Refining the Mountains and Rivers

Chapter 1768 – Huge Battle in the Demon Clan Ancestral Land

Chapter 1768 – Huge Battle in the Demon Clan Ancestral Land

Demon Clan Ancestral Land.

There was a vibration in the air and the clan leader and Qin Yu appeared.

“I have informed Cave Master and he will arrive soon.”

Qin Yu nodded, “Please keep my breakthrough a secret.”

“Sect Master Qin, don’t worry. I know what to do.” As soon as the clan leader finished speaking, his eyes glimmered, “He is here.”

The air vibrated once more.

Very soon, the clan leader looked solemn.

Because at this moment, two figures appeared in midair.

One of them was Cave Master while the other one…

Qin Yu’s pupils shrank – the elderly man in a raincoat!

This other man was the ancient person fishing back at Star Picking Mountain.

Rourou once made an agreement with him although Qin Yu did not know the details.

But now, none of this was important. What was important was that this ancient person recognized Qin Yu.

As soon as they met, there was a possibility for him to ruin Qin Yu’s plans.

But now that things had progressed till this point, it was impossible to avoid. He just had to play it by ear.

Cave Master put his hands together and smiled, “Clan Leader, Sect Master Qin, I have invited him.”

He turned and gestured, “This is Fisherman. The other True King of the Holy Clan. I specially invited him to prevent incidents.”

The clan leader took a deep breath and smiled, “That is good. With True King Fisherman joining us, we have a greater chance.”

Fisherman was wearing a raincoat as he stepped forwards and put his hand together, “Greetings Clan Leader, Sect Master Qin.”

A quick look at will leave you more fulfilled.

His expression was calm.

So were his eyes.

Clan Leader smiled and nodded.

Qin Yu put his hands together.

The atmosphere was amicable but everyone had their own thoughts. However, Qin Yu was undoubtedly the one that was the most relieved after his bewilderment.

Fisherman behaved as if he did not recognize him. But True Kings did not have such a bad memory.

The other party chose to remain silent. Regardless of the reason, this was good news for Qin Yu.

At least, this gave Qin Yu time to maneuver around.

Fisherman stepped back and stood with Cave Master.

Clan Leader smiled as his eyes creased slightly, “Since everyone is here, then let’s make a move before anything else happens.”

He looked calm but he was very annoyed internally!

Today, Cave Master had sidestepped him.

With the two ancient True Kings joining hands, it would be very difficult for him to deal with them and swallow the Longevity Species remnant body.

But now, he could not express it. It would be foolish if they had internal fights before even taking action.

The clan leader made the same decision as Qin Yu to not say anything now. They would play it by ear.

Cave Master smiled and nodded, “Okay.”

Woosh –

The four True Kings flew into the Demon Clan Ancestral Land.

A familiar fog greeted them. But this time, no one from the Demon Clan was here to stop them.

It was as if the Demon Clan Ancestral Land did not even realize that they were entering.

“Hmph!” Cave Master sneered, “Green Goddess, do you think that we won’t get in just because you pretend not to know? What a joke, open up!”

He waved his hand. ‘Bloop bloop’. There was the sound of water gurgling.

The fog split from the middle.

Cave Master stepped forwards first, “I have paved the way, follow me!” There was no hint of the fear that was present when Demon Moon scared him and he was forced to run away miserably.

He was arrogant but it was effective.

The four True Kings tore open the fog in the Demon Clan Ancestral Land and stepped in.

Woosh –

Green Goddess appeared with an icy look on her face, “Cave Master, how dare you barge into my Demon Clan Ancestral Land!”

Cave Master laughed out loud, “Green Goddess, you will soon realize that I am a lot bolder than you think.” As he spoke, he licked the corners of his lips.

“Hmph!” Green Godden waved her sleeve and a green energy appeared, looking like a sea of clouds filling the air.

The clan leader suddenly said, “Green Goddess, consider carefully. Once we fight and the True Kings outside notice, they will definitely descend here. Demon Lake’s existence will be exposed. Do you think that the Qin Empire will leave you alone after knowing this?”

Green Goddess’ expression shifted.

At this moment, a green Demon Moon appeared in the distance. It looked like an illusion covered amidst the clouds.

“Green Goddess, don’t bother talking to them. If they dare to covet Demon Lake, then let them come.”

It was Demon Moon!

Green Goddess looked at the group before turning and taking a step. She disappeared.

The slightly sluggish Cave Master turned aggressive again, “Hmph! So what if Demon Moon is here? She is just one person while we are four True Kings!”

The clan leader said slowly, “Hopefully when we actually fight, Cave Master, you will be able to maintain this attitude and boldness that you have now.

“Let’s go.”

He stepped forwards.

He flew in the air and headed straight for the Demon Clan Ancestral Land.

He did not immediately teleport there to be cautious. After all, the Demon Clan had existed for a long time. Who knew if they had secret techniques?

It was better to be safe than sorry.

Cave Master snorted, “Hmph.” He then followed along. He knew that a rift had appeared between him and the clan leader.

But there was no choice; he could not watch as his efforts ended up in nothing and even help others.

Moreover, this was the remnant body of a Longevity Species!

As long as he could get it, it would be worth it even if he fought with the clan leader.

Qin Yu and Fisherman lagged behind.

Perhaps it was because the clan leader and Cave Master felt that both Qin Yu and Fisherman were constrained, hence they did not pay them much attention.

Qin Yu hesitated before speaking first, “Fisherman, we meet again.”

He looked forward and maintained a blank expression. Only his lips moved.

Fisherman said slowly, “Sect Master Qin, I never thought that you would achieve so much in the short time that passed. No wonder you were chosen by that one.”

Qin Yu replied, “Fisherman, you speak too well of me. I am just lucky.” Just as he was about to end the pleasantries and jump into the main topic, Fisherman suddenly said, “Sect Master Qin, don’t worry. Regarding us, since I did not bring it up at the start, I will keep it a secret.

“As repayment, I wish to know if that being will be taking action today?” If Rourou was going to do something, then why waste time? They should run as fast as possible!

Even for True Kings, interfering in a battle between Longevity Species was asking for death.

Qin Yu fell silent for a while before shaking his head.

Fisherman breathed a sigh of relief, “Thank you Sect Master Qin. Then we are even. However, I will not just sit by in today’s Demon Lake opportunity. We will depend on our own skills.”

Qin Yu replied, “Okay.”

The result was better than he had imagined!

But Qin Yu knew that Fisherman did not say this because he was being kind but out of his apprehension of Rourou.

After all, back then, Rourou had seriously reminded Fisherman three times that Qin Yu belonged to her. It was clear how important he was.

That was good.

As long as Fisherman did not create trouble, Qin Yu could manage this.

Based on their own skills?

Hehe, what do you all have to compare with me?

White Feifei belongs to me. Or at least, they were in a mutually beneficial deal.

And I already have an agreement with Demon Moon.

That clan was sitting at the volcano crater, oblivious to it. Qin Yu just needed to wait for the right time to flip them over.

As for Cave Master and Fisherman, whether the latter dared to do anything was a different story.

Lastly, there was Cave Master – Qin Yu did not know if Demon Moon was going to kill him, but if there was a chance, Qin Yu would definitely kill him!

This bastard. Qin Yu could not help but grind his teeth as he recalled how he looked at Number 327.

Overall, Qin Yu was in a highly advantageous situation!

Woosh –

Woosh –

The four True Kings flew through the air deep into the Demon Clan Ancestral Land.

Maybe it was because the Demon Clan had received the warnings of the two Demon Clan True Kings, no matter how hostile and angry they looked, none of them took any action.

The road was smooth without any incidents. The four of them reached Sky Demon City.

Behind it were the two Sky Demon Mountains.

Today, an intense demon energy filled Sky Demon Mountain. Several demon illusions appeared in the air and locked onto the four True Kings that entered. It roared angrily.

The clan leader’s expression did not change as he moved his hand forwards.

Boom –

It was like a huge invisible hand had descended and numerous demon illusions on Sky Demon Mountain dissipated.

Cave Master did not want to look weak and he displayed a forceful and stubborn attitude. He purposely showed his abilities and warned the clan leader not to make rash moves.


With a snort, a black water flower appeared, forming circles that spread outwards in waves.

In an instant, the two Sky Demon Mountains seemed to be covered in blackness.

Boom boom boom –

A loud sound could be heard from the black clouds and rain fell and covered the entirety of Sky Demon Mountain.

All the demon clan illusions cried out miserably as black smoke appeared from their bodies and they rapidly disappeared.

“Cave Master, nice move.” Clan Leader’s face softened.

When it came to dealing with the Demon Clan, the ancient people knew what to do.

Cave Master replied, “Clan Leader, it is my last resort, I hope you understand.”

Clan Leader said, “I understand.”

On the surface, it seemed like they reached an understanding, but only they themselves knew the truth.

After they flew over Sky Demon Mountain, they would reach the heart of the Demon Clan Ancestral Land, a huge field. Now, the ground was broken and numerous stone tablets had fallen. A huge decomposing demon body could be seen through the cracks.

Seeing the four of them enter, angry roars were released into the air and blood-colored eyes looked at them with an intense murderous intent.

Demon Moon and Green Goddess appeared in the air.

The green light from Demon Moon shone from above, covering everything.

Both Clan Leader and Cave Master looked serious.

Even though they were True Kings, they were not completely devoid of fear. If not, there would not have been so many True Kings falling in the past.

The Demon Clan was still the most ancient and huge clan that had existed in this world for the longest time. In the heart of the Demon Clan Ancestral Land, with Demon Moon and Green Goddess standing guard, even with four True Kings colluding, they had to be careful.

“Clan Leader, do your words not count for anything? I am very angry.”

Demon Moon immediately said unhappily.

Clan Leader replied, “Demon Moon, sorry. I wanted to keep to my word but I had no choice.” He put his hands together and said in a deep voice, “Today, since we have come once again, it is enough to show that we will not give up until we reach our goal!

“Demon Moon, if you are willing to back off and hand Demon Lake over, I can guarantee an alliance between our clan and the Demon Clan. We will share all honors and disgrace and work together to establish ourselves in this world!”

Cave Master said, “The Holy Clan is also willing to put aside the past to work with the Demon Clan. If we three work together, even the Qin Empire will have to be careful and not pressure us.”

Demon Moon sneered, “You barge in and pressure our clan and then say these things. Do you think there is a point?”

She lifted her hand, “Stop talking rubbish, let’s fight. If you can subdue me, the Demon Clan will be yours to deal with! If not…you will all become food for my Demon Clan.”

Buzz –

Above them, Demon Moon’s light shone brightly!

Boom –

Boom –

On the broken ground, several decomposing demon corpses roared out and demon energy surged into the sky. It was filled with the aura of death.

With the Demon Moon light shining on them, their powers increased.

“You don’t want to take the easy route! Demon Moon, I will show you that your Demon Clan methods are not even worth a mention in the Holy Clan.”

Cave Master gritted his teeth and shouted. He lifted both his hands. ‘Burble burble.’ The sound of waves could be heard from behind him.

A black lake appeared above his head.

This lake could be seen as his Great Dao.

As the waters surged and rolled, a thick mist floated into the air and formed the dense black cloud.

This looked similar to when they were at Sky Demon Mountain, killing the huge demon illusions.

However, earlier on, it was just a casual attack. This time, Cave Master was putting his effort into it.

He had even summoned the lake that represented his Great Dao; it was clear he was giving his all. But the result was sad.

Before the mist could form into a layer of clouds, it disappeared under the green moonlight.

If it could not form clouds, there would be no rain either. He would then not be able to hurt the huge demons that had just revived.

Cave Master’s face turned red.

Fisherman stepped forward, “Let me help you.”

He waved his sleeve and a black dragon appeared from within the lake. It was swimming around.

The waves from the black lake grew stronger and immense waves rolled in all directions.

All of a sudden, the black dragon roared and burst out of the water, flying into the air.

As the saying went, the wind follows the tiger while the cloud follows the dragon.

Following the appearance of the black dragon, the clouds instantly formed. ‘Splash splash’. Heavy rain poured down.

Demon Moon frowned, “Fisherman? I didn’t know that an old turtle like you was still alive.”

Fisherman was expressionless as the third eye on his forehead started to move slightly. It showed that he was not as calm internally as he appeared, “Your Honor Demon Moon has not died. How can I go before you?”

Demon Moon raised her brows, “You are as bold as you were back then. You are not like this lousy toad. Other than the way he talks, nothing has changed. He even grew more timid.”

“Thank you for your compliment Demon Moon.” Fisherman put his hands together politely.

From his tone, it was obvious that he was fearful.

At this moment, the rain had already covered all of the decomposing demon corpses.

Every raindrop was like hot lava landing on the demon corpses. It instantly melted their skin, flesh and bones, leaving transparent holes.

The demon corpses cried out in pain. However, at the same time, their cries emanated anger and murderous intent. They rushed forward even faster.

Clan Leader took a step, “Demon Clan, do you think you can stop us with a bunch of corpses?”

Boom –

Boom –

Stone thorns pierced through the ground. Like horrifying spears, they impaled the bodies of the revived demon corpses.

In the middle of the stone thorns, sharp spikes grew outwards and cut through the bodies, dangling the corpses in midair.

The revived demon corpses became like targets hanging above the ground and they had to suffer the attack from the rain.

Roar –

Roar –

As they roared angrily, the demon corpses hit and broke the stone thorns. However, before they could escape, a new stone thorn would pierce through their body.

They could only get drenched by the rain, like barbed brushes brushing over their bodies, turning their meat and bones into powder!

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