
As we chatted while I brainstormed what I could make for these two, I also continued sketching my ideas for my own equipment. The black gloves I wanted were already almost done in design.

They would have a simple, lightweight design, and will be black. They will also be made using threads I'll create out of mixing the goat's leather with mithril and the goat's horn material too.

Lastly, I'll also imbue the rainbow spirit stone fragments, and the giant goat's magic crystals too!

Also, I'll add the golem's core crystals, and add several defense and weight-enchantment runic engravings.

What I need the most is weight to hold my ground, I've realized that some time ago…

These gloves will help me both have more weight and also push me through constant exercise as a result, so I can strengthen my arms some more.

I've also resumed my daily sword swings, which I've stopped doing for a year now because of all the battles we've had so far.


And after finally finishing my three thousand swings after only half an hour, I felt renewed, my muscles were strengthening themselves, forcing themselves to become tougher to resist all the pressure.


[You have successfully practiced 3000 Sword Swings in less than one hour.]

[Your Physique has absorbed the Essence of the Sword and strengthened itself.]

[Your Physique has become stronger.]

[Your Physical Strength, Physical Fitness, and Stamina have improved.]

The System notified me of my progress, even if I couldn't gain stats, I could still improve my physique and my physical fitness.

"I really needed some of this lately… I've gotten too lazy, this is not like me! I'll get back to my full-on training mode!" I said while celebrating my growth.

After gaining so many skills, powers, and abilities, I ended growing conceited and neglected my training, relying on the system for everything.

But that isn't like me! I can't simply rely on Alice for everything. I have to continue growing stronger by myself.

That System notification right now was merely a notification, it wasn't any power it granted me.

This strength… I gained it on my own!

"You seem pumped up!" Alice giggled. "Looks like everyone's getting ready to depart though, are you ready to walk that much?"

"Of course! I want to climb the Sunstone Plateau at all costs! Look, I've made a lot of weights lately, using the heaviest metals I could find, and I've wrapped them all around my body." I showed Alice.

"Wow, you're sure going hardcore on the training, I thought this was a vacation?" Ignatius wondered.

"It is, but I find training fun, actually, so I don't mind the hardships." I answered while cleaning the sweat off my forehead. "Anyways, let's go back with everyone for now."

I moved rapidly back with my friends. I did feel heavier, but that was actually good. I need to be heavier to both strengthen myself and also to not be thrown around like a ragdoll.

"Sylphy! Are you done with your training?" My mother called me. "We're moving up!"

"Let's go, dear!" My father called me.

"Big sis!" Zephy called.

"Okay, okay, I'm coming!"

I leaped over the rocks one after another, reaching them in a split of a second. I had climbed to some spot where I could see a beautiful view before, but I had to descend to go up again with everyone.

Even with all the weight I could place around my body without it looking weird, I was still able to move swiftly… Well, the weight is still there making my movements slightly rougher.

But that's also part of the training!

"So we're moving up? To the summit?" I wondered.

"Yep!" My father said. "I've heard there's some big ruins over there, we want to check them. After that, we'll go down again all the way to the grasslands. Shouldn't take more than a day or two."

"Honestly, I'm quite excited…" My mother admitted. "Exploring new ruins used to be one of my hobbies before I became a Saint… Going back to this is quite nostalgic…!"

"I'm glad you're so excited, mom! This was also some vacations too. So I'm glad you're getting to have fun." I said, as I gave her a big kiss in her cheek.

"You sure love to spoil your mother." She giggled, as she quickly started walking across the plateau.

It wasn't just rocks, there was a clear path moving upwards, so there was no problem in climbing it the plateau, as it wasn't exactly just vertical.

It was just an enormous elevation of stone and ground that led very high, something that rarely happens out there.

My friends caught up to us, we were a huge group walking upwards. The view was gorgeous though, there were all sorts of unique endemic herbs that grew at this altitude, which I neatly picked up one after another.

Around the road we walked through, there were also large growths of Sunstone, which I only picked a couple of times, to not make my mother angry… or well, too angry, she was already a bit angry I got greedy again.

The enormous Sunstone Plateau Giant Goats were gently and calmly walking across the expansive area, there was grass here and there, huge cactuses, and stones sprouting from the ground, resembling gigantic spears.

"Man, the breeze in here is just as calming. Although a bit stronger." Zack said while stretching his arms.

"Cloudia is really a beautiful place…" Luck smiled, admiring the view.

"It is! And there's so many Spirits everywhere! Hi! Oh, hi, how are you? Me? I'm good! Hehehe!" Lara was already making friends with hundreds of invisible spirits.

"I always dreamed of a relaxing trip into some unknown place, an adventure without having to worry about stuff." Mist said with a smile, holding Zack's hand.

"Honestly? Me too." Zack nodded. "I think it makes it even better when you're there too. You make any view even more beautiful."

"Z-Zack…" Mist became as red as a tomato.

"He's good." Aquarina nodded.

"Yep, he got her." I agreed.

"Where did he learn those phrases?" Wondered Celeste. "This man's full of rizz now! I remember when he was such a bratty kid…"

"I taught him a few things," uncle Arafunn from all people floated nearby.



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