As Ignatius fused into my Dragon Heart, activating my Draconification automatically and at the same time, my Yggdragon Aura of Battle, I underwent a quick transformation. Crimsons scales grew around several parts of my body, even more than before, almost covering my skin completely except for my face. Enormous dragon wings sprouted out of my back, alongside a long, thick tail, and sharp claws and horns. Even my eyes enhanced their eyesight even more, becoming draconic eyes.

"{Dual Swordsmanship Arts}: [Double Elemental Slash]!"

I activated the Skill I inherited from Zephy, enhanced with my own swordsmanship techniques, and combined with the Element of Fire and Thunder, as I materialized a new thunder sword with the [Holy Divine Thunder Armament Creation] Skill.


Two powerful slashes of fire and thunder were unleashed, slashing through the Miasmic Creatures and blowing them up into ashes. I used this technique repeatedly, massacring their numbers which almost reached a hundred.


Explosions of fire and thunder erupted everywhere, the Miasmic Creatures noticed my presence, immediately ceasing their attack and charging against me. Some of them even unleashing powerful breath attacks, beams of pure corrupted energies.

"That’s not going to work!"

I quickly pointed my hands in front of me and then conjured one of my strongest spells, which was also a Skill I’ve been leveling steadily.

"{Advanced Fire Magic: Heavenly Blazing Wall}!"


An eruption of white flames erupted from the ground, surrounding me, and quickly defending me from the incoming beams. The explosions of miasmic energies, containing darkness, poison, and other evil elements were easily blocked by the barriers of flames.

The explosions shook the flames, but they never went down. Without thinking it twice, I quickly grasped the power of the fire and manipulated it, turning them into several blazing spears and quickly sending them flying towards my foes.


The spears not only pierced through the creatures but quickly exploded, generating even more damage. The special power of these flames was that they could also purify miasma easily, so they burned miasma, cleaning the area!


With around forty of these monsters left, they quickly seemed to change their plan, beginning to step back, attempting to retreat. This showed they weren’t completely mindless, and were smart, or something smart was controlling them.

"Sylphy! They’re running away!" Ignatius said.

"I can see that! You guys, time to work too!" I called my Familiars.

All of them quickly stepped into the battle.

"About time, leave this to us!"

Furoh appeared in front of the Miasmic Creatures, who pounced at him, trying to tear him to shreds. His Fenrir form quickly transforming into a different form, the shape of a giant fire dragon, Ignatius’ brother!


His size alone was staggering, with a mighty roar, he unleashed a giant wave of draconic flames, burning through the Miasmic Creatures. He wasn’t as strong as the real deal though, only imitating his size and abilities but using his own stats.

But his stats were pretty high anyways, even more when boosted with my buffs, especially the Yggdragon Dual Aura!


Explosions of flames stopped one third of the Miasmic Creatures, they burned, some died, but the majority survived, quickly attacking Furoh with their beams of miasma.



The ground beneath them trembled, as a gigantic mole dug through the ground and created pitfalls, making the beast fall into ten-meter-deep holes, making it very hard for them to crawl outside.

That was my little Brownie, the Earth Spirit I had, in action!


The monsters didn’t give up, those that didn’t fall easily evaded the pitfalls and the incoming stone spears coming from below, trying to run away as much as possible.

They sure liked living, huh? Despite being monsters that were trying to invade the Arboren!

"Where do you think you’re going?"

"Nowhere to go, you guys!"

Yggdra and Naturia combined their powers, forming huge walls of spiritual wood. The Miasmic Creatures tried to climb them, but shar spikes of wood constantly came out of the walls, piercing their bodies and infusing them with holy spirit energy, burning their insides. Fully trapped, the rest of my Familiars also started attacking. Gluttony started swallowing them whole, any Miasmic Creature incapable of moving became his snack, this time not storing them but flat out eating them and digesting them, he can eat just about anything. Curse and Beelzebub absorbed the miasma from the creatures, making them weaker, they couldn’t quite damage them though as their elemental powers were the same as the monsters, and the monsters would absorb it back, so they only drained them out of their power, working as debuffers, well, they always do that anyways.

Lastly, Violet slammed them in the head with her giant alchemy cauldron shell and used her powers to shoot down projectiles into their bodies, filling them with holes. Naturia did the same with her famous seed bullets, which had evolved into incredibly strong little projectiles.

"We got you, there’s nowhere to run now!"

I stepped forward, swinging my two swords wildly and not letting any of these bastards go. With Scarlet’s amazing new skills and high stats, she was devastating anything.

"{Four Colored Holy Dragon Thunder Flame}!"

Her blade overflowed with four-colored flames of thunder and fire, each slash of my sword unleashed waves of cutting flames and thunder, devastating the monsters.

The last ten Miasmic Creatures suddenly ran towards one another, melding together into a gigantic form, if the previous ones were as strong as Tier 7 monsters, this thing was Tier 8.


With a furious roar, it charged towards me, thinking it could act like he was strong now.

"Try again another day," I said. "{Sword Ki Aura Domain}!"

Activating Scarlet’s Skill in conjunction with my own Auras, a powerful Domain of the Blade was expanded, flames and thunder becoming dozens of swords that pierced the monster’s

Slimy body.

Maybe if it were another type of monster with a tougher body, that wasn’t so weak to my elements, it could have ended differently...

But right now? It just exploded into shreds, and each piece then turned into ashes.


"Phew... Finally over, I think."

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