
After Lara's help, Yggdra was finally able to come along with us through a Manifested Form, slightly resembling a fairy made of green-colored magic energy, looking rather similar to Alice herself, which was quite surprising.

Once Yggdra was able to move through this extension of her own soul, we were able to easily show her around with everyone else. They got to meet her and know her better, talking with her and learning from her life.

Currently, we were enjoying some snacks I had brought alongside fruits made by Yggdra while sitting below the shadow her branches and leaves created right at the side of her gigantic body.

"So you were really an Eden Apple Tree Sylphy grew?!" Zack asked in surprise. "It's insane how big you got!"

"Well, it was thanks to a special skill she possessed that I was able to develop this far. The Skill named [Agriculture]" She explained.

"There's such a normal-sounding skill?" Mist wondered. "Was that the Skill you had at the beginning, Sylphy?"

"Well…" I wondered if it was fine to be so open about these things, but I quickly realized it didn't matter much right now, seeing how everyone already had their Systems, and knew about many Skills.

"Yeah." I nodded. "I was only born with a few Skills; I think they were… three? One was simply [Ember], and then there was [Agriculture]." I explained. "Unlike you guys, I cannot level up. Nor acquire Skills normally through practice and stuff, I can only obtain them from something called Skill Evolution, or from items and rewards."

"Is it fine to tell them so much?" Alice whispered to me through telepathy.

"Yeah, I trust them more than anything, they're my best friends, and I really love them… So I think it's fine to be more open." I answered her.

"I see…" Aquarina nodded, understanding me better. "I have heard that Alice was rather… wounded at the beginning, is this the reason why your system is so different?"

"Kind of, her creations now are like flawless mini systems, they provide the basic functions such as leveling up and stuff, but aren't as complex as mine, heh." I smiled proudly.

"So, this [Agriculture] Skill sounds pretty lame, was it as lame as it sounds?" Zack wondered.

"Zack! Do you have to be so rude?" Mist gave him a slap on the head, although it didn't even hurt him because he was as tough as a rock.

"Hahaha, sorry." Zack laughed a bit.

"Don't worry, these original skills were all very lame, and weak. They were supposed to become stronger as they leveled up, but at the beginning I was unable to make Skills Level Up." I sighed. "So I was stuck with Level 0 Skills for years! And yeah, it might have been quite useless if it wasn't for the benefits they had compared to Spells, and also… Well, you know my System is Glitched, right? It means the numbers are frozen, that also means that my MP never runs out."

"S-So that's it!" Celeste said. "Is this the secret behind your infinite mana?!"

"I don't know if it truly influences everything completely, but it might have some sort of influence in why I seem to have a near endless source of Mana." I explained. "Though, having infinite mana doesn't mean having infinite power, if I overuse too much Mana, my soul and body start to take a lot of backlash damage… Very painful, it took me many years to slowly improve that aspect."

"Ouch, really?" Aquarina asked. "Ah, is this why you kept passing out when you used too much magic?! Aw, my poor little Sylphy…" She started hugging me and letting me rest my head on her chest.

"Yeah, it really hurt…" I cuddled with her, quickly realizing I was actually with everyone else. "Ahem! A-Anyways… Thanks to all that Mana I had, I used the Agriculture Skill, which is supposed to be able to enhance the growth of plants and boost their health and magic power to help Yggdra grow tremendously."

"So it seems, but it wasn't just an enhancement to my growth. Sylphy's Mana, since the very beginning, has been very special, it is filled with Spiritual Energy." Said Yggdra. "She helped me grow and develop a strong, spiritual soul… Since I sprouted out of my seed that I became a special kind of living being. Half a spirit, and half a plant monster, maybe."

"Amusing…" Celica was really interested. "I wonder how that works! Yggdra! Is my Mana with Spirit energy too?!" She suddenly made it emerge into her tiny hands.

"A-Ah… Well, it is quite cold and… phantasmal." Yggdra sensed Celica's Mana, and recoiled a bit, flying back to me. "Sorry, it seems to be of Phantasmal and Darkness attribute rather than Spirit."

"Oh…" Celica sighed. "Oh well! I can make more frens with this type of mana, so I guess it makes sense!"

"Yeah!" Zephy agreed. "Your magic is amazing and very unique, Celica, don't feel bad! You could one day make like… a whole army to help us out when fighting baddies!"

"Right… I could!" Celica nodded. "I might begin making more frens then!" She suddenly gained an insight of her true potential.

We knew she could get this far if we told her but we've not done so because it would feel forceful, it was better for her to discover her abilities on her own.

After all, Celica is incredible, even compared to her mother that can only create a few threads made of phantom energy to control a small puppet, she can do much more.

And I think the System I gave her has only enhanced her potential even more…

"Well, the Spirit Element might be because of her bloodline, no?" Asked Celeste. "She's the daughter of Faylen and also her grandmother is a fairy herself."

"Yeah, most likely." Alice agreed. "Sylphy has been able to imbue small amounts of spirit energy into anything she touches with her Mana. This energy is capable of even creating souls if accumulated in enormous quantities, and she has perhaps an endless supply, greatly diluted through her large quantity of mana."

"I never knew about such a thing…" I realized. "I really thought this spirit energy came much later."

Even I was discovering new things about myself today.


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