Kukung! The carriage, laden with heavy items, passed through the entrance of the town, making a hefty rumble along the main road. There weren’t many carriages, but the Heaviness of the goods they carried was evident from the strained yet dynamic movements of the horses pulling them. The person leading this small procession appeared to be a merchant new to Maclaine Town, constantly looking around, taking in his surroundings with obvious curiosity. The local residents watched with amused smiles on their faces.

Maclaine Town hasn’t been established for long, and its market was only just beginning to thrive. It had started to attract merchants spurred by rumors of opportunity, their actions much like those of this one. To the citizens who were directly witnessing the growth of their town, the reactions of these outsiders instilled a sense of strange pride within them.

“Keep going straight down this road and you’ll reach the lord’s manor. That’s where you need to take your goods,” a soldier helpfully directed the merchant.

“Yes, yes, I’m aware. Thank you,” Merchant Jansen replied, nodding and bowing repeatedly as he slowly guided his horse forward.

“Hmm. It seems even this little corner of the world is finally getting a proper market,” he muttered to himself.

The consumption patterns of people living disperse in villages significantly differed from those living together in a city. Even a farmer who once manufactured most of what was needed would turn to purchasing cheap mass-produced goods when living in a city. As the market began to grow, it wasn’t just essentials but also luxury goods that started to be sold. From the merchant’s perspective, now was the ideal time to invest in Maclaine Town.

Moreover, the fact that a place bustling with so many people had such low weaponry purchases meant it was secure and peaceful. This pleased Jansen. After delivering his goods, he planned to stay in town for a while to figure out the local demands without realizing that many other merchants like him were becoming regulars in Maclaine Town.

“Again? More timber for storage?” a voice exclaimed.

“Yes. It looks like we’ll need another warehouse.”

“Why do we have to keep building them? We’ve exceeded the soldiers’ supplies long ago!”


Hammar, intently complaining, was shocked by the chilling voice that sounded like it belonged to a devil, and he turned around abruptly.

“Oh, no, I was just wondering why we need to make so many excess weapons. It seems like a waste of manpower and materials… Haha.”

“The day we’ll need them will come. Just get them made.”

“Right, of course. Let’s hurry, everyone. Let’s keep producing until every citizen can shoot a crossbow.”

Hammar’s words were an attempt at a subtle rebellion masked by humor.

Yes. Not all, but a part of them…

Even though it wasn’t immediate, it was something that had to be executed eventually. Logan, considering this, watched with a stern expression as the crossbows and cartridges were continuously produced and stored in the warehouse.

‘We’ve also adequately stocked up on supplies.’

With different names listed as consignees, resources continued to flow into town little by little. Whether it was arms, timber, or horses, merchants carried small batches, each remembering their trade partners under various names. While it was uncertain how long this trickery could last, it seemed very efficient for the time being.

“Philip’s doing a good job.”

Logan mumbled his praise almost subconsciously as he nodded his head slightly.

The subject of his praise soon arrived in Maclaine Town.

“Wow, this place looks more impressive than I expected.”

“What were you expecting? Your surprise at the entrance is nothing compared to what you’ll find inside,” replied Henderson nonchalantly to Philip’s exclamation.

Philip and the escort knights had grown quite close over the past few months. The hectic schedule that took them all over the country and encounters with bandits along the way had fortified their bond. This worried Henderson a bit.

“But, are you sure it’s okay to be back now? You haven’t even spent all the money, right?”

“No matter how many different names I used, we’ve bought too much already. Merchants are catching on, causing the prices to soar. Buying now would make us suckers.”

“Still, the young lord might…”

“Oh come on, he’s not that foolish to not understand,” Philip reassured the knights, full of confidence.

After enjoying their visit to the town, they finally arrived at the lord’s residence and faced Logan.

“Why are you back already… Ah, I see. Can’t be helped then. You did well.”

“I knew you would understand!”

“What did you expect? As long as we’re sufficiently prepared, it’s fine.”

“Ha, as expected of the young lord! Then, about the bonus calculation…”

“Of course, as promised.”

“Thank you!”

Philip couldn’t help but grin widely at this.

While the reason Philip returned so quickly, the skyrocketing market prices, wasn’t entirely a lie, there was more to the story.

‘There’s no need to pay extra and reduce the bonus.’

His greed played a significant role in the situation.

And then:

“If we haven’t spent 30% of the allocated funds, we should add that amount to the total purchase cost.”

“Wait, Lord Logan, hold on a second…!”

“I told you to buy as much as you could. I never said anything about maximizing efficiency, did I?”

“Well, yes, but…”

“Let’s see, adding 30% to the difference calculates to… Oh, it’s still a decent amount? A bonus of fifteen thousand… Ah, I’m feeling generous. Let’s make it fifteen thousand gold. You’ve earned it.”


Fifteen thousand gold was an undeniably substantial sum.

Yet, Philip sat down heavily, stunned by the bonus that was nearly 1/20th of what he had expected.

Sensing Philip’s dismay, Logan spoke to him, “Let’s keep matters simple. It’s not about achieving maximum efficiency, it’s about whether we reached the outcome. Got it?”


Would Philip even hear whatever Logan said? His grey eyes stared emptily into the void.

“Well, though… I was thinking of giving you a discretionary bonus on top of our agreement… But you don’t seem happy about it. Should I not?”

“Who said I wasn’t happy?!”

That single sentence brought life back into Philip’s face. This change strikingly illustrated the fickle nature of the human heart.

With genuine happiness for the extra ten thousand gold yet feeling slightly pathetic, Philip’s thoughts ran wild:

‘So what if it’s pitiful? The game’s not over yet!’

‘I love money!’

Philip Claude, 27, fully embraced his greed—a trait which he carried from his previous life as a “money grubber.”

* * *

“Oh, Philip! This is the first time we’re seeing each other in person.”

“That’s true, Lord Dwayne. I’ve been looking forward to meeting you.”

“There’s no need for introductions, which is nice. Dwayne, handle these administrative tasks for a bit. Weren’t you short on staff?”

Pleased at the suggestion, Dwayne nodded his head in agreement.

Maclaine’s domain had expanded to include two new castles, not to mention the newly established Maclaine Town. However, the number of administrative officials available to manage them had only marginally increased. Many of the administrators from Teslon and Sylvan were unsuitable due to their previous roles under a tyrant lord, squeezing the locals for every penny.

It was clear why additional assistance would be most welcome.

“Absolutely! But aren’t trading and administration slightly different fields…?”

“When it comes to money matters, I’m confident in anything!”

“…Well, that’s great enthusiasm.”

Why is he acting like this?

Dwayne squinted skeptically at Philip yet had no way of knowing the agreement between Philip and Logan—that the administrative tasks would be a precondition before Philip could go on his next trading journey.

He reluctantly accepted Philip’s eagerness.

“Lord Lugel. Is this all for the food supplies? If we store them in the warehouse this way, it’ll be cost-effective and prevent spoilage for an extended period.”

“…Ah, really? Thank you.”

“Lord Dwayne, there seems to be a mistake here about the town’s maintenance expenses and staff wages.”

“Oh, I see. Hmm…”

“Lord Peran. The weapons are all well-maintained. However, if you order the maintenance oil from Kalia’s domain instead of Kyle, you can get it for half the price…”

“Ah, the merchant’s expertise shows. Thank you for the advice.”

Philip, brimming with enthusiasm, rapidly cleared out piles of tasks. In all money-related areas, he made slight improvements and identified potential enhancements.

While everyone praised him and expressed admiration, even then, Philip was busy looking for more work, with only one thought in mind:

‘The more I save, the more money I make for myself!’

Logan’s promised bonus wasn’t limited to the trading business.

“Thanks to him, we’re getting through the work much faster. He’s quite an impressive lad.”

“That so? Good.”

“But, young lord…”


As Dwayne, who had been lavishing Philip with praise, called out with a serious tone.

“That war you mentioned before… do we really need to do it? Just like this, our domain can…”


“Young lord…”

“I can’t explain everything, but keep this in mind. There won’t be consistent progress anymore.”

“Excuse me?”

“You either soar high or stagnate and collapse. When there are only two options, you must choose the path that soars, even if it contains risks.”

Logan spoke with unwavering determination, and his gaze was solemn.

“…I guess there’s no stopping you?”


“Then I’ll support you with all my might.”

“…Such a quick change of stance?”

“Who else would believe in you, young lord, if not me?”

“There are many who would.”


Having apparently lost the words to reply, Dwayne’s silence was met with a sly smile from Logan.

“Just joking. Thank you for having faith.”

* * *

Maclaine Town was practically festive as it harvested its first yield. With merchants and travelers increasingly visiting from outside, the townspeople could genuinely feel the prosperity of their domain.

However, as winter began to bring colder winds, an indiscernible tension started to hover, especially among soldiers, knights, their families, and acquaintances. It was a time when the increasing intensity of military training began to show tangible results. Despite no official statements from the Maclaine leadership, including its young lord, rumors with a tinge of unease began to spread among the citizens.

At that moment, all of the domain’s managers were gathered in the office.

“The knight order has perfectly adapted to the new training.”

“The specialized training for different branches is also concluding. There shouldn’t be an issue if deployed into actual combat.”

“We’ve finalized the financial statements too. We won’t run into any monetary problems at least until this time next year.”

With all preparations seemingly in place, Logan went to see his father.

Knock, knock.

“It’s Logan.”

“Come in.”


“What’s the matter?”

“There’s something I need to discuss with you.”

“Alright, speak.”

“We need to prepare for war.”



An ominously direct statement brought silence that hung heavy in the room.

“This isn’t about Bifrost attacking us. Are you suggesting we instigate a war?”


“So, the recent emphasis on knight training and the pressure you’ve been putting on Heinkeel and Kai isn’t just for the security and strengthening of our territory but…”

“That’s right.”


Patrick sank into deep thought for a while after the abrupt conversation. After a long pause, he finally spoke.


“If we stay as we are, the domain will fall.”

The ever-expanding Maclaine seemed to be flourishing to outside eyes, yet Logan’s words told a completely different story. Patrick’s face hardened with a grim realization.

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