Chapter 1730 – Solve the Dao

In front of Sky Falling Mountain, there was a pressure as strong as the boundless ocean.

Even hundreds of miles away, one could feel this suffocating pressure. This made cultivators who were getting close to it to stop in their tracks before they could reach Sky Falling Mountain.

This was the first round of the selection process.

When Sky Falling Mountain descended, that clan released a restriction spell. Everyone could see it, but only people who were ‘fated’ with Sky Falling Mountain could enter.

This could be interpreted as having a strong enough cultivation level.

About five hundred miles away, Qin Yu stopped. He looked up at Sky Falling Mountain and continued to rush towards it.

It was difficult to even fly there, but before entering Sky Falling Mountain, he did not wish to attract any attention to himself. When claiming that clan’s opportunity this time, he had to do it quietly.

After all, this involved something even bigger. If any part of his identity or his plan was revealed, he would be in extreme danger.

Boom bam –

Boom bam –

Above him, rumbling noises were produced from time to time. The space shook violently, forming a terrifying tidal wave. Within it, figures could vaguely be seen.

Countless gazes were gathered there, their eyes filled with envy and admiration.

At this moment, if one could rush towards the sky and resist against the suppressing aura of Sky Falling Mountain, it was already a display of their strong cultivation. However, in actual fact, it was not that these cultivators were trying to steal the spotlight. As they resisted against Sky Falling Mountain’s suppression, these loud noises were naturally created.

Even though there was nothing to be gained from being the first to enter Sky Falling Mountain, at least they were one step ahead of everyone else…sometimes, being ahead could ultimately decide who the opportunity would go to in the end.

Qin Yu was not in a hurry. There was no one who knew Sky Falling Mountain better than he did.

He had already gotten multiple steps ahead when he opened his eyes earlier to look at its true nature.

No one else could compare.

Therefore, no matter whether people were rushing there with great power or astonishing speed, they were not on the same starting line as him.


A miserable cry could be heard as a middle-aged cultivator, who was rushing while burying his head, suddenly rolled on the ground. As if he had collided with something head-on, blood was spewing non-stop from his mouth and nose. He struggled to get up but he did not manage to move at all before he started to cough out blood again and completely collapsed back onto the ground.

“I’m indignant! I’m indignant!”

Amongst his yells, he could feel the distance between himself and others increasing and he started to sob. Evidently, this cultivator had already been eliminated from the selection process.

Qin Yu glanced at him before continuing on his way. That person was the first cultivator to be eliminated, but he definitely would not be the last. Everyone wanted this life-changing opportunity, but they would first have to think about whether they were qualified or powerful enough to be able to hold onto it. If they were not strong enough, then even if the opportunity presented itself right in front of them, they would only be able to look at it.

Soon after, a second cultivator was eliminated. Then the third, and the fourth. The immediate area around Qin Yu quickly became empty. He frowned slightly as he glanced to his left. There was a black figure who was just a little slower than him, and a brilliance appeared in the depth of this figure’s eyes.

He recognized this person.

When he first came to the Central Desolate, he had made a promise with Yang Fanshan. When he was on the ferry heading towards Many Pagoda Mountain, he had an argument with this person. There was no real conflict that happened – they merely glared at each other for a while before retreating.

And this person was one of the three that he saw last time.

Because Qin Yu was the god of his own small world, his perception ability was extremely powerful. Even though he had only seen this person once, he had remembered this person’s aura.

However, this person seemed to have completely morphed into someone else, because even his aura was different.

Overcast and gloomy like the dark clouds on a rainy day that could explode with thunder at any moment – this person was very powerful!

Qin Yu thought for a few moments, but then he retracted his gaze and continued going on his way with his head down. The next moment, the black-robed man turned and looked at him.

A few moments later, that black-robed man retracted his gaze too.

Such a keen perception. It seemed that there was something wrong with this black-robed man. However, thinking about it, since he could completely change his appearance and aura to come to Sky Falling Mountain, there was no reason that others could not come here as well.

What kind of opportunity lay in Sky Falling Mountain? Since such an amazing opportunity was made public, it was normal for everyone to be attracted to it, both good and bad people.

From another angle, however, the messier this current playing field was, the more beneficial it was to him. Now, everyone was just taking advantage of the situation at hand, so it was really dependent on each person’s ability to strive under pressure.

In front of him, there was someone from that clan. Qin Yu did not need to see this person for him to know it; even with closed eyes, he would be able to tell.

Thankfully, the other party did not notice anything strange about him. This person smiled and cupped his hands, “Congratulations, all of you, for passing Sky Falling Mountain’s test. You are all qualified to enter. Please sign this contract and then you’ll be permitted to enter and try your luck at claiming the Great Dao.”

Everyone, including Qin Yu, received a jade document. One could read its contents after infusing their divine sense into it.

There was nothing tricky in this contract. Since that clan had taken out Sky Falling Mountain as a form of ‘breaking their arm to save themselves’, they would not make mistakes on things like this.

After reading through its contents, there was only one important point – no matter which organization a cultivator belonged to, if they managed to claim the Great Dao in Sky Falling Mountain, they would automatically become part of that clan for three hundred years. In this period of time, they would need to protect that clan from outside interference.

This was the true reason behind why they decided to ‘break their arm to save themselves’!

Sky Falling Mountain was not given out for free. Whoever received the Great Dao would enter the True King realm and become that clan’s servant.

Since that clan already had a True King amongst their ranks, after gaining another True King to serve them, they would naturally be able to rule over everyone else and maintain the safety of their clan, temporarily stabilizing the current situation.

The person from that clan smiled and said, “Everyone, please rest assured that everyone’s contracts are the same, but I must remind you that this contract was made personally by our clan’s True King. Once you sign it, you will not be able to back out. If you can’t accept this, our clan will not blame you and you can just head back to where you came from.”

That black-robed man was the first one to drip a drop of his blood on that jade document, which acted as a signature for the contract.

Buzz –

The jade document absorbed the fresh blood and directly disappeared. The black-robed man disappeared together with it.

The person from that clan then announced, “That fellow daoist has already entered Sky Falling Mountain.”

Since someone had taken the first step, everyone else did not dare to lag behind. Furthermore, practically speaking, this contract was not that hard to fulfill.

If one could become a True King, what did it matter if they had to serve for three hundred years?

Additionally, with that clan’s power, after having another True King amongst them, their situation would be stabilized and they would not be in much danger.

Buzz –

Buzz –

The jade documents absorbed people’s blood one by one, and those who had signed it disappeared into thin air one after another as well.

Qin Yu took a deep breath and flicked his finger. He watched as the drop of blood landed on the jade document and instantly integrated with it.

His heart tensed up at this moment.

His jade document reacted slightly differently from others. It did not buzz immediately. It paused for a short while, as if it was hesitating.

Qin Yu was expressionless but his body had already frozen on the spot. Thankfully, in the next moment, the ‘buzz’ sound was finally produced. He was wrapped by a teleportation power and then, his figure disappeared.

The person from that clan frowned slightly, however, he had already received a reminder earlier on that when Sky Falling Mountain opened, there would be a ‘hidden’ person coming, and this person’s jade document would react slightly differently from others’. However, as long as this person signed the contract, he would be able to enter nevertheless.

Right now, what that clan needed was a True King to serve it. Whatever that person’s origins were, it was secondary.


A darkness fell over Qin Yu immediately, but in the next moment, everything was bright and he was already in Sky Falling Mountain. When his feet touched the ground, he suddenly understood what Rourou said earlier – that Sky Falling Mountain itself was a Great Dao.

This meant there was no need to try to comprehend the nature of things here or even try to search for it. The Great Dao was right beneath his feet. It all depended on whether one could find a method or have the fate to refine it.

And in order to refine this Great Dao, one first had to be able to see it clearly. Some people entered Sky Falling Mountain with great hopes and enthusiasm, but if they could not see the mountain for what it was, then they were never going to have any fate with the Great Dao.

Qin Yu was originally unfated with Sky Falling Mountain, but because of Rourou’s existence, he managed to see the golden light after he closed and opened his eyes.

Now that he was in the mountain itself, when he looked down at the ground, he could see streaks of golden light flowing and intertwining with each other beneath his feet.

When he concentrated even more, he could see that locks were formed where the golden light intertwined with each other. There were layers and layers of these locks, and when they were piled together, they acted as a giant seal.

Even though the Great Dao was here, its owner had died, so it sealed itself.

If one wanted to earn the Great Dao, one needed to think of how to solve the dao and unlock the seal!

Taking a deep breath and exhaling, a smile formed at the corner of Qin Yu’s lips.

No matter how powerful or complicated a seal was, as long as one could see it clearly, one could unravel it slowly, like peeling the layers off of a cocoon one by one.

In the end, it was just a matter of time.

Furthermore, he also had Rourou. He somehow felt that she was still hiding a trump card, though she had already opened the back door for him.

The moment Qin Yu stepped into Sky Falling Mountain, changes started to occur quietly.


The six people from the Thirteenth Floor split up and worked separately after they entered Sky Falling Mountain.

Li Ruhua suddenly stopped in her tracks. She frowned and looked at her surroundings, then she saw little bits of golden light being scattered everywhere.

This…this is…

Her heart began to race!

Even though she had looked calm on the exterior ever since she found that she was eligible to enter Sky Falling Mountain, it would be a lie if she said she did not feel any anticipation at all.

After all, it was a Heaving Connecting Great Dao that was in front of her now, and whoever obtained it would become a True King.

One leap and she could become the strongest existence in the world.

And now…the Great Dao was right under her nose!

“Chen Sanglue!” Li Ruhua said.

“Young Miss.”

“I want to enter closed-door cultivation here. Protect me.”

Without any further explanation, she sat down cross-legged and used her divine sense to perceive the world.

Chen Sanglue was slightly stunned and his eyes widened with delight.

Now, he was so close to Li Ruhua that he shared all of her glory and honor. If she could get the Great Dao, he would naturally rise with her. There was even a possibility that he would become an official disciple of the Thirteenth Floor.


Bull Bean’s eyes widened and she blinked many times.

It was not an illusion!

The world in front of her was emitting golden light and she could vaguely see traces of a Heaven Connecting Great Dao in this light.

“Ah!” she cried before tightening her fists, “I am fated with this Great Dao!”

Search for the original.

She swept her gaze over her surroundings, and not noticing anything wrong, she took out a command flag and inserted it into the ground.

Buzz –

The command flag started to exude light and instantly, it covered a radius around her and hid her within.


White Iris followed behind these people. Suddenly, she stopped walking. However, she quickly resumed and there was no fluctuation in the expression on her face.

Half a day later, she found a chance to separate from them. She stomped on the ground and charged towards the sky.

Beneath her feet, golden light was pouring out of Sky Falling Mountain.


Sprout opened her eyes were wide with disbelief. She never expected that she would be able to get the Great Dao in Sky Falling Mountain.

But now, it seemed that this opportunity had fallen on her head.


In the main city of Long Mountain Area.

Beneath the governor’s mansion, the twenty-four stone statues started to roar at the same time. The blood-colored patterns that ran throughout their body gave off a blood red glow.

The elder that was standing there widened his eyes. At first, he looked shocked, but it quickly turned into delight.

“Clan Leader! Clan Leader!”

He shouted at the top of his lungs.

Buzz –

The space trembled and a low voice rang out, “I already know.”

The elder was extremely excited. “Clan Leader, a disciple from our clan has already established a mutual connection with the Great Dao in Sky Falling Mountain!

“We must get this Great Dao. Please extend a hand to buy time for our disciple and prevent others from getting it first.”

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