
Aquarina was pumped up to level up her Spirits, so she was the first to leap into action. This time, however, she didn't brute forced her way through, summoning her two spirits and telling them to fight alongside her.


Several of the six-legged lizards ran towards her. They were roughly a dozen, and three of them chose her as their opponent.

A bad decision, quite honestly.

"Alright, Undine! [Sharp Spirit Trident]! [Turbulent River Currents]!"

"Alright Aquarina~!"

Undine was summoned by her side, as she conjured her new Skills, combining them with Aquarina's fighting style as she leaped into battle.


Five enormous currents of spiraling river waters emerged around her, hitting the three six-legged lizards attacking her, and pushing them away.


The water was so strong and with so much pressure within that the attacks even pierced through the monster's defenses, leaving them covered on several wounds.


Aquarina rushed towards them once she leaped into the airs, her hands quickly summoning a huge trident made of pure Water Attribute Spirit Energy.


With a mighty roar, she pierced the head of one of the lizards with it, killing it on the spot!




The other two aggressively attacked her, responding with tail attacks, slash attacks, and bites! However, Aquarina's body was suddenly covered on glistening silver-colored scales.

"[Ice Crystal Scales]! Well done, Leviathan!"


The little Leviathan wagged his tail happily to be praised, as Aquarina's body was covered on a hue armor made of frost scales, she looked amazing!

The lizard bites were strong, but her armor resisted the powerful bites and their tail wipes with ease, even easier their slashing attacks with their sharp claws.


Aquarina started leaping from one lizard to another, piercing their heads with the trident Undine kept summoned, while spears of frost emerged around her, rotating as they attacked the lizards trying to get her.

"[Icicle Spears]!"

Leviathan summoned dozens of icicle spears, piercing the bodies of the weakened six-legged lizards, while Aquarina killed them once she pierced their heads!


As she was massacring the monsters, everyone was watching in awe in the back, me included! I guess she's really pumped up today.

Although she was so sad over Pyuku, it seems she's letting off some steam now with this monster hunting. And well, maybe what we did last night is still lingering in her mind.

"Amazing, have her synchronization with her spirits become stronger?" Wondered my mother. "She's using their abilities much better now; they're working as a single being."

"Yeah, I just noticed." My father agreed.

"Sister-in-law is strong!" Zephy agreed. "I want a spirit too though!"

"You'll get one eventually!" Celica said. "Well, you could always get a Familiar like me too."

"Ooh, right, that's also a possibility." Zephy nodded.

"Aquarina… She seems to be working harder than before, while limiting all her abilities to let her Spirits do a lot of work." Said Nepheline, analyzing her daughter's fighting style.

"Looks like after seeing Sylphy's Spirit Evolution, she must have wanted something similar." Shade laughed a bit. "She's a hard worker, that's for sure."

"She's just killing every single one!" Zack complained. "At least leave one for us, no?"

"Leave her be, Zack." Mist giggled. "She's having fun!"

"If we get in the way we'll only end up slowing her down. If more monsters show up, let's act, but for now, let's leave her on her own little world." Celeste shrugged.

"Woah! Her two Spirits… they got much stronger!" Lara said in surprise. "Hmm, I wonder if Sylphy has something to do with it~"

"I… Uuuh, nah." I simply feigned ignorance on the situation. "She's just really motivated! That's all… Her Spirits are merely answering to her motivation."

"She sure fights wild." Luck said. "No matter how many times I watch her fight, I always hope to never become her enemy…"

"Dummy, we're all friends, that's never happening." Lara giggled. "But I guess you can ask her to spar with her!"

"W-What?! No way, she's going to demolish me…" Luck wasn't really confident about a 1v1 against Aquarina.

"Heh, from all the spars we've had, I've won a fair bit!" Zack said. "She might look very strong but she got a few weaknesses. She also lacks physical defense, her body's nimble and all, but she's not good at taking too many blows… Well, that's a bit different now, that ice armor she's covered on… It looks tough."

"Very tough…" Mist nodded.


The Eight-Legged Giant Lizard stepped in once all its lackeys died. Our friends weren't even able to touch any monster because Aquarina just hunted them all in a flash.

"Oh? Are you mad I hunted your pack?" Aquarina smiled defiantly, her eyes turning from blue to red, a strong aura of darkness emerging from her body. "I'll take you on!"


The Eight-Legged Giant Lizard exuded a mighty aura of its own, enhancing its power temporarily just like Aquarina! Both clashed against one another right away!


Aquarina's armor constantly shattered and recovered thanks to Leviathan, while she swung her fists against the lizard, imbuing shadows, and water into the tridents she created thanks to Undine's powers.

Meanwhile, her opponent attacked with a myriad of claw attacks, it had so many arms that it was to be expected! Both seemed to be on a slight stalemate.


"I don't want too much of my powers but…!" Aquarina smiled, her red eyes glowing even brighter, as one of her arms transformed, gaining countless black spots until her fingers turned into giant, sharp claws, encompassed on the water of Undine and Leviathan's ice. "This should count, right?! [Abyssal Frost Claw]!"


Her claw pierced through the Eight-Legged Giant Lizard's attacks, the beast desperately opened its jaws, unleashing a devastating fire breath attack!


However, Aquarina easily slashed through the flames, cutting the lizard's head into two perfect slices, and making the enormous creature fall into the ground!

"Phew… Well, that wasn't half bad to let out some steam." Aquarina sighed in relief, covered on blood.

I know I should feel a bit scared, but the only thing I can think of is that my girlfriend is amazingly cool!


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