Reincarnated as a Divine Tree

Chapter 56: Revive the glory of the clan

Above, Noah Ji watched the scene before him and decisively pretended not to hear anything.

These intricate family relationships gave him a headache. It was better to let them sort it out themselves; it wouldn’t be too late to talk once they regained their clarity.

The revived members of the Chen Clan were not living beings but transformed living souls. He should be able to communicate with them, which would make things much more convenient.

As time passed and the numerous living souls below continued to converse, everyone quickly shook off their initial confusion. Especially after seeing the Spiritual Positions in the ancestral hall, they were filled with emotion.

So, they really had died!

Half an hour later, the voices in the crowd gradually weakened, and everyone began to ponder what they should do next.

At this moment, Benjamin Chen noticed the Sacred Tree glowing with a faint light nearby!

The moment he saw the Sacred Tree, memories of the past seven days slowly awakened in his mind.

In his memories, he saw himself as a fruit, witnessed the clan members’ worship below, and understood the current state of the clan.

Understanding everything, Benjamin Chen immediately floated above the ancestral hall and shouted:

“Everyone, please quiet down for a moment!”

Many of the clan members who had regained their memories recognized this former Clan Chief, though some did not, including the three who had recently died in the conflict with the Li Clan.

But from the conversations of the other elders, the three quickly grasped everyone’s identities.

The man before them, Benjamin Chen, seemed to be the father of the current Clan Chief! In other words, their ancestor.

“Everyone, we have died and come back to life, reuniting in the ancestral hall. This is no coincidence; it is the guidance of the Sacred Tree for our Chen Clan!”

With that, everyone’s gaze focused on Noah Ji.

The Sacred Tree was the clan’s ancient totem. Some present were even older than the current Clan Chief, Ethan Chen, and had witnessed the glory of the Sacred Tree in the past.

Although the Sacred Tree was now damaged and not even a fraction of its former self, knowing that its mighty power had brought them back to life filled everyone with reverence, and they earnestly bowed in worship.

Above, Noah Ji nodded slightly at Benjamin Chen’s actions.

As expected of a former Clan Chief, he could grasp the key points even in this situation.

After the clan members finished their worship, Benjamin Chen spoke again:

“Is there anyone here who has died in the last ten years?”

As his words fell, several people stepped out from the crowd, including the three who had recently died.

Through their accounts, everyone quickly understood the clan’s situation over the past decades.

Many sighed after hearing this, realizing that so much had happened in the clan after their deaths!

Upon hearing about the recent conflict with the Li Clan, everyone tensed up. But when they heard that the Sacred Tree had displayed its power and saved the clan, they were filled with gratitude and knelt in worship.

Though they were dead, their descendants still carried the clan’s blood and legacy!

After grasping the situation, Benjamin Chen continued:

“You’ve heard the current state of the clan. Our clan is in decline, and the Sacred Tree is newly born. The clan still needs our help!”

“Even in death, our consciousness remains! We can still help the clan prosper!”

“If we can’t, our descendants can!”

“Reviving the clan’s glory is our duty!”

The clan members below were filled with fervor.

The dead had returned, watching the clan thrive step by step, witnessing the growth of their descendants. How could they refuse?

“Clan Chief, I want to see my son first.”

A figure suddenly stood up from the crowd and pleaded.

“You must be Edwin. Go ahead.”

Benjamin Chen spoke gently. Though he had been dead for a long time, he remembered the younger generation of the clan very well.

Edwin had shown great talent as a child but had died young, sacrificing himself for the clan.

Fortunately, he was now half-alive again.

With Benjamin Chen’s permission, Edwin Chen’s figure quickly floated out of the ancestral hall.

Though he wasn’t used to this way of moving, it felt good—faster than when he was alive, and he could even pass through walls.

Others also thought of their descendants and requested to see them.

Benjamin Chen did not stop them, understanding their longing. In fact, he also wanted to see his fourth son, the current Clan Chief, Ethan Chen.

Soon, the clan members dispersed from the ancestral hall, leaving him alone.

Though Benjamin Chen also wanted to leave, he did not rush. Instead, he turned to the Sacred Tree and respectfully bowed:

“Today, I am reunited with my family. Benjamin Chen, the eleventh Clan Chief of the Chen Clan, thanks the Sacred Tree.”

Noah Ji did not respond, but a wisp of Yin Qi absorbed by the tree trunk drifted into Benjamin Chen’s body.

As the Yin Qi entered his body, Benjamin Chen’s eyes brightened. He felt his body becoming more solid.

This filled Benjamin Chen with even more reverence.

Though the Sacred Tree seemed far weaker than before, its current power seemed even greater than the old Sacred Tree.

At least, the old Sacred Tree couldn’t do this.

Receiving the Sacred Tree’s response, Benjamin Chen felt a surge of excitement. The Sacred Tree’s response meant his thoughts were correct.

The Sacred Tree had revived them to make the clan stronger.

After thanking the Sacred Tree again, Benjamin Chen also left the ancestral hall.

He wanted to see the current state of the clan and Ethan Chen.

After he left, the ancestral hall returned to silence.

Seeing the current situation, Noah Ji pondered but did not intervene.

Since these transformed living souls had memories and intelligence, they might be more effective than his direct involvement.

After all, there’s a saying: an old person at home is a treasure.

Moreover, they had already died once, so they should have more experience in developing the clan.

He just didn’t know how to facilitate their communication. He hadn’t learned any supernatural powers in this area, which troubled Noah Ji.

But then, as Noah Ji’s buried roots sensed the situation nearby, he was shocked.

A living soul that had just left the ancestral hall, upon seeing his sleeping descendant, merged into the body in his soul form.

Noah Ji wanted to stop him, but then he heard a murmur from the sleeping clan member:

“Dad? Why are you here?”

“Am I dreaming of you?”

Seeing this, Noah Ji fell into deep thought. He hadn’t expected the transformed living souls to have this ability.

It seemed he didn’t need to intervene after all.

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