Chapter 1736 – Internal Strife

Amidst the lightning pool, Sun Changqing’s heart fell to the bottom of the pit.

Half of his half-day had almost passed and there was no sign of the Great Dao Golden Armor on Bull Bean getting taken back.

What was going on?

That clan definitely wouldn’t go against the agreement they had.

Bull Dingtian was actually so powerful that even after losing his Great Dao Golden Armor, he was able to fight two True Kings.

It was most likely that his plan had failed. What happened in Sky Falling Mountain today would not remain a secret.

Once everything ended, Bull Dingtian would find someone to take responsibility. Sweeping Clouds Peak would face trouble.

Sun Changqing was furious!

The first thing that made him angry was that the missing piece in his Great Dao was right before his very eyes. As soon as he got it, he would become a True King. However, it was to remain nothing but a dream.

Secondly, it was because that clan had most likely calculated that whether their cooperation succeeded or failed, Sweeping Clouds Peak would have the same fate. If he did not want to get destroyed by Bull Dingtian, his best choice would be to collaborate with them. Since he was not a True King, he would just be a vassal.

Thirdly, he hated Qin Yu for ruining his chance at becoming a True King. Qin Yu was right before his very eyes, yet he could not kill him.

He did not dare to come to Sky Falling Mountain himself.

It was because Bull Dingtian’s illusion was here. Once Bull Dingtian noticed him, Bull Dingtian would definitely kill him.

Bull Bean was determined.

Under the protection of the Great Dao Golden Armor, she would not be defeated. Even if she stood there, she could tire Sun Changqing out.

Without any fear, when she attacked, she could be more direct and forceful, forcing Sun Changqing to continuously back off.

Things were not going as planned today, and leaving was his best choice to prevent further injuries.

But ‘Sun Changqing’ could not bear it. He wanted to stay to try once more.

What if there was a chance?

After all, the gap in his Great Dao was right before his very eyes.

Sky Falling Mountain was like a purgatory. Incidents and dangers could happen unexpectedly.

And at times, danger also meant opportunity.

Hollering, Sun Changqing punched out and caused Bull Bean to fly backwards from the impact. Utilizing the impact from the hit, he backed off.

With the Great Dao Golden Armor, Bull Bean would never lose. Continuing would be meaningless and just deplete his power.

“Don’t run! Hahaha, weren’t you very arrogant and wanted to kill me?” Bull Bean laughed gleefully since she was winning.

In the Void Pearl, Qin Yu breathed a sigh of relief as he could not help but admire Old Ancestor Bull.


He was even able to stabilize today’s situation. It seemed like Bull Dingtian was stronger than he thought.

No wonder Rourou chose him to work with.

Other than his character, his power was definitely a factor!

White Iris looked serious as she gazed at Bull Bean. She knew that Bull Bean would not lose.

Great Dao Golden Armor…

That was bullying!

So what if she had resources?

That’s right, today Bull Bean was proving that she was so amazing because of her resources!

“Miss Bull, you are very powerful and managed to chase off the evil cultivator. You are impressive!” Qin Yu shouted admiringly.

Though what he said was true, the way he said it made White Iris roll her eyes.

Her madam may recognize some of his methods, but his character was horrible. She could not trust him!

Bull Bean blushed and spoke awkwardly, “It is all because of my Old Ancestor’s Great Dao Golden Armor. I know.”

Very soon, she puffed up her chest, “But no matter what, Zhou Huan, you don’t have to worry anymore. If Sun Changqing dares to come again, I will beat him up!”

Qin Yu nodded, “With Miss Bull here, I can rest assured.” As he spoke, he looked up before looking away.

The True King from that clan was observing this area!

It was obvious that he had yet to detect anything wrong with Qin Yu and did not know that Qin Yu had noticed his presence.

Because as time passed, Qin Y? and twenty-four people from that clan were doing their best to help him solve the Great Dao – it also meant they were helping him refine it!

Now, Qin Yu was able to sense the presence of that clan’s True King.

Not long later, when he refined more of the Great Dao and formed a deeper connection with Sky Falling Mountain, he would be able to hide himself.

Hehe, when that happened, that clan would be blind to what happened in Sky Falling Mountain, and Qin Yu would be ready to give them a surprise.

“Miss Bull, there was too big a commotion just now and it must have attracted a lot of attention. Let’s hurry and leave here.”

Bull Bean nodded, “Lead the way.”

Qin Yu was slightly stunned as he looked at Bull Bean.

She looked at Qin Yu curiously, as if asking – what are you looking at me for?

Qin Yu coughed lightly, “Cough, in that case, let’s head this way.”

Something was wrong, something was very wrong!

If Rourou was not in his soul space right now, Qin Yu would really suspect that she had taken over Bull Bean.

She was too cooperative!

She was literally accommodating his every wish without needing Qin Yu to explain.

She can’t be that gullible right? Moreover, from what Qin Yu knew, although Bull Bean was innocent, she was not stupid.

Did she find out my identity?

He thought about it but did not say anything more. It was great that Bull Bean was cooperating, and as for the reason…he shall deal with it in the future.

With Qin Yu leading the way, the three of them left quickly.


Thirteenth Floor. Six official disciples and six attendants were present.

Chen Sanglue had fallen asleep. He was frowning in pain.

Li Ruhua’s face was pale as she spoke slowly, “Senior brothers and sisters, are you really going to do this?”Her gaze fell on Ming Zhe.

Ming Zhe lowered his head and avoided her gaze.

The eldest senior sister said, “Junior sister Li, is there a need to say more? We both know that there is no way out.”

In the Thirteenth Floor, there were strict rules against fighting internally. As soon as it was found out, there would be no mercy. Every time, the cultivators would be stripped of their cultivation and kicked out.

So she was right. From when the thought first arose till they made the first step, they had lost any way out.

Xu Wei spoke slowly, “Junior sister Li, you are very smart and know what to do. Just tell us the truth about the Sky Falling Mountain Great Dao and save yourself the pain.”

“Our Thirteenth Floor has many ways of torture that you may not have heard of. I suggest that you don’t try it.”

“You will have to speak sooner or later; there is no need to suffer. Think carefully.”

Li Ruhua fell silent for a while before nodding slowly, “You all are right. I promise you.

“But there is only one Great Dao; may I know how you are all going to share it?”

Everyone’s faces changed.

The disciples from the Thirteenth Floor remained silent.

But behind them, the eyes of their attendants, who shared all their honor and would die and suffer with them, started to shine.

The Great Dao was in front of them!

Since they were willing to deal with Li Ruhua, it meant that there was no one they could not kill.

Ming Zhe suddenly said, “You don’t have to worry about this. You just have to tell us everything you know.

“There is one thing that I have to remind you of, junior sister. You had better tell the truth. You will not be able to hide anything related to the Great Dao. If we find anything wrong, you will regret it.”

Li Ruhua replied, “Thank you senior brother Ming Zhe for the reminder; I will not hold back.”

She looked down at the ground, “Actually, the Thirteenth Floor’s judgement of Sky Falling Mountain is still not accurate. Because the Great Dao has always been in front of all of us…or rather, we are in the Great Dao.”

She lifted her hand and pointed to her surroundings, “The air, ground, sky, vegetation, mountain, rivers, animals…these are all part of the Great Dao.”

Her words caused the other five Thirteenth Floor disciples’ faces to change. They looked profound.

Li Ruhua was not lying!

So Sky Falling Mountain was the Great Dao itself and the Great Dao was not hidden in it.

It seemed simple, but it was as if they finally broke the paper screen that had been blocking their view. They suddenly felt as if everything was very bright.

Xu Wei’s eyes grew intense as he took a step forwards and spoke in a low voice, “Li Ruhua, speak clearly!”

He felt as if he had touched upon something.

Li Ruhua replied, “Sky Falling Mountain is the True King Great Dao. According to what I know, on the first look, you will be able to tell if you are fated.

“If you are fated, you will be able to see the Great Dao’s substance. If not, even if you are in it, you will not be able to obtain it and can only dream of it.”

The elder senior sister’s face changed, “What do you mean?”

Li Ruhua spoke slowly, “What I mean is that seniors, you are wasting your effort. If you can’t see the Great Dao, it means that you are not fated and it is not something I can help with.”

The pupils of the elder senior sister shrunk as she paled. Instinct told her that Li Ruhua was not lying.

Damn it!

Why didn’t she say that earlier? If they knew this was the case, they would not have taken action.

If they had not, the situation now would be different. They would be protecting Li Ruhua to help her get as much of Sky Falling Mountain’s Great Dao as possible.

It was a pity there was no return!

Ming Zhe took a deep breath and gritted his teeth, “Junior sister Li, why did you do this?”

He had always wanted to make use of Li Ruhua. But he could not deny, beautiful women were always able to attract guys.

Ming Zhe had seriously considered getting together with her to become a cultivation couple in the past.

It was just that things changed too quickly and before he could make a decision, any possibility between them was cut off.

Li Ruhua asked, “Senior, are you blaming me for not telling you all earlier?” The corners of her mouth pulled up mockingly, “But even if I said it earlier, would you all have believed me?”

Everyone’s faces froze as they knew.

They would not have believed her!

On the contrary, they would have thought that Li Ruhua was making excuses because she was scared that they would create trouble. So whether she said it or not, as long as they had the thought, things would still have progressed to this stage.

It was definite!

Elder Senior Sister gritted her teeth and spoke icily, “Junior sister Li, are you mocking us? You succeeded, but it will not change the result for you today!”

Taking a deep breath, she wore an icy expression while dressed in a white robe, “Junior sister Li Ruhua, you were unlucky to get ambushed in Sky Falling Mountain and were defeated. We did not manage to reach you in time and can only go after your attackers to appease your soul in heaven.”

No one spoke – this meant they all agreed.

Since things had come to this stage, there was no turning back. Li Ruhua had to die in order for them to be okay.

Elder Senior Sister stepped forwards, “Junior sister Li, be on your way.”

She lifted her hand and pointed.

It did not matter how they killed her today. All of them had committed a huge crime according to their sect, and if it was exposed, they would all be responsible.

So, she did not mind personally killing Li Ruhua.

Because she and Ming Zhe were once close.

And the emotions that Ming Zhe demonstrated in this period of time could not be hidden from her.

A quick look at will leave you more fulfilled.

Little whore!

But right at this moment, Elder Senior Sister’s face changed. The finger that she had extended had frozen.

Moreover, it was quickly spreading.

“Hurry and kill…” Before she could finish speaking, the head of the furious Elder Senior Sister burst open with a ‘pop’.

“It was Li Ruhua!”

“She has gotten the Great Dao!”

“Let’s kill her!”

“Let’s go!”

The disciples from the Thirteenth Floor shouted and did not hesitate to take action.

No one begged for mercy because they knew that it would not be possible.

Today, either Li Ruhua would die or they would!

Li Ruhua looked calm as she tapped the air in front of her. The air hardened like an invisible mountain peak, blocking the four of them.

Across from her, Ming Zhe’s pupils shrank as he did not hesitate to turn and run.


There was a miserable cry behind him. It was Xu Wei.

They were all the top ten beneath King realm. Though he was slightly higher ranked, their difference was not that great.

In a blink of an eye, Xu Wei had been killed. If it were him…he would have suffered the same fate!

Ming Zhe’s face was pale as he gritted his teeth. His body exploded and turned into blood mist, escaping at a faster speed.

But at this moment, his vision twisted, and when it recovered, he was back at the same spot.

Other than him, everyone else was dead.

Looking at Li Ruhua, Ming Zhe kneeled, “Junior sister Li, please have mercy and let me live! I will follow and be loyal to you from now on!”

Li Ruhua spoke slowly, “I left you as the last one in order to tell you that I actually only have enough power to simultaneously kill three people. If you had cooperated with the other three, maybe I am the one who would have died.”

Ming Zhe’s eyes widened as resentment appeared on his face. He knew that since Li Ruhua said this, she would not let him live.

“You want to kill me. Then let’s die together!” Ming Zhe’s pale face distorted sinisterly.

Bam –

He lunged forward and instantly exploded!

The horrifying attack engulfed Li Ruhua for a long time. Only after a long while did it start to dissipate.

She remained standing where she was and did not seem hurt.

She had an icy look as she glanced around. She waved her sleeve and carried Chen Sanglue, leaving the place.

After she left, several figures appeared looking uncertain.

The Thirteenth Floor disciples had gone through internal strife and were almost all dead!

If this news were to spread, it would cause a huge commotion, after all, the Thirteenth Floor had always portrayed itself as the land of immortals.

Such shameful things like internal fighting also happened amongst them.

But this was not the important point…Li Ruhua actually held a portion of Sky Falling Mountain’s Great Dao, if not, it would be difficult to explain what happened earlier.

Should they chase after her?

Everyone was struggling and hesitating, but ultimately, no one dared to do it. Because the sight of Li Ruhua killing everyone earlier was simply too scary.

Five Thirteenth Floor disciples, including Ming Zhe and Xu Wei, who were in the top ten under the King realm.

If it were them, they would die even faster…as for what Li Ruhua said about only being able to kill three people, who would dare to believe her?

Ming Zhe’s self-destruction did not hurt her at all!

The Great Dao in Sky Falling Mountain was going to fall into Li Ruhua’s hands.

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