Refining the Mountains and Rivers

Chapter 1773 – The Chance of a Blazing Sun

Chapter 1773 – The Chance of a Blazing Sun

“Blazing Sun…new Blazing Sun…” White Feifei’s lips trembled as she stared at Qin Yu, “No, no, it is not like this.”

She took a deep breath, “You don’t control the Blazing Sun, if not, your cultivation couldn’t be as it is now…what you have is a Blazing Sun fragment!”

Qin Yu nodded, “That’s right. White Feifei, it seems like you know quite a bit about Blazing Sun fragments.

“Now, I am not someone who controls a Blazing Sun. But you must know that I have a chance.

“When Longevity Species undergo heavenly punishment, even if it is because of rules and you won’t really die, it is not easy to rejoin and revive. There are not many people that can help you, and I can potentially be one of the few.”

Qin Yu lowered his head and looked at her, “White Feifei, if you help me to your best abilities, once I grow and become someone who controls a Blazing Sun, I will repay you sufficiently. If not, I can only suppress you in order to protect my secret.

“Now, will you make your choice?”

White Feifei was struggling internally. Without a doubt, this was a risky gamble. If she won, she would gain huge rewards, but if she failed, the consequences were immense as well.

Taking a deep breath, she looked up, “Qin Yu, did Rourou choose to help you because of the existence of the Blazing Sun fragment?”

Qin Yu replied, “What do you think?”

Although he threw the question back at her, White Feifei got the answer from his response.

If not, there was no reason why Rourou would stay with Qin Yu.

“Fine! I will help you!” White Feifei said in a low voice.

Qin Yu raised his brows, “Just because of Rourou’s choice?”

White Feifei replied, “That’s right.” She stood up, “You don’t know what kind of existence Rourou is. She is a Longevity Species, but she is different from the majority of the Longevity Species. Even the heavens and earth have to be apprehensive of her.

“All in all, since she chose you. I am willing to risk this bet! At most, the Blazing Sun will suppress me and I will suffer a bit more.”

Qin Yu looked at her, “Good. White Feifei, you will not regret this decision.”

White Feifei replied, “I hope not.” She stood up straight and bowed seriously, “My Lord, I will trust you with my life. If your wish comes true and you become someone who controls a Blazing Sun, please do not forget the promise you made me.”

Qin Yu found the way she spoke and the way she addressed him weird.

But he could also sense the seriousness and determination from her now and knew that she had made up her mind.

Qin Yu replied, “I will keep to my words!”

White Feifei looked up and threw him an alluring look, “My Lord, words are useless. I hope that you can give me a stronger sense of security.”

After saying that, she licked her lips and extended her hand towards Qin Yu, “For example, letting me serve you for a few days. My Lord, don’t worry, I am very clean and no one has really touched me before. If you don’t believe me, you can try for yourself.”

Qin Yu almost vomited blood. A moment earlier she had been so serious as she swore her loyalty.

What was this now?

White Feifei, the speed at which you change is too fast.

Swiping her hand away, Qin Yu stepped back and gritted his teeth, “White Feifei! Be serious. I don’t have time to play with you!”

White Feifei looked offended, “I am not playing, I am being serious. My Lord, you have to believe me. You can really try.”

Qin Yu looked at her and her white porcelain body before turning to leave, “I don’t have time to be crazy with you!”

Bam –

He pushed open the door and slammed it shut.

In the room, White Feifei’s attitude changed from alluring and seductive to a serious expression.

“He actually doesn't know what it means for a Longevity Species to give their body. He really is a young one.


White Feifei’s thoughts spun quickly but she ended up sighing lightly.

What Qin Yu had gotten initially was really just a fragment of the Blazing Sun.

But now, it had ‘recovered’ quite a bit and almost formed the general outline of a Blazing Sun.

This meant that it must have awakened.

It was unlikely for it to be taken away and if a slightest bit was amiss, it could be suppressed entirely.

“Too late!”

White Feifei lifted her hand to wipe her face as she muttered, “It seems like I can only choose Qin Yu and finish this route with him. I hope that after so many years of bad luck, I can have a bit of good luck this time or I am really doomed.”

On the other hand, Qin Yu had to try multiple times before he calmed his pounding heart. He could not help but curse internally.

White Feifei, this fox!

Her seduction techniques were really good. The way she talked and the gaze she gave was unbearable.

She still said she was clean. She must be lying.

How would you be able to master the art of seduction if you did not do it many times? I just don’t want to try and preserve your reputation!

Yes, that is what I think.

I am not embarrassed, not at all!

Having successfully convinced himself, Qin Yu finally felt calm.

Woosh –

A glow covered his left hand and White Feifei’s laughter resounded in his mind, “That’s right. My Lord Qin, you are the most proper and you preserved my reputation. You are not greedy for my body at all.”

Qin Yu groaned and stood up to leave.

Bam –

He pushed open the residence’s door.

Green Goddess was outside. She turned, “Sect Master Qin, are you done resting?”

Qin Yu replied, “Bring me to see Demon Moon.”

Woosh –

The air flickered and Demon Moon walked out, “No need to trouble you Sect Master Qin, I am here.”

Qin Yu replied, “It seems like you want me gone as soon as possible.”

Demon Moon did not deny this, “Sect Master Qin, I just do not wish for the Demon Clan to suffer any calamities.”

Qin Yu smiled softly, “I can understand. Let’s go.”

Demon Moon waved her sleeve and they disappeared. They reappeared outside Demon Lake.

This place had been cleaned and Demon Lake was empty. There was nothing to be seen.

Green Goddess looked pained. She had been reborn through Demon Lake and successfully broke through to the King realm.

She naturally knew how important Demon Lake was to the Demon Clan.

Demon Moon looked at her and patted her, “The old must go for the new to come. Demon Lake is the Demon Clan’s greatest foundation but also a kind of binding. It caused the major demons to feel lucky and they no longer have the drive of knowing there is nothing to fall back on.

“Like that clan. They seemed to never die, but ever since then, they have never gotten a new True King and ended up like they are now.”

Green Goddess nodded, “I understand.”

She looked over, “Sect Master Qin, if possible, please try not to destroy how Demon Lake looks. I wish to preserve it.”

Qin Yu shook his head, “Sorry, I can’t do it.”

He did not care. Green Goddess frowned. Taking a step forwards, the Mountains and Rivers Sword appeared in his hands.

Boom –

His sword struck!

At the same time, a glow flashed across Qin Yu’s left hand and infused into the Mountains and Rivers Sword.

It did not seem impressive but it raised the power of this sword to its maximum potential.

Crack –

The entire Demon Lake was cut into two.

Hooo –

A strong wind picked up and an immense amount of demon energy flowed out from the crack, rushing into the Demon Clan Ancestral Land.

Roar roar roar –

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The roaring sound was from the demon energy, which had concentrated and formed an illusion of a huge demon that was roaring.

At this moment, the entire Demon Clan Ancestral Land was shaking.

Everyone from the Demon Clan was staring at the ancestral land in shock.

They did not know what was going on but could sense the pain and sorrow from the huge demon.

The Half-Kings in the Demon Clan felt something.

“Demon Lake!”

“It…it is destroyed!”

“How can it be!”

“With Demon Moon and Green Goddess guarding it, who dares to destroy our Demon Lake?”

Shouts could be heard as a group of major demons flew into the air and headed into the ancestral land.

Before they could get any closer, a green light stopped them.

Green Goddess’ illusion walked out from it. She looked at everyone and said slowly, “Demon Lake has been destroyed.”

The faces of the major demons changed drastically as their pupils shrank and they looked furious and horrified.

Demon Lake was destroyed…this meant that everyone from the Demon Clan had lost their chance of rebirth.

Once they died, it meant real death!

“Green Goddess, what happened?”

“How did Demon Lake get destroyed?”

“Where is Lord Demon Moon? We want to see Lord Demon Moon!”

The group of major demons were very agitated.

Green Goddess frowned and lifted her hand.

Bam –

The air exploded!

All the major demons instantly went silent and rushed to lower their heads. They felt uneasy at how offensive they had been.

“This was a decision made by Demon Moon and me. Do not speak further about this. Go back.”

The green energy swept across the major demons, sending them flying.

On the other side, where Demon Lake was, Qin Yu sheathed his Mountains and Rivers Sword.

He walked to where the Demon Lake was and looked down. There was a dark black vortex turning slowly in the ground.

As if it felt Qin Yu’s gaze, it started to swirl faster.

A sucking energy emerged from it.

Qin Yu looked back at Demon Moon.

She shook her head, “I am choosing to step back on this. Let’s just end the agreement here.”

Qin Yu replied, “Okay.”

Woosh –

He jumped into the vortex!

He disappeared.

Green Goddess said, “Demon Moon, Qin Yu must be hiding a huge secret.”

“I know.” Demon Moon narrowed her eyes, “Not long ago, I even had a thought of whether to keep Qin Yu here, but ended up discarding that thought.”

She took a deep breath, “Earlier on, when Clan Leader begged, the aura that descended came from a hidden realm. It was the aura of the Blazing Sun. You might not understand, but let me tell you that even Longevity Species do not stand a chance in front of the Blazing Sun.

“That aura can kill. Even if it does not do anything, if it wants to, it can destroy everything.”

Green Goddess looked stunned.

Blazing Sun…

This was the first time she had heard something like this.

“Then Qin Yu…”

“That’s right, he is still alive and fine.” Demon Moon had a wry smile, “So Qin Yu must have a huge secret. But this secret is so big that even our Demon Clan cannot take it. Hence, I gave up that thought and chose our survival.”

Green Goddess was silent as she slowly nodded.

But the truth was there was another reason that Demon Moon did not mention.

It was White Feifei!

She had long since guessed that what the clan leader said about Qin Yu having the remnant body of a Longevity Species referred to White Feifei.

And his strike just now confirmed it.

As a Longevity Species, White Feifei would be able to more distinctly feel the aura of the Blazing Sun.

It was not possible she did not sense it. So what did this mean?

White Feifei was still sticking with Qin Yu, as proven by what Qin Yu just did.

Hence, this showed that White Feifei had chosen Qin Yu despite knowing that the Blazing Sun had noticed him.

Or rather, she had been convinced.

But no matter what it was, the result would be the same…Qin Yu must have something that was able to convince the Longevity Species that he would be able to survive!

And what this implied was too horrifying.

Demon Moon did not know what secret Qin Yu had, but she did not want to know.

Greed killed people.

And so did curiosity.

Demon Moon only wanted to ensure the survival of the Demon Clan.

And this was the reason why she frankly stated her stance after Qin Yu killed the clan leader.

She would separate and draw the line between them clearly, so as to pull herself out of the situation.

If not, she might die if she got implicated!

In the vortex, after Qin Yu jumped in, it shook for a while before a pitch black world appeared.

This environment was almost exactly the same as the Sword Prison under Swallow Mountain.

Boom boom boom –

In the darkness, loud sounds flooded the air and caused it to tremble.

Woosh –

The Mountains and Rivers Sword appeared in Qin Yu’s left hand, glowing.

White Feifei sneered, “Do they think a broken seal can hold me back? Dream on!”

Boom –

The Mountains and Rivers Sword struck out.

In the darkness, the horrifying energy that enveloped the place was cut through the middle.

Qin Yu stepped out and headed into the darkness.

“White Feifei, which part of your body is sealed here?”

“My heart.”


White Feifei replied, “If not, what did you think could empower Demon Lake to be able to allow major demons to be reborn? My heart was giving it the power.”

“Hehe,” She chortled, “But this is all thanks to Rourou. If she did not leave this Demon Lake for the Demon Clan back then, then even if they had my heart, the Demon Clan would not have been able to suppress it.”

Qin Yu raised his brows, “You also know about this?”

White Feifei replied, “Of course. That brat, Demon Moon, was still very young and told me everything, including her infatuation.

“Hehe, I am very curious. If Demon Moon found out that the person she liked was a woman, how would she feel?”

Qin Yu was speechless.

So Demon Moon did not know that Rourou was female.

It was all because Rourou was bored and wanted to pretend to be a man.

Sigh! Luckily, no one knew about this misunderstanding. If not, he would be in trouble if Rourou heard about it.

“Cough…so that’s what happened.”

White Feifei suddenly said, “My Lord, instinct tells me you are thinking something strange.”

Qin Yu shook his head, “Nope.”

“I must be right since you denied so quickly.” White Feifei chuckled, “I never thought that you were so open with your thoughts…mmhm, if you have any needs, I can fulfill them.”

Qin Yu froze.

What did she mean?

The Mountains and Rivers Sword lagged for a bit and after stumbling, it was almost pushed back by the suppressing force from the darkness.

He immediately decided not to say anything to White Feifei about this anymore.

No, he would not talk about anything under this topic with her.

This woman was too wild!

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