

[The [Failed Divine Weapon: Apollo (Tier 10)] has recognized your strength!]

[The hundreds of souls making it have fused into a temporary will of its own…]

[The Will changes its shape, transforming Apollo into its [False Deity of the Corrupted Sun] form!]

[All Fire Attribute Power, Movement Speed, and Intelligence have increased by an additional +300%!]

[A [Deadly Aura of Corrupted Flames] will begin burning anything within a 10-meter radius around Apollo! Targets that burn for more than 30 seconds will begin to have their powers sealed and crystalized.]

[However, the desperation that Apollo has taken has slightly weakened its own Soul Strength, and therefore, the Barrier has become weaker…]

Although it became even stronger than before, and even deadlier with that Aura, the barrier and their souls weakened! And our squad of soul-debuffers had yet to unload all of their arsenal on them yet! However, this made Apollo much faster and cunning…


He kept his distance from us now, waving his four hands and releasing waves after waves of Corruption Flames. My mother's barriers and shields held on just fine, they easily blocked any damage.


However, it seemed like he was trying to stall for time, trying to see if my mother could hold on her barrier for much longer. She had a lot of Mana, but not infinite Mana… However, she seemed perfectly fine, despite having been conjuring spells everywhere.

"You're getting cowardly now? That's no good, you know?"

Uncle Arafunn suddenly appeared right above Apollo, the "Evil God" didn't even notice him as my uncle started playing his flute. A fine and beautiful melody was created… the melody grew on intensity, Apollo seemed to be in a strange daze as he heard the sound.

Although there was no sky in the ruins, winds emerged, clouds materialized above Arafunn, the winds, the lightning, the rain, everything unified by his melody.

"[Melody of Tempest]: [Act I: Storming Butterflies]"


An enormous spiraling tempest of winds, lightning, and rain descended upon Apollo while he didn't expect it!

His shockwaves of flames were quickly overwhelmed by Arafunn's magic, his whole body being thrown down as the storm seemed to transform into millions of green butterflies.



Apollo gave an agonizing shriek, his barrier slightly cracked, as his entire body collapsed on the ground!



With a furious roar, his fists gathered the Corrupted Flames, unleashing a devastating barrage of punches! However, Uncle Arafunn's winds clashed against his punches and divided into four tornadoes, all stopping them from hitting him.


"You're still a child when it comes to controlling elemental power." Arafunn slightly mocked him. "Why don't you die and let those poor souls find some peace at long last?"

With those words, his melody continued!

As it continued, winds covered our bodies, giving us an amazing boost in speed.

"[Melody of Tempest]: [Act II: Celestial Tornado's Aura]"

He modified the Celestial Tornado Act and turned it into an Aura for all of us… So even his strongest Abilities can change like this to his whim?!

Despite not having been training, his ability over his magic was simply superb!

"Your winds… PATHETIC!"

Apollo roared furiously, his flames surging endlessly from his body as they clashed against uncle Arafunn's winds.


As both elements clashed, my father, Shade, Nepheline, and Ninhursag all appeared right next to Arafunn.

"About time you got here!"

As Arafunn said that the four heroes attacked Apollo with everything they had.

"This barrier of yours is sure the only thing you got going for! I'll smash it to pieces!"

My father's Heavenly Flames combined with his techniques, making them extremely deadly.

"You're not the only one that can get bigger, you know?!"

Nepheline's entire body grew into a giantess covered by ores and metals, her hammer growing just as big, she smashed Apollo with furious strength.

"This new transformation might be just ideal for this situation…!"

Ninhursag transformed into a giant Sunstone Plateau Giant Goat, defending with the barrier that the horns could create and firing beams of Sunlight, combined with her Element of Nature.

"Your spells are good, let me reinforce them."

Meanwhile, Shade suddenly reinforced Celeste's magic while attacking with his dagger of shadows, releasing explosions of black flames. The chains absorbed his Abyssal Embodiment Essence, growing to a tremendous size and encompassing the entire humanoid Apollo again!

At the same time, Celica waved her hands, releasing all the power of her Soul Aura, as all the Specters she held within transformed into a gigantic, skeleton-like claw.

"[Phantasmal Magic]: [Spectral Soul-Clenching Skeleton Claw]!"

She moved her hand and controlled the gigantic phantasmal skeleton claw with ease, it swiftly reached Apollo and tightly clenched its soul!


The many souls that made Apollo's soul all seemed to agonize in pain… It was necessary to free them, so you'll have to bear with it!

"Keep it well clenched, Celica! I'm going all-out now, no holding back anymore!!!"

At the same time, Zephyrus channeled all his Aura and Mana into both of his swords, using his own imagination to transform them into a massive sword of crimson and black colors. It exuded an air of shadows, blood, and even a hint of demonic power, fusing into a titanic sword of flames!

"T-This is like papa… and big sis!" He smiled confidently. "I'll call it… [Demon Slaying Blazing Crimson Blade]!"


The giant sword rushed through the air and hit Apollo, piercing his barrier and generating countless more cracks!

Crack, crack… CRAAACK!

Zephyrus Unique Aura and powers managed to corrupt the barrier enough to create a big opening!

"[Divine Saintly Spirit Summoning Magic]: [Divine Spirit Circle Of Sealing]! [Aura of Eternal Spiritual Protection]!"

As Zephyrus did that, Lara conjured an Aura of Eternal Spiritual Protection over all of us, while conjuring a giant magic circle beneath Apollo, weakening him even further, with all of that, we attacked with our strongest techniques, aiming at the massive cracks.

"[Divine Arrow of Prometheus]!"

And Mist was the one that hit Apollo's largest crack first, as she fused all her Dress' Magic Arrows together into a gigantic, blazing arrow!



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