Episode 51: A Monumental Achievement

The office door opened, and Padric offered a quiet greeting.

“It’s been a while, Logan.”

The intense gaze shining through his slightly longer red hair felt even heavier than before.

‘He’s become stronger.’

Though I had expected it, I never really thought his realm would actually ascend.

The genius knight of twenty years ago had finally overcome a decade of stagnation to emerge as a top-grade knight.

‘This increases our chances of victory.’

A slight smile crept onto Logan’s lips.

The sharpest blade of the Maclaine family had been honed even finer.

He would serve as a sturdy shield for the still lacking himself, and for Ronian and Victor, the future aura users, until they matured.

He couldn’t help but let out a satisfied laugh.

“Congratulations on your achievement.”

“Indeed. It’s all thanks to you, my son.”

“What? Sir, you surely jest?!”

Dwayne, who had failed to sense Padric’s newfound strength, jumped in surprise, prompting Padric to laugh gently in response.

“I feel I can be a more reliable head of the family now. You’ve worked hard, Dwayne.”

A voice and smile now showed more ease than before.

Filled with emotion, Dwayne looked to his lord with a moved expression.

“Congratulations, Sir! You’ve finally reaped the rewards of your training, after neglecting all else for so long. It’s a relief my struggles over the past years weren’t in vain. Sincere congratulations, Sir.”

It was unclear whether the statement was a compliment or a rebuke, but Dwayne’s genuinely joyful expression made it difficult to say anything.

Padric managed an awkward smile, nodding slightly, then changed the subject.

“Has anything happened over the past three months? If there’s anything I need to know…”


Before he could finish speaking, a massive pile of documents was dumped on the desk.

As Padric stared dumbfounded at the mountain of papers.

“You’ve been rather busy, young Master Logan. Please review and decide.”

Dwayne welcomed the real lord’s return with a bright smile.

And three hours later.

“Distributing food to the people, employing them in the construction of a dam or something, developing a gold mine, and fertile land in the wasteland stretching…*chuckles*.”

Padric gazed at Logan with an incredulous laugh.

“Is all this true?”

Padric, skeptical to the core, asked, and Logan’s response was succinct.


“Let’s go see. And judge for ourselves.”

From Padric’s perspective, it was as if the world had turned upside down in three months, so courtroom skepticism was only natural.

Logan followed his father silently, smiling.

In Padric’s memory, the western outer gate of Maclaine Castle led only to a parched wasteland with hardly a blade of grass.

But now, just three months later, the scenery unfolding was entirely different.

“Irrigation canals, in this wasteland? This is truly… truly…”

The sight of canals laid out every three hundred meters, already nurturing patches of green, was a dream come true.

And there, among the eleven mages and thousands of citizens no longer in a wasteland, were small wooden buildings and a large earthen wall, captivating Padric’s gaze.

“We’re building a large village for the people who will till the plains. It will be dozens of times larger than a small village. It shall be called Maclaine Town.”


As awe-inspiring progress unfolded before him, Padric was at a loss for words.

“By next spring, before the weeds take hold, we’ll begin tilling for farming. We might even see greater yields than the Maclaine Plains our ancestors lost.”

“…Is that so? But will the people readily move to the new homes?”

“Yes. Those living in the town will be given priority in land cultivation. Plus, their new homes will be much better than the thatched ones most live in now.”

“Right, I see.”

Though it was his own question, Padric seemed more distracted than focused on the answer.

He bustled about, seemingly forgetting his dignity.

“Let’s see that dam. How did such a miracle…”

Padric’s voice trembled with the question.

Setting aside explanations for the future, Logan quietly led his father as requested.

Witnessing the dam and sluice, Padric marveled, unable to conceal his astonishment.

After also visiting the mine and confirming the gold ore, he kept patting Logan on the shoulder in admiration.

‘With this, even recruiting soldiers should be effortless…’

As Logan indulged in the thought of easy-going days ahead, he watched his father with a pleased smile.

“Indeed, you surpass me.”

“That is so.”


“Aha, well, if we’re only considering recent achievements.”

“Ha! No, you’re right. Your deeds over three months surpass my thirty years of effort. I am truly blessed with a fine son. Thank you, really.”

Heartfelt words spilled from a father who had never imagined saying such things.

Logan’s heart swelled, but then a strange twist followed.

“Now that you’re handling the lordship’s duties, I will devote myself to training the knights thoroughly.”

“…Excuse me?”

What are you planning now?

“Let’s have breakfast together tomorrow. We have much to discuss.”

Before a bewildered Logan could respond, Padric turned his back with a bright smile.

‘There’s much I want to discuss too…’

Watching his father return, free of burdens, Logan felt unable to hold him back.

The next morning.

At a table where the Maclaine family gathered for the first time in a while, Padric made an explosive declaration.

“I designate Logan as my successor and henceforth he will handle most of the lordship duties.”

“*Cough! What?!”

Hoping for a change of heart overnight was futile.

Logan, who had wished his words were a mere test, nearly choked on his meat.

“So you know. And assist Logan in smoothly fulfilling his role.”


Even the supposed adversary agreed rather palely.

‘Wait, why are you giving in so readily this time?’

Logan, unable to believe it, looked at Marian with incredulous eyes.

“If it’s my brother, I trust he will excel.”

His brother, who he thought had grown somewhat dependable, added fuel to the fire.

‘…You wretch, it’s supposed to be your position!’

Logan inwardly screamed in dismay, his eyebrows quivering.

He had almost wrapped up his official duties, so freedom to move about seemed more appealing.

“Going forward, I will focus on enhancing our military strength by training the knights.”

“Father, please reconsider…”

“Logan. Under your leadership, I hope Maclaine regains its past glory.”

Unable to finish his sentence, Logan gaped as Padric solemnly concluded the matter.

“I understand it’s a burden.”

“If you understand, please reconsider…”

“However, it’s a duty we must fulfill eventually.”

“But why now…”

“And I trust you will perform excellently.”

After breakfast, during a requested private conversation, Logan tried to persuade his father again, but only reaffirmed his unwavering determination.

‘This stubbornness…’

Logan sighed heavily, a headache brewing.

“I know you have no attachment to this position.”

Padric spoke calmly, surprising Logan.

“It only just occurred to me. Perhaps you view the family as a burden you must shoulder.”

“Not a burden, but…”

“We have greatly benefited from you. Now, it’s time to reap the benefits of a family that has grown, or will grow, thanks to you. I prefer to think I’m giving you not a burden but a right.”

Taken aback by the heartfelt conversation and warmth in those eyes, Logan wavered.

“I’ve realized something for sure during my training.”

‘Yes, that’s why you’ve reached the top-grade.’

Logan nodded silently.

“I’ve gotten old.”

“…Excuse me?”

“To whatever extent I could manage it, the swordsmanship of your Sword Spirit Technique is something I got the hang of. But that Secret Art you mentioned is beyond me.”

An unexpected continuation followed.

“Perhaps had I learned it when I was young, just awakening to the Force, it might have been possible. But with my Force now marked by time, forming what was it—crystallization—seems impossible. And even if I forced it, it would likely just strain my heart. So I had no choice but to give up.”


Side-stepping resentment, at that moment, Logan no longer had the heart to object.

Though still slightly uneasy, he decided to take it easy.

‘I’ll just delegate to Dwayne whenever I need a break.’

He’d still need to carve out personal training time, even if it meant pushing tasks onto Dwayne during work hours.

‘Or maybe let Dwayne handle things all the time…’

Unbeknownst to Logan, a large retainer nearby shuddered with an inexplicable chill.

Logan calmed himself with a sigh.

“Yes. I understand.”


Leaving with his contented father’s smile behind him, Logan chewed over his mixed feelings. Before long, he ran into someone waiting for him.


“Logan, may I speak with you?”

Startled by the unfamiliar formal address, Logan couldn’t refuse her request.

He too had questions.

“Why… did you stay quiet earlier?”

“What could I have done? Does the wife of a traitorous house have a right to any say in the family’s affairs?”

Her tone was harsher with self-reproach, and Logan struggled to respond.

She seemed slightly more at ease than in the aftermath of the war, but the paleness of her complexion revealed she was not well in spirits.

“The achievements you’ve shown are enough to warrant succession. My only wish now is for Ronian’s well-being. Indeed, it has always been. It’s why I clashed with you.”

“…I’m sorry.”

“You have nothing to apologize for. It is I who should apologize.”


“You’ve apologized to me before. Sadly, I couldn’t accept it. I was petty, and I hope you can forgive my narrow-mindedness.”

Another unexpected confession left Logan speechless.

“You’ve been teaching Ronian swordsmanship, I hear?”


Fortunately, the prodigy Ronian created a Force core within a week and was already practicing the first move, Blue Wave Slash.

Though not manifesting extreme sensations or physical changes like Logan, the boy was refreshingly eager in his training.

Caught in an awkward moment, Logan found refuge in this perfect topic.

“Ronian is a genius, so he’s quickly improving his skills…”

“To think it’s been years since I’ve seen the child so bright…”

The conversation veered in an unexpected direction, making Logan tense up.

“I hope you will continue to look after Ronian… the younger brother.”

The last words left behind by his stepmother as she turned away brought back faint memories:

The baby who’d stop crying once held by him, as if by magic.

The newborn, smiling with tiny, wriggling fists.

That image, alongside a younger, brighter-faced black-haired beauty, opened her mouth to chuckle:

“Our son seems to like his brother more than me.”

“Heh. Mother, I promise to always protect my brother!”

“Good, Logan. Please, look after your brother.”

A time of peace…

Memories he had tainted with his dreadful jealousy.


Embarrassment clenched his fist tight.

‘Now, I can start anew.’

Now he had the chance to reverse it all, grateful for this second chance at life.

Unconsciously, Logan found himself shouting loudly at the backs of his departing stepmother:

“Parents do not speak formally to their children!”

Her silhouette seemed to pause for a moment.

“Going forward, as before, please speak freely to me, Mother!”

It wasn’t a lengthy apology, but those words resonated deeply, from the heart.

The lady, with her head lowered, quietly shed tears, and the gentleman inside smiled softly upon hearing his son’s voice.

With his face flushed, Logan quickly walked away, carrying the weight of emotions and future responsibilities.

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