Reincarnated as a Divine Tree

Chapter 61: Get on the right track

The loud noise instantly silenced everyone, and the scene became eerily quiet.

They weren't even warriors, so how could they have ever witnessed such a spectacle? If that palm strike had landed on them, would they still be alive?

This caused a trace of fear to appear in many people's eyes.

But it also made many of them even more excited. Becoming a house servant for the Chen Clan meant they might have a chance to become warriors in the future. Perhaps they could also wield such power one day?

A determined look appeared in many eyes. This time, they were determined to become house servants for the Chen Clan!

Seeing the crowd quiet down, faces filled with fear, Elijah Chen's expression remained unchanged.

The technique he had just used was the Grand Ancestor Long Fist. Although he hadn't fully mastered it yet, the power of the combat skill was enough to easily intimidate the crowd before him.

"You don't need to worry too much. Although our Chen Clan is only recruiting twenty house servants this time, next year might be different."

Upon hearing this, many people showed hopeful expressions. If they weren't selected this time, perhaps they would have another chance next time!

"Alright, let's begin the selection of house servants…"

Elijah Chen started selecting house servants according to the requirements previously discussed within the clan.

House servants were also part of the clan and would share its fate, but they could not become the core of the clan. The clan could not allow all house servants to become warriors.

Therefore, the selection process first assessed character and also avoided those who were too weak, as house servants needed to handle tasks like planting Blood Rice and other duties.

Additionally, those with special skills could be given preference.

Half a day later, twenty house servants were selected. Among them were both burly and short individuals, but most had some skills.

Terry Tian was among them.

He was strong and sturdy. Although not a warrior, his strength was comparable to an early Body Tempering Realm warrior, making him quite talented.

After the selection, the others were dismissed one by one.

These people looked disappointed but had no choice but to hope that the Chen Clan would recruit more house servants next year.

Those who were selected were naturally overjoyed, especially when they saw the others leaving disappointed, feeling a sense of accomplishment.

Looking at the twenty people before him, Elijah Chen said:

"My name is Elijah Chen. I am now an elder of the clan. From now on, I will be responsible for you. The next seven days will be a probation period. If you do not meet the standards, you will have no connection with the Chen Clan."

"Additionally, after seven days, two leaders will be selected from among you. The leaders will receive extra monthly stipends."

"Brian, take them to familiarize themselves with the Chen Clan and explain the clan rules to them."

"Yes, Elder."

Watching the twenty people leave, Elijah Chen sighed deeply.

When facing the people of the clan, he didn't need to do this, but now it was different. These people felt like floating duckweed, with no sense of belonging to the clan. They needed both discipline and incentives.

These were the lessons his father had taught him in his dreams. Although he didn't fully understand them yet, seeing the reactions of the crowd gave him some ideas.

Becoming a great clan was not easy.

Especially for the current Chen Clan.

The next day, the twenty people were assigned to various tasks within the clan. Some managed the Blood Rice, while others repaired houses.

With twenty more people in the clan, the food supply naturally increased, and they also needed to provide clothing and shelter for these house servants. Although these seemed like small matters, they couldn't be neglected.

Meanwhile, the clan's focus was entirely on hunting.

Winter was approaching, and it was too late to plant Blood Rice and other crops on a large scale. Only hunting could maintain the clan's strength and help the clan members advance in their realms.

Previously, Ethan Chen had valued this aspect but hadn't made it the clan's top priority.

It was only after Benjamin Chen's advice that he placed it first.

Now, the clan had many Blood Condensation Realm warriors, and with Oliver Chen, a late-stage Blood Condensation Realm warrior who had mastered a top-tier Normal-Grade combat skill, as long as they didn't venture deep into the Disordered Burial Mountain, hunting posed no significant risk.

After all, they had chosen this mountain for its rich resources and Blood Rice.

However, to cultivate the clan members, the hunting team was divided into several small squads.

This not only trained the clan members but also instilled a sense of competition among them.

Clan development couldn't be stagnant; it needed some ripples to keep the water moving.

These were all insights from his father. Although he was now the Clan Chief, Ethan Chen felt his own inadequacies.

No wonder the clan had declined before. Besides his blind sacrifice to the Sacred Tree, his shallow understanding also played a part.

Fortunately, it wasn't too late.

A few days later, the clan's situation improved significantly.

The once somewhat empty clan square was now filled with many teenagers around ten years old.

They were all warriors who had completed Body Tempering within the clan. Many had even reached the early Body Tempering Realm and could practice the clan's combat skills.

In the square, Lucas Chen channeled the limited blood energy within him, forming a fist and striking a stone ahead.

His gaze was firm, with a hint of confidence in his eyes.

Nearby, Alexander Chen and a few other clan youths watched the scene closely, their eyes filled with anticipation.


As Lucas Chen suddenly punched, the youths' eyes widened.

Could Lucas Chen be the first among them to master a Normal-Grade combat skill?


As the fist collided with the hard green stone, everyone quickly looked over.

But they saw that the green stone remained unaffected, while Lucas Chen's fists turned red, and he let out a cry of pain:

"Ouch, it hurts!"


Seeing this, the others dispersed and continued tempering their bodies.

"Lucas, are you alright?"

Alexander Chen stepped forward with concern, but his fists were also red, indicating he had suffered quite a bit while practicing combat skills.

Fortunately, both had completed Body Tempering, so there was no worry about serious injury.

However, minor injuries were inevitable during combat skill practice.

"Maybe we should continue with Body Tempering. These combat skills are too difficult. Didn't the Clan Chief say we only need to familiarize ourselves with the combat skill routes and remember the moves for now?"

"No way, Oliver learned it in one day. I want to master it soon too."

Hearing this, Alexander Chen stopped persuading and continued practicing the combat skills with Lucas Chen.

In the distance, Ethan Chen watched this scene with a gratified expression.

Indeed, his previous decision was somewhat flawed. These clan youths should focus on martial arts. Without other distractions, they could concentrate on their training.

But Ethan Chen sighed again.

To practice martial arts, training alone wasn't enough; a large amount of resources was needed.

Every Blood Condensation Realm warrior in the clan was nurtured with resources.

Currently, the shortage of Blood Rice and beast meat greatly hindered the progress of the clan's warriors.

Fortunately, the clan's focus was now on the Disordered Burial Mountain. The daily hunts were fruitful, and although most of the prey were ordinary beasts, at least the clan members didn't have to worry about food.

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