through their bodies appeared one after another.


The Golems crumbled down one after another, incapable of taking all the damage all at once. All while I unleashed yet another of Scarlet's wonderful Skills.

"[Sea Blade] + [Demonic Katana Infernal Dance] = [Demonic Katana's Raging Sea Dance]!"

I moved in midair like the waves of the raging sea, the illusion of a water dragon emerging from the slashes of my sword encompassing the golems and exploding, blowing them up one after another.




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