Chapter 1674B – Yushan Master

Hua Xiangrong lowered her head in thought before saying, “Elder Sun, I only know that back then, you had indeed brought this servant with you and checked in into Heaven Fragrance Residence. However, as for the relationship between both of you and what happened afterwards, I am not sure about it. Therefore, please settle this matter by yourselves after leaving Heaven Fragrance Residence so that our business is not disrupted.”

This was the only solution she could think of.

After chasing these people out, they could do whatever they wanted, whether it be beating each other to death or resolving it with a handshake. It had nothing to do with Heaven Fragrance Residence.

Even though it was not very nice of her to do so, at the very least, she could protect all of their dignities. The other guests would at most think that the two guests from Heaven Code Courtyard were from terrifying backgrounds, which was why Heaven Fragrance Residence was unwilling to offend them. It was much better than doing what Lady Bull Bean told her to do, which was to outwardly favor these two guests, because this would cause Heaven Fragrance Residence to lose all credibility.

Hiding in her room to observe how things were unfolding, Bull Bean complimented Hua Xiangrong in her heart. This was indeed a better idea.

After all, this was still her family’s business. It would be a pity to destroy it just like that, especially those chefs that would lose their jobs. Their cooking skills were indeed extraordinary.

As for how things would continue to unfold after leaving Heaven Fragrance Residence, Bull Bean was not at all worried.

Although this old woman from Golden Toad Palace kept showing off her status as an elder, her cultivation was considered to be pretty good. However, from her perception, it would be very easy for Qin Yu to suppress her. If she continued to pursue this matter, the only one who would lose out was her.

Elder Sun was shocked and angry at the same time. In her heart, she was increasingly sure that Qin Yu and Rourou’s background was terrifying. Since Heaven Fragrance Residence had made it clear that they were not willing to get involved, she wondered whether things would get to the point of no return if she continued to pursue the matter.

Just when she was having this dilemma and was feeling unsure about what to do, a cold laugh rang out, “This is the famous Heaven Fragrance Residence? I really disagree with the way you are handling this.”

Dong –

A dull sound was produced. Above their heads, ripples appeared in the sky before it was forcibly ripped open by someone. A tall figure appeared through the crack.

Elder Sun was over the moon and she hurriedly greeted the figure, “Sun Yuhuan greets Yushan Master!”

Hua Xiangrong’s expression changed. She, too, recognized this person who had forced his way here.

Yushan Master was a highly-reputed rogue cultivator in Langya Area. Even though he was at a peak Ruler cultivation level, he met with an opportunity in his early years and he possessed a very powerful treasure.

The possession of this treasure alone allowed him to fight at a higher level. Once, he fought against someone who was in the Half-King realm over some historical cave ruins. Even though he was defeated in the end, he managed to escape unscathed.

Additionally, Yushan Master was always vicious, merciless, and full of vengeance. In Langya Area, he was very well-known for being a difficult person. Normal sects did not dare to provoke him, otherwise they would definitely end up paying a painful price for doing so.

In the past, there were once two sects in Langya Area who had a conflict with Yushan Master. One of these sects got its patriarch hall torn down and nothing was left behind. After paying a huge price, the other sect had no choice but to leave Langya Area to escape from Yushan Master and prevent any disasters from happening to them.

Because of these reasons, Yushan Master’s viciousness became more and more well-known.

Hua Xiangrong never thought that today’s matter would attract this old monster here. Furthermore, from the current situation, it was evident that Elder Sun was somehow connected to Yushan Master.

It was getting troublesome!

Feeling uneasy in her heart, Hua Xiangrong took a deep breath and went forward to greet him, “Greetings, Yushan Master. Your arrival at Heaven Fragrance Residence will definitely cause our business to flourish.”

Yushan Master had the appearance of someone in their fifties. He was tall and had black hair, and his eyes were bright and full of expression. After hearing Hua Xiangrong’s words, he scoffed, “Don’t bother with all these boot-licking words! Hua Xiangrong, did you know that Elder Sun’s servant was originally meant to be sent to me?”

Hua Xiangrong narrowed her eyes and her heart fell, “This…I indeed did not know.”

Yushan Master had an arrogant expression on his face and his eyes turned cold as he released a strong suppression energy, “I can’t fault you for not knowing, so I can choose to be reasonable right now. Give the servant to me and I will let this matter rest.”

Heaven Fragrance Residence was not easily provoked and Yushan Master knew this too. Otherwise, with his personality, he would not even have given them a choice.

Hua Xiangrong breathed a sigh of relief and hurriedly replied, “Since Yushan Master has already made your request, Heaven Fragrance Residence naturally has no opinion.” Turning around, she glanced at Qin Yu and Rourou, signaling them to recognize the escalating situation and to quickly release the servant.

This was Yushan Master we were talking about, someone who was numb to killing people, had violent tendencies, and possessed an imperceptibly deep level of cultivation. Offending him was equivalent to asking for death.

Even if both of you come from powerful backgrounds, it is better to lower your head to this person who was comparable to a Half-King.

After all, you must have heard of the saying that goes, ‘A wise man knows better than to fight when the odds are against him’.

However, very quickly, Hua Xiangong realized that she might as well have given looks to a blind person because these two people did not respond to her at all.

Sprout’s face turned pale. After being directly looked in the eye by Yushan Master, her body started to tremble uncontrollably.

She could only feel deep fear at this moment.

Sprout knew very well that if she ended up in Yushan Master’s hands, she would only meet with a miserable and tragic ending.

Rourou suddenly raised her hand and scratched her head, “What’s there to be afraid of? He’s just an old thing. If he wishes to die, he can get his wish very quickly.”

The whole place fell into silence!

Hua Xiangrong’s eyes widened and thought to herself, ‘Do the two of you not have ears? Have you not heard about Yushan Master’s reputation? How ignorant and ill-informed, or are you both just too arrogant to act so recklessly like that?’

Elder Sun was extremely excited and her eyes were full of agitation and hatred, as if she was imagining these two people being tortured to death by Yushan Master.

You’re not being arrogant? Good, then continue being even more arrogant. I’m going to see how you’re going to wail in pain later on!

Yushan Master narrowed his eyes and sized Rourou up and down, “Little brat, you truly have some guts. I hope your background is powerful enough to scare me.”

His words were full of killing intent.

Qin Yu laughed bitterly to himself as he thought, ‘Sit back, relax and watch the show? It seems like I am going to have to step up without any warning.’ He felt a strong and dangerous aura from Yushan Master, and Hua Xiangrong’s change in attitude undoubtedly proved that his guesses were right.

Rourou looked at Qin Yu, “It seems like there is going to be trouble.”

Qin Yu frowned and thought in his heart, ‘Could you stop saying any more crap?’

Rourou suddenly added, “Do you think there will be someone with a kind heart that will appear to help us get past this obstacle and also beat this old thing to death?”

Qin Yu did not know what was wrong with her and he said, “I hope so.”

Rourou suddenly laughed and snapped her fingers, “Since Great Master Qin hopes so, then there will definitely be someone coming. Want to make a bet?”

They had not yet made the bet when Bull Bean, who was hiding in a room, could feel that the situation was turning awry and finally decided to step out.

Thankfully Lady Bull Bean was not just kind, but she also knew how to repay someone’s favor. Therefore, earlier when she realized that Rourou was also at Heaven Fragrance Residence, she ordered Hua Xiangrong to think of ways to help them so that they would not get into any trouble.

Yushan Master’s aura was especially scary now. However, she owed them two lives so she bit the bullet and finally decided to intervene.

The first thing she did was to introduce her family.

“Bull Dingtian is my Old Ancestor and Heaven Fragrance Residence is a business run by my Bull Family. If you turn around and leave now, I can let this matter rest!”

It was her first time making use of her status to bully others so she was quite inexperienced. She could not stop stuttering and there was no intimidation in her voice at all.

However, Yushan Master’s expression still changed. The coldness and violence in his eyes was instantly replaced by deep fear.

Bull Dingtian!

Perhaps normal cultivators did not recognize this name, but those that had reached Yushan Master’s level of cultivation would know about Bull Dingtian’s reputation.

If Yushan Master was considered to be the most seasoned rogue cultivator in Langya Area, then Bull Dingtian could be considered to be one of the most powerful rogue cultivators in the Central Desolate Divine Area. Perhaps even the most powerful rogue cultivator.

The four big clans and even the Great Qin Empire had to be respectful towards the Bull Family.

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