Reincarnated as a Divine Tree

Chapter 68: Five Organs Ascension Technique

“Clan Chief.”

When Ethan Chen arrived at the fertile fields, he was greeted by the sight of Mason Chen’s worried face.

This made Ethan’s heart sink slightly; it seemed the situation was not good.

“What happened?”

Ethan asked, his face still calm.

“Clan Chief, the weather has turned cold recently. These Blood Rice plants haven’t grown in two days.”

Upon hearing this, Ethan quickly walked into the fields to inspect the growth of the Blood Rice.

In just over two months, the Blood Rice plants, which were originally just seedlings, had grown to over half a person’s height. The plants had already produced rice ears, which were a light red color.

Looking around, the several acres of spiritual fields resembled a sea of blood, swaying gracefully in the breeze.

By now, the Blood Rice should have been in its ripening stage. In about half a month, the rice grains would start to grow, and the rice ears would turn dark red. Once the ears became plump, it would be time for harvest.

However, when Ethan bent down to inspect the rice ears, he found them shriveled.

Clearly, with the weather turning cold, the Blood Rice had stopped growing, even though it had started to ripen.

Ethan checked other Blood Rice plants and found similar conditions.

Some rice ears had very small grains, while others had not produced any grains at all.

If left unchecked, the situation would only worsen, and the clan’s efforts over the past two months would be in vain.

The other clan members standing nearby were also at a loss. After all, this had never happened before because they used to plant the rice earlier to avoid this weather.

Seeing the other clan members looking at him, Ethan knew he had to come up with a solution.

After thinking for a moment, Ethan had an idea and spoke up:

“Have the clan members surround the fields with soil walls. Let’s see if that helps.”


Upon hearing the Clan Chief’s instructions, everyone immediately began to take action.

But Ethan’s face showed little joy. Although this might increase the temperature in the fields slightly, the weather would only get colder.

Mason understood this as well, but there seemed to be no other solution at the moment. It was worth a try.

If it didn’t work, they would have to give up, which would greatly affect the clan’s development.

Watching the busy clan members, Ethan gave some instructions before heading back to the clan.

The fields were quite large, and even building a soil wall around them was no easy task. The walls couldn’t be too short either; they had to be tall enough to cover the growing Blood Rice.

He planned to go back and gather more clan members to help.

Feeling somewhat anxious, Ethan quickly returned to the clan and dispatched many idle clan members to the fields.

Before Ethan could rest, another clan member came to report:

“Clan Chief, it seems some clan members have been practicing a new combat skill recently.”


Ethan looked at the reporting clan member with a puzzled expression.

A month ago, he had distributed two new combat skills that had been fully recorded. After the new skills were distributed, many clan members had started practicing them. Since the skills were not of high grade, most of the Blood Condensation Realm Warriors in the clan had already mastered them, though they were not yet proficient. Even many Body Tempering Realm Warriors had benefited.

But now he was being told that clan members were practicing a new combat skill, which confused him. He quickly asked:

“What combat skill?”

The reporting clan member shook his head:

“It’s definitely not one of the three combat skills the clan already had.”

Hearing this, Ethan was even more puzzled. Aside from those three combat skills, could there be another one? He was the Clan Chief; how could he not know?

Ethan immediately called a few clan members to inquire about the situation and soon learned the source of the new combat skill. It was said to have first come from Lucas Chen and Alexander Chen.

This gave Ethan a vague sense of foreboding.

Lucas had always been restless since he was a child. He suspected that the two machetes under the Sacred Tree were Lucas’s doing.

But at that time, the Sacred Tree was just sprouting, so he didn’t pursue the matter. He didn’t expect the clan to have a new combat skill now.

Ethan’s expression grew serious. Combat skills were not like Chinese cabbage; each one was the result of countless experiments by numerous warriors.

Many combat skills were passed down through generations to ensure they wouldn’t be lost.

Creating a combat skill was extremely risky. A slight mistake could cause a warrior’s meridians to go awry, and in severe cases, they could explode and die.

Lucas was only in the early stages of Body Tempering. Could it be that after seeing the three combat skills, he thought he could create a new one?

This kid was too bold.

No, he had to ask quickly to prevent the clan from facing a disaster.

Soon, the two were brought before Ethan.

“Greetings, Great-Uncle.”

“Greetings, Clan Chief.”

Lucas seemed to know something was wrong and smiled, not addressing him as Clan Chief.

Only Alexander looked curious, not knowing why the Clan Chief had summoned them.

Seeing Lucas trying to get close, Ethan’s face turned even paler. He quickly asked:

“I heard you’ve been learning a new combat skill recently? What is it? Speak up.”

Seeing Ethan’s serious expression, Lucas didn’t dare to hide anything. He immediately took out an old book from his pocket.

The book was gray and yellow, stained with many indelible marks. Only a few large characters on the cover were vaguely visible.

“Five Organs Ascension Technique!”

Seeing these words, Ethan’s body froze, and a long-buried memory slowly resurfaced in his mind.

Humans have five organs, and it is said that these organs contain immense power, but ordinary people cannot harness it.

After warriors temper their bodies and refine their Qi and blood, their five organs become even more powerful.

The Five Organs Ascension Technique was indeed a combat skill, specifically designed to unleash the power hidden in a warrior’s five organs.

Moreover, this combat skill was very easy to learn, even for Body Tempering Realm warriors.

However, using this combat skill had severe negative effects. Each use required exploding one of the five organs to unleash its power.

Even the strongest warriors could only use it four times in their lifetime!

As for the fifth time, no one could survive after exploding their heart.

This combat skill was accidentally obtained by the clan during their migration. The clan valued its power and had a few members learn and use it.

The skill was indeed powerful, but the cost was extremely high. Even exploding one organ would make a warrior regret it for life, leading to a miserable end.

After realizing the drawbacks of this skill, Ethan had hidden it when the clan settled at Disordered Burial Mountain.

Over time, he had forgotten about it, or rather, he didn’t want to remember it. After all, each use of the skill meant the sacrifice of a clan member.

Relying on this skill, even if they survived, the clan could never grow strong.

He couldn’t understand what the warrior who created this skill was thinking.

Seeing this combat skill again today brought back those painful memories.

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