Reincarnated as a Divine Tree

Chapter 120: I’m done, I’m leaving

As Ethan Chen left, the Ancestral Hall returned to its usual silence.

But within this silence, wisps of mist-like energy began drifting from the clan towards the Ancestral Hall.

This was none other than the incense energy Noah Ji absorbed from the wild world.

Each wisp of incense energy converged towards Noah Ji in the Ancestral Hall.

However, instead of gathering on Noah Ji’s trunk, all the energy was absorbed by a single Sophora leaf on his branches.

The leaf that absorbed the incense energy gained a faint golden hue.

“Although I’ve lost many supernatural powers, this isn’t too bad,” Noah Ji murmured to himself as he observed the mutated Sophora leaf.

Over the past few days, he had pondered deeply and finally found a compromise.

He decided to use one of his leaves to absorb the incense energy instead of his trunk.

After several experiments, Noah Ji’s efforts paid off, and his plan succeeded.

This way, even if the incense energy was toxic, he could simply discard the leaf without harming himself.

Consequently, Noah Ji couldn’t benefit from the incense energy’s full power, preventing him from growing rapidly as he did in the wild world. He couldn’t use the technique to forge a golden body.

Moreover, he couldn’t utilize most of the supernatural powers derived from the incense energy, only employing minor tricks like conveying a thought or understanding the clan members’ prayers.

But this was far better than wasting the technique entirely.

As the incense energy accumulated and settled, Noah Ji could still harness the leaf’s immortal power.

The prerequisite was absorbing enough incense energy.

In the wild world, countless furred people resided under his shade, allowing him to squander energy freely. But in the Disordered Burial Mountain, he had to rely on the prayers of the few clan members.

Though slower, it was safe.

Given enough time, this leaf could bring him considerable surprises.

Besides the incense Sophora leaf, Noah Ji had also studied another technique over the past few days.

The Spirit Devourer technique worked as described.

It didn’t increase his vitality but could enhance his spiritual power.

Due to the vast differences between the two worlds, practicing this technique daily only increased his spiritual power by 0.5, requiring two days for a single point.

But Noah Ji was content, as it provided another way to boost his spiritual power.

Additionally, there was the Enlightenment supernatural power, which he hadn’t used yet due to his focus on the incense energy. Now was the time to test its potential.

Noah Ji’s consciousness roamed the clan and soon found a patrolling clan member to test the power.

However, the result was:

[This creature already possesses intelligence. Unable to enlighten.]

This outcome was expected. It seemed he had to find a beast without intelligence.

Noah Ji’s consciousness wandered to the clan’s beast pens.

After his vitality surpassed 500 points, his roots spread throughout the clan’s underground.

The clan raised Spirit-Tailed Chickens and Dark Gold Beasts. Spirit-Tailed Chickens were easier to raise, growing no taller than half a person and lacking strong attack power.

In contrast, even Body Tempering Realm Dark Gold Beasts were quite fierce, but they were one of the few tamable beasts in the Disordered Burial Mountain.

Noah Ji’s gaze shifted between the two pens before settling on the one housing the Spirit-Tailed Chickens.

The last two Spirit-Tailed Chickens the clan initially raised had long become Noah Ji’s offerings. The current chickens were obtained after worshipping the Liu Family.

Due to the sacrifices, only two Spirit-Tailed Chickens remained in the large pen, a male and a female.

Clearly, the clan intended sustainable development.

Noah Ji focused on the brightly feathered male Spirit-Tailed Chicken resting on a wooden perch and used the Enlightenment power.

This time, no prompt appeared, and Noah Ji felt his vitality and spiritual power decrease.

After the power was used, Noah Ji calculated that he had lost about two points of vitality and one point of spiritual power.

This consumption was significant. Healing a severely injured Blood Condensation Realm Warrior required less than two points of vitality, let alone losing a point of spiritual power.

But Noah Ji didn’t mind. After using the power, he closely observed the Spirit-Tailed Chicken for any changes.

Under his watch, the chicken continued to nap, its drooping eyelids remaining shut, showing no signs of change.

But Noah Ji was a tree, with plenty of time to spare.

His powerful consciousness allowed him to multitask.

Noah Ji watched, the chicken slept.

Noah Ji watched again, the chicken still slept.

Noah Ji kept watching, and the chicken kept sleeping!

After several hours, even Noah Ji’s calm demeanor wavered slightly.

Could his power be ineffective? At least there should be some reaction, right? Or was the power’s effect not immediate?

Just as Noah Ji was about to check again the next day, the napping chicken suddenly woke up, making Noah Ji’s heart leap with joy. Was it working?

Noah Ji observed the chicken’s movements intently.

The awakened chicken seemed excited, constantly looking around, its bright red comb swaying.

Soon, the chicken found a target and excitedly pounced on the other sleeping chicken.

Enough, I’m done!

Noah Ji took a deep breath and withdrew his consciousness.

Over the next few days, Noah Ji observed the chicken’s behavior. Apart from becoming plumper, there were no significant changes.

This left Noah Ji slightly troubled. Was this power really useless?

In the fertile fields, mature rice stalks swayed in the wind, each stalk filled with plump blood rice.

This harvest exceeded Ethan Chen’s expectations.

The clan members harvesting the blood rice beamed with joy.

This was the best harvest the clan had seen in years.

However, knowing that half of the blood rice would be handed over in two days dampened many clan members’ spirits.

Ethan Chen stood by the fields, nodding slightly to James Chen and the other house servants nearby.

“Good job. In two days, you can each collect five pounds of blood rice from the clan.”

Due to time constraints, the clan’s warriors handled the harvesting. James Chen and the others, not even at the Body Tempering Realm, would slow down the process instead of speeding it up.

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