Reincarnated as a Divine Tree

Chapter 103: Enter the mountain

Before speaking of victory, one must first speak of defeat.

On the eve of departure, the clan had formulated a detailed strategy.

Wolves are naturally suspicious and vengeful. If we cannot kill it completely and let it escape, it will undoubtedly bring many troubles to the clan.

The clan’s main base is protected by the Sacred Tree, so the Green Wolf probably wouldn’t dare to attack there.

But after spring, the clan members will need to be busy outside, giving the Green Wolf an opportunity.

Therefore, the clan’s plan this time is to decapitate!

As long as the wolf pack loses its leader, the pack will collapse on its own.

Otherwise, the clan will surely suffer greatly.

This plan must succeed.

Considering the complex terrain of the Disordered Burial Mountain, finding the Green Wolf might take a lot of time. Ethan Chen decided to let the clan members who were going hunting enter the mountain through the secret passage.

The secret passage shouldn’t just be used as an escape route. When necessary, some established rules can be abandoned.

This way, the battle line can be shortened, ensuring the clan members are supplied.

After considering all aspects, the clan members prepared to set off the next day.

Even with thorough preparation, this action still carries significant risks.

But the resources of the Disordered Burial Mountain are something the clan cannot give up.

Moreover, once the Green Wolf establishes itself in the mountain, who knows if it will have expansion ambitions?

Two tigers cannot coexist on one mountain.

Rather than passive defense, it’s better to take the initiative.

On the night before departure, many clan members were excited because this action was different from previous clan battles.

In previous battles, the clan was on the weaker side. But now, the clan is taking the initiative.

This signifies that the clan is gradually becoming stronger.

The stronger the clan, the more confident the clan members are.

The more confident the clan members, the stronger the clan becomes.

The next day, Elijah Chen, Mason Chen, and about ten other clan members gathered at the Ancestral Hall, fully prepared.

Among these ten clan members, half were Blood Condensation Realm Warriors, and the rest were late-stage Body Tempering Realm warriors or skilled hunters adept at setting traps.

Additionally, there was Oliver Chen, who had just entered the Innate Realm.

This lineup was the clan’s strongest, ensuring nothing could go wrong.

Before departure, Ethan Chen led everyone in a silent prayer to the Sacred Tree, and then they set off.

This time, Noah Ji did not send down the Sophora Leaf. With the Five Organs Ascension Technique, as long as their heads and hearts were intact, even if they were on the brink of death, they could be saved.

This was the confidence the Sacred Tree gave to the clan members.

After exiting the secret passage, they placed the emergency supplies prepared by the clan at the exit, carrying only two days’ worth of dry food to ensure they traveled light.

In the crowd, Oliver Chen had already suppressed his aura, blending in with the group.

If he released his aura, the Green Wolf might sense the danger and avoid the fight. The Disordered Burial Mountain is vast, and if the Green Wolf truly wanted to escape, no one in the clan could stop it.

“Elijah, you and William clear the way ahead.”

“Michael and I will cover the rear.”

“Oliver, you check the sides. If you notice any movement, notify us immediately.”

Soon, the group had deployed their formation.

The clan members who came out this time were all elites, mostly from the “Tian” generation, and they had good coordination with each other.

Moreover, with Oliver Chen, an Innate Realm warrior, even if they encountered the Innate Realm Green Wolf, they were confident they could kill it.

Without saying much, the group left the secret passage and slowly headed towards the center of the Disordered Burial Mountain.

The place where the wolf pack resided would surely have traces. With everyone’s experience, it wouldn’t take long to find their lair.

Along the way, they encountered several Green Wolves’ ambushes.

But these Green Wolves were only at the Body Tempering Realm, and without Oliver Chen’s intervention, they were killed by the Blood Condensation Realm warriors led by William Chen.

However, the appearance of these Green Wolves made the clan members more vigilant.

They had only been traveling for a short while and had already encountered several Green Wolves, indicating that the number of Green Wolves in the Disordered Burial Mountain might be more than they had imagined.

But this did not dampen the clan members’ enthusiasm.

Though the Green Wolves were numerous, they were not weak either.

Wolves are pack beasts and often return to their lairs at night.

Because of this, the group soon discovered what seemed to be the Green Wolves’ lair.


As they were moving, Oliver Chen suddenly raised his hand, signaling everyone to stop.

Seeing Oliver’s reaction, Mason Chen and the others also looked serious, thinking that the Innate Realm Green Wolf was nearby.

“Lucas, are we really going to do this? What if your parents find out?”

In the dense forest, two fully armed teenagers were cautiously observing their surroundings, listening to the sounds ahead.

Hearing Alexander Chen’s doubts, Lucas Chen said helplessly:

“We’re already doing it. If they find out, so be it. Didn’t I keep quiet last time when I got beaten?”

“Wasn’t it because your mom stuffed a piece of clothing in your mouth?”

“Did I make a sound or not?”

Alexander thought seriously for a moment, then shook his head.

“Exactly. We’re both mid-stage Body Tempering Realm warriors now, and we’ve learned the clan’s combat skills.”

“Such a big event in the clan, and they won’t let us participate. What are my dad and the Clan Chief thinking?”

“Besides, we’re out here to train. How else can we save the clan in the future?”

Listening to Lucas’s long speech, Alexander seemed thoughtful. But when he heard the last four words, he nodded firmly:

“That’s right, save the clan!”

“Huh? Why is there no sound?”

“Hurry, follow them. We can’t lose them!”

Seeing no movement ahead, Lucas urged.

Although he was somewhat brave, he had been quietly following the group from a distance to avoid being discovered.

If they really got lost in the Disordered Burial Mountain, it would be extremely dangerous for the two of them.

The two quickly followed the cleared path ahead.

But after walking for a while, until all traces disappeared, they still hadn’t found the clan members.

This left Lucas dumbfounded;

“Where is everyone?”

“Lucas, stop looking. Let’s go back.”

Alexander’s voice came from behind, but Lucas just waved his hand, then squatted down seriously, carefully examining the surroundings, and said:

“We can’t stop looking. I don’t believe they can shake us off. Let me take a closer look.”


At this moment, a cold laugh from behind made Lucas’s serious expression change.

When he turned around, he saw that the elders who had come out with the clan were standing not far behind him, smiling.

And his father, Elijah Chen, was looking at him with a somewhat unkind expression.

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