
After waking up covered on sweat and other fluids, I grabbed Aquarina and immediately went to take a bath with her to wash ourselves from last night's… passion.


"Uwaaggh! So cold! Sylphy! Are you angry?"

Aquarina complained as I splashed her with bowl filled with incredibly cold water.

"I'm just making sure you're not horny all the time…" I smiled gently. "I'm not angry at all~!"

"Y-You seem really angry…" Aquarina sighed. "O-Okay, sorry! Maybe I did go a bit too far… But its not like I forced you to, and you liked it at the end, right?"

"I-I… Yes, at the end it's also my fault." I agreed. "Ugh, good thing I set up a barrier for sound before we started that… Ahh, I feel guilty now."

"Why?" Aquarina raised an eyebrow. "It was nice… And it felt good, we were happy. So why would you feel guilty?"

"I-I don't know… I'm dumb and insecure I guess." I crossed my arms, looking down into the bath's floor. "Sorry…"

"Why are you sorry?" Aquarina couldn't understand what I meant. "Calm down, it's alright… You're a bit too shy sometimes… I think that is all."

"Yeah, maybe…" I agreed with her, as she was washing my air. "I-I just let myself get too much into the moment and… that's usually not like me."

"Hehe, that means it was pretty good then!" Aquarina smiled, giving me a big kiss in my cheek. "It's alright, sweetie."

"Sweetie now?" I wondered, blushing a bit.

"Well you call me dear all the time, can't I call you by cute names?" Aquarina giggled. "Oh, how about my honeybun? You're cute and tiny like one."

"T-Tiny?! I'll grow up eventually!" I pouted a bit. "Though… I guess I'm quite small… Yeah…"

As Aquarina made me realize all my friends were growing taller while I remained rather small, I felt slightly sad.

"Uwah, d-don't get sad over it… Sorry!" Aquarina apologized, rather nervous of having made me upset about that little comment. "Y-You might be a bit smaller, but you're definitely the strongest among all of us!"

"Hahh… Y-Yeah, yaaay…" I sighed. "My mom's small too, I guess I inherited her midget genes. My father is very tall though! Ugh… What will it be for me, I wonder?"

"I bet you'll grow super tall eventually!" Aquarina nodded, confident about it. "The more your Physique develops, the stronger your body grows after all."

"Right, I guess you're right in that!" I agreed. "I'll just have to wait a bit more…"

"Yep, that's right!" She nodded, trying to cheer me up. "But I think you're perfect just the way you are. You should accept yourself more!"

"Hmm… Right. I guess I was just being dumb." I smiled, giving her a kiss. "Thank you, sweetie."

"S-Sweetie?!" Aquarina blushed, growing all red.

The horny was taking over her once more…

"Well~ I wouldn't mind if you washed my body more thoroughly if you wanted to." I smiled to her coquettishly.

"I-If you don't mind then…" She agreed immediately, as she started kissing my neck and touching my chest. "Ah… You smell so good…"

"You're really obsessed with smells, don't you?" I wondered, giggling a bit. "Is that an Amazonian thing?"

"Maybe… We do have a much keener sense of smell." She smiled. "After all, my mom always smells dad when he hugs her or kisses her… Is it weird?"

"Nah, a bit kinky but I like it." I giggled. "You have your own things, and I have mine. Nobody's really perfect, but I do like you even with those things taking into consideration."

"Uwaaah, Sylphy, do you have to be so damn cute when you say that?! C-Come here!" She started grasping my breasts tightly. "Mooch, mooch!" We started making out while taking a warm bath.

We ended taking a bit longer in the bath… Aquarina is too passionate. I can't even imagine her when she grows up more.

"Good morning girls, you took a bit longer to wake up, were you awake until late?" My mother greeted us with a gentle smile as she was cooking.

"Y-Yeah…" I said, nervously. "W-We… w-we were… s-seeing the s-stars."

"They were really pretty!" Aquarina nodded, she was much better at lying than I was.

"I see. Your parents are outside checking on the farm with Allan, Aquarina." My mother said.

"Oh, okay! I'll go check on them." Aquarina ran outside to greet her parents, as my friends were already beginning to sit around the table.

"Sylphy! It's a wonderful morning today!" Said Lara. "And there are so many Spirits! What bliss!"

"Honestly I can't see any spirits but yeah it's pretty nice." Luck agreed.

"The air in Cloudia is a bit thinner though, but I already got kind of used to it." Zack said. "I guess it's really not a place for any person to live."

"Well, it is because we're very high into the skies, oxygen levels are quite thinner." My mother explained. "Though, all of you are very strong now, your Physiques can easily adapt to these conditions."

"Oooh, even me?" Mist wondered.

"I mean, if you don't feel bad, well, yes." My mother giggled a bit.

"It's pretty interesting…" Celica agreed. "Auntie Faylen, where are we going today though?"

"Oh, today? Well, I was thinking on taking the passage that leads to the Evergreen Forest, there's a large Ruin in there, which has become a Dungeon after we checked. It wasn't one before though, so we were thinking on giving it a look." My mother said. "After that, we can keep exploring further. I was thinking on reaching the Golden Dunes eventually, that's where a lot of Ruins are left behind."

"The Golden Dunes… is that the desert we saw when we got here?" I asked my mother.

"Yes, that very same!" My mom nodded. "There are also some pretty high mountains covered on ice, a large Tundra… And some swamps as well. This Continent is quite smaller compared to the others, but it has many varied ecosystems. Mostly produced by the large quantities of divine energy exuded by the Ancient Ruins."

"Wow…" I was amazed. "That kinds of reminds me of the Dungeon in a way."

"Isn't it?" My mother agreed. "Your Dungeon… might be quite connected to the Gods Technology, somehow." She was speculating something.

"I guess… I did make it through transforming one of the Dimensional Crystals into a bracelet, that somehow gave me the ability to enter a tiny Dungeon." I explained. "Though, I haven't tried making more of those."

"That bracelet, is it?" My mother wondered. "I see, Arachne had a similar one, though it got destroyed. I don't think it would be possible to replicate what you did though, it might seem to have used the bracelet as a catalyst, but this Dungeon was born from your innate powers, the unique abilities you were born with."

I was shocked by how much my mother knew about my powers without me ever explaining her how they worked…

"Y-Yeah, maybe…" I said while trying to just act oblivious about it, until suddenly…

"Sylphy! Everyone! There's something big happening to Yggdra!" Aquarina came running inside the house, announcing something surprising.

"Yggdra?" I wondered, noticing she wasn't around.

"Let's go see what it is!" Alice said.

"Yeah!" I agreed, rushing outside with the rest of my friends.


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