Refining the Mountains and Rivers

Chapter 1760(2) – B – Revival of Demon Moon

Chapter 1760(2) – B – Revival of Demon Moon

Cave Master burst out into laughter, “Green Goddess, you are pulling our leg? We are already here and have one foot past the door, but you are turning us away?”

The laughter died down and under the black robe, his eyes were ice cold, “Do you think that these darn ghosts will help you after you enter the Demon Clan Ancestral Land? You think you can hold your head higher than us?”

That clan’s leader was expressionless, “Green Goddess, you have to give me an explanation.”

Green Goddess shook her head, “There is nothing to explain, but you definitely cannot go there.”

Qin Yu frowned; he could sense Green Goddess’ determination. It seemed like the seal’s location was an absolute secret in the Demon Clan too.

Otherwise, that hostile look in her eyes would not have gotten more resolute now.

“Demon Lake!”

Cave Master suddenly spoke, his eyes burning with passion.

He stared at Green Goddess but his voice was shaking, “Demon Lake was actually here and not in a Heavenly World of the Demon Clan. I did not expect this!”

“Demon Clan, wow, Demon Clan. You actually created this elaborate scheme for so long, incredible!”

Green Goddess’ body jerked; she did not speak, but sometimes, silence was an answer. She stared at Cave Master and the green-colored mist around her body grew thicker.

Kaboom –

Above the Demon Clan Ancestral Land, explosive sounds could be heard. It felt like they came from a great distance away. Despite that, it made the bottom of their hearts shiver.

The ground was shaking!

Massive stone tablets in the ground were shaking and it felt like the sleeping demon spirits were about to be revived.

That clan’s leader frowned and his eyes were dark as he stared at Qin Yu.

Qin Yu nodded at him.


It was Demon Lake!

That clan’s leader naturally understood the importance of Demon Lake to the Demon Clan.

It was almost like how fate was the foundation of that clan.

No wonder Green Goddess’ attitude suddenly became so hostile. She was definitely not going to back down for Demon Lake.

Cave Master’s voice rumbled, “Clan Leader, stop wasting your words. If the Demon Clan is not going to back down, our only option is to kill them!”

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Boom –

Aura of the ancient people exploded from his body.

Kaboom –

Above him, that piercing explosive sound suddenly became more intense.

Crackle –

Crackle –

The ground tore apart and massive streaks started to appear along the ground.

Amidst the deep green color, waves of gray, dark demon energy gushed out.

A strange, severely rotted hand whose bones could be seen grabbed onto the edges of the ground cracks and lifted itself up.

These elite Demon Clan members who had been asleep for many years were awakened. They glared at Cave Master and produced threatening roars.

At this moment, demon energy was surging in the Demon Clan Ancestral Land!

That clan’s leader muttered under his breath, ‘foolish bastard’ and he wanted to slap Cave Master.

Of course he could guess what that foolish bastard was thinking.

Demon Lake was something that the ancient people always wanted.

As long as they devoured and refined it, it could help one ancient person break through to the King realm. It might even allow one of them to enter the Longevity realm.

If not for this, why would Cave Master be so aggressive and threaten to fight so easily?

“Hold on!” That clan’s leader roared and he glared at Cave Master, “Green Goddess, we can discuss everything. We did not come here to battle with the Demon Clan today!”

Green Goddess stepped out and the fast boat constructed by demon energy immediately dissipated. She turned around and her green hair flew in the air while green mist around her body was activated, “Demon Lake is the foundation of the Demon Clan…now, there are only two choices. Either you all swear not to reveal this and leave immediately.

“Otherwise, all of you shall remain here forever!”

She nailed the pin into the chalkboard and did not give them any room to bargain.

That clan’s leader darkened completely and his eyes were hostile.

Cave Master’s voice was cold, “I told you the Demon Clan will not back down when it comes to Demon Lake. We can only attack!” His eyes swept past the clan leader and Qin Yu, “We can cooperate. The power of three Kings is enough to suppress the Demon Clan!”

Rights at this moment, there was a loud roar and a full moon suddenly appeared. Pure green moonlight scattered down. It was mysterious and silent.

On the ground, the rotting corpses of the elite Demon Clan members instantly quietened down. At the same time, the aura around them grew even more terrifying and dangerous!

Blood red flames were burning in their empty eyes.

“Demon Moon!”

Cave Master cried as he whipped his head up and stared at the round, green moon with a face filled with shock.

“No way, you died in that battle back then!”

A figure appeared in the green full moon. As she walked, her skirt swayed along. Her features were dream-like but her face was calm, “The real moon of the world is here and I eventually returned from the passage of time…Cave Master, long time no see.”

The moment the voice ended, Cave Master screamed. Black water gushed out of his body and there was a sizzling sound that was like water on hot iron.

At this moment, Demon Moon was already in front of Green Goddess.

Green Goddess turned around and bowed.

Demon Moon said, “You are very good.”

She turned around, “Clan Leader, are you here to destroy the Demon Clan today?”

The clan leader’s face hardened and his attitude was serious. He cupped his hands together, “Everything today was a misunderstanding. I assure you that I will not let anyone learn about Demon Lake. If Demon Moon does not have any other requests, we can leave now.”

Qin Yu’s heart jumped and he suddenly felt more threatened by the sudden appearance of this Demon Moon. That clan’s leader was at the highest rank of the King realm yet he was so afraid of her.

She, who in the world was she?

Demon Moon said, “I have.”

That clan’s leader said, “Please speak.”

Demon Moon raised her finger, “I am very curious as to how a swordsman was able to find Demon Lake. He has to stay.”

Qin Yu frowned.

That clan’s leader sighed deeply and shook his head, “Demon Moon, Sect Master Qin is the Exalted One of my clan and he is also the only King realm swordsman of the world. The Qin Emperor looks highly upon him…therefore, I cannot agree to this request. Please change it.”

Demon Moon looked at Qin Yu, “Swordsmen have degenerated to this? A mere Half-King.”

She shook her head, “Forget it, then let’s change it. She will stay!”

She pointed at Number 328

Shoosh –

Her face instantly turned pale.

That clan’s leader frowned and fell silent for a while before nodding, “Alright!”

He turned and said, “Number 327, Lord Demon Moon looks highly upon you and that is your blessing. Stay here and serve her.”

Number 327 walked forward and bowed, “Yes.”

“Hold on!”

Qin Yu suddenly spoke, “Clan Leader, you already agreed to pass Number 327 to me.”

That clan’s leader said in a deep voice, “Sect Master Qin, don’t let your emotions affect your decisions. Leave Number 327 here and we will depart.”

Cave Master finally could not stand it and he screamed. However, he looked at Demon Moon with fear, “Qin Yu, don’t drag us down if you want to die! Leave this brat behind and let’s leave!”

He was afraid!

Demon Moon was the only True King in the Demon Clan who was not fearful of the ancient people. Because of some mutation that allowed her to defy the ancient people’s bloodline, she was able to resist their control.

In the past, she had even killed a King realm ancient person by herself!

This was the reason why the ancient people and the human cultivators schemed during a great battle and plotted her death.

However, Demon Moon was revived and she had returned!

How could Cave Master not be afraid?

Qin Yu was expressionless and his eyes were cold, “I do not agree!”

He raised his hand and the Mountains and Rivers Sword landed in his palm.

Boom –

A powerful sword aura exploded!

His black robe moved and with a face of determination, he grabbed Number 327 and pulled her behind him.

He faced Demon Moon directly!

Green Goddess’ eyes landed on Qin Yu and there was a look of surprise in her eyes.

She obviously had not expected that he would do this.

A junior, especially for that clan. Death was simply a beginning of a new life.

Opening Heavens Sword Sect, Sect Master Qin…was truly the person who broke through the bottleneck. He was extraordinary.

The clan leader was shocked and angry and he did not know why Qin Yu had lost his mind. However, there was one thing that he was very certain of. Nothing could happen to Qin Yu.

Otherwise, he could abandon any thoughts about the keepsake of the Longevity Species. That clan’s circumstances would instantly worsen too!

Gritting his teeth, that clan’s leader stepped forward and said in a deep voice, “Demon Moon, please grant us a chance this time. I am willing to compensate the Demon Clan in other ways.”

Cave Master’s eyes were bulging wide open as he glared at Qin Yu. This bastard really does not know his life!

This was the first time that Demon Moon looked at Qin Yu seriously. The corners of her lips cocked up and she muttered, “Interesting.

“Although your cultivation realm is poor, this attitude is expected of a swordsman. Rash and fearless of consequences, and only throwing your sword forward…I like it.

“Therefore, I will give you a chance. If you can take on one blow, you can take her and leave. Otherwise, the two of you will stay!”

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