Refining the Mountains and Rivers

Chapter 1669 – Verifying Identity

Chapter 1669 – Verifying Identity

“You are well-mannered and you are receptive to learning. Not bad.” The national advisor’s smile was kind and he looked at Zhao Yuan. The great general’s face was still dark and he ignored the national advisor’s subtle hint.

Rourou was expressionless and she said, “Greetings to National Advisor…you are also not young.”

The national advisor smiled and nodded, “That’s right and that’s why I made the difference in our seniority all the more obvious.” He paused and then sighed, “The Opening Heavens Sword Sect disappeared over ten thousand years ago. I didn’t expect there would be a day that it would emerge from the dust again. Your roots are deep and your fortune is good. You actually found an inheritor whose body is so well suited for the skills. The future is bright!”

Rourou said, “Your words are kind, National Advisor. The Interrogation Battle is over. If there is nothing else, we will leave first.”

The national advisor smiled and nodded, “Of course, I am just an observer and I do not intend to interfere. I believe Great General Zhao Yan will also abide by his words right?”

Zhao Yuan’s face was black, “I will give the orders to keep everything that happened today a secret. No one else will know what happened.”

Rourou pulled Qin Yu’s hand, “Let’s go.” She raised her hand and slashed it down. The air split open and the two stepped into the cracked space and disappeared.

The national advisor sighed, “The Opening Heavens Sword Sect was known as the strongest sword sect in the world back then. Its reputation was well deserved. The aura from this sword strike is very sharp.”

Great General Zhao Yuan’s face was still dark but it was no longer as cold and sinister as before. Initially this was just a show, but he did not expect that the national advisor would come in to change the script and let the two from the Opening Heavens Sword Sect off.

He was very unhappy!

He turned and cupped his hands together, “National Advisor, I hope that you can give me an explanation for this.”

Although the ruins of the Opening Heavens Sword Sect on Swallow Mountain had been visited many times, there were many other places that were not revealed.

If they grabbed the two sect members and went to Swallow Mountain, they would have a lot of finds.

Furthermore, the situation did not stop there. Back then, the Opening Heavens Sword Sect encountered a calamity and fell from the top as an elite of sword sects because of that clan.

Now, the Opening Heavens Sword Sect had been revived. Since a guardian and an inheritor had returned to the Central Desolate, it would cause a disturbance. Capturing the two sect members and controlling them would surely be beneficial.

At lease, the king would be very happy with this.

Zhao Yuan originally wanted to redeem himself through this matter with the king. However, he was left empty-handed now.

The national advisor’s face was calm and he suddenly laughed. He lifted two fingers up, “There are two reasons. Firstly, the guardian of the Opening Heavens Sword Sect is very strong. I am not able to confirm the extent of her powers. However, she is much stronger than what you can sense. If we forced them to remain here, they might break through the net and kill themselves. I do not want such an outcome.

“Secondly, the inheritor of the Opening Heavens Sword Sect is very talented. I am tempted to take him as my disciple. You saw for yourself that move he used to kill Zhao Heng. His small world already entered the initial stage. A person like this is worthy of being a chess piece. Of course, this means that he should be presented on the chess board. It would be a pity to keep him hidden.”

He stared at Zhao Yuan and smiled, “Great General, rest assured. I will explain this to His Majesty and add in a few words for you. After all, it was your work that discovered the remnants of the Opening Heavens Sword Sect.”

Zhao Yuan’s expression slowly relaxed. He cupped his hands together, “Thank you for your efforts, National Advisor. I will take my leave first.” He stared at the headless corpse of Zhao Heng. With a wave of his sleeve, a sword flash flew forward and instantly turned it into ashes that scattered across the ground.

Shoosh –

Zhao Yuan leaped into the sky and the rest of his army followed behind him.

The national advisor stared at the remains of Zhao Heng’s corpse and silently muttered, ‘What a pity.’ It would have been beneficial if he had obtained the corpse and refined it.

He turned and looked in the direction Qin Yu and Rourou left in. After a while, the national advisor mumbled, “Opening Heavens Sword Sect…although I saw it for myself, I have to investigate it myself. There is no harm in being overly careful…”

As he said this, he took a step back and his body disappeared.


The scene before his eyes flashed and when Qin Yu finally regained his sight, he realized that he was at a pavilion by the roadside. This place was very familiar. This was where they waited for Yang Fanshan to take the bait. If they walked forward, they would exit the territory of the Jade Gate.

Rourou softened her grip and sat down. She took out a fruit from nowhere and bit into it. ‘Crack’, the shell of the fruit broke and juice flowed into her mouth.

Qin Yu was wearing a straight face.

Rourou glanced sideways at him, “Oh, our dear Lord Qin, you seem to be angry?”

Qin Yu nodded, “I will add a word. I am very angry.”

Rourou’s eyes narrowed, “Then tell me what I can do to appease your anger.”

Qin Yu coughed lightly, “Do what you want.”

Rourou continued to munch on her fruit, finishing yet another one. When Qin Yu was about to break down, she suddenly laughed.

“Qin Yu, I think that you are someone who really can’t differentiate good from bad.”

“Then Miss Rourou, please teach me the ways. Let me know what I am seeing wrongly.”

“It is useless to push me.” Rourou mocked, “You don’t have to play tricks; I was already prepared to tell you about this.”

Qin Yu quickly turned around and placed his hand by his ear in an exaggerated manner.

Rourou calmly said, “Once we enter the Central Desolate, you need an identity that can be recognized. Otherwise, if a person that appears out of nowhere grows famous, it would not lead to a good outcome. As for the reason…you can think about it. The rest of the Desolate Areas outside the Central Desolate carefully rely on others to live. Don’t you think they will try something? Then, do you understand?”

Qin Yu slowly nodded. This was not hard to understand.

Rourou snapped her fingers, “Therefore, from today onwards, you are the inheritor of the Opening Heavens Sword Sect.” She thought about it, “Zhao Yuan is not an issue, but that person who came after is a crafty person. I believe he will investigate this further. Thankfully, I made preparations beforehand to ensure that no matter how deep he investigates, he will not be suspicious.”

Qin Yu lifted an arm and rubbed his forehead, “That’s it? Shouldn’t you explain in greater detail? For instance, the idea that I am supposed to be the inheritor of the Opening Heavens Sword Sect? I will definitely be seen through if I don’t understand a thing about my sect.

“Also, you chose to use the Opening Heavens Sword Sect as a cover. There must be a reason right? You didn’t just choose any random shell.”

“Firstly, you probably don’t know, but according to the rules of the Opening Heavens Sword Sect, you will only gain the privilege to know about the inner sect methods once you reopen the Founder Hall. But don’t worry, since I chose to create this fake identity, I will cover the full thing.” As she said this, she took out a token. It was what Yang Fanshan gave to them, “Keep this item well. The identity of the Opening Heavens Sword Sect is final.”

She glanced at Qin Yu, “As for your second question, you are right. The destruction of the Opening Heavens Sword Sect was because of the mysterious clan. With this identity, your future movements will be easier. No one will think much about it. Furthermore, you may obtain external help. There are many who are not fond of that clan in the Central Desolate. This includes the king that the national advisor represents.”

Qin Yu shook his head, “I believe that there are other reasons.”

Rourou scoffed, “Don’t think too much or your brain will rot.” She stood up, “I am done answering your questions; we should go.”

Qin Yu laughed bitterly. It seemed like he would not be able to get his answers today, but at least he had learned some context. However, after thinking about it, he realized that Rourou purposely set the scene today and lured Great General Zhao Yuan and the national advisor here to ‘uncover’ their identity as Opening Heavens Sword Sect members. Yet, before this, Qin Yu had no idea what was going to happen. He could not help but rub his nose.

Who knew what else she was hiding?

The two quickly reached Song City.

This time, they were trying to find a large ferry that would take them through multiple territories. Song City was too small and it did not have such a large ship. However, they could use it as a port and they would head to a place where a large ship was stationed. At the same time, they would get information about the shipping routes.

After two days at Song City, a fleet of ships arrived at the harbor. Qin Yu instructed the servant at the guest house to continue seeking out information about ships and he quickly got an answer. This fleet of ships would leave the next day and they would reach the main city in Langya Area.

The main city was bustling and many large ships would pass by it. They would need to ask around again to get a suitable ship for themselves.

The two of them had nothing to hesitate about. After buying tickets, they boarded the ship. Without the rich man, Yang Fanshan, they chose a regular room in the ship. Thankfully, their room location and view was good.

Right as Qin Yu and Rourou boarded the ship, Wei Han, who had been detained at the military camp of the Jade Gate for many days, was finally released.

Before this, he was subjected to an interrogation by a daoist. The interrogator had a warm attitude and he asked a few questions with a smile.

What made Wei Han’s heart clench was that he could not resist answering the other party’s questions. It seemed like as long as he opened his mouth, he would deliver his answer.

Even if Wei Han had been given permission beforehand, he still felt nervous and he could vaguely make out the identity of the daoist. He did not dare to delay any longer and he hid his tracks and headed away from the Jade Gate.

At Ask Immortal Building, the national advisor drank a cup of wine and he felt much more relaxed.

Through interrogating Wei Han, he reinforced his belief that the two people were from the Opening Heavens Sword Sect. After all, it was widely known that the Opening Heavens Sword Sect would break their swords.

After another cup of wine, the national advisor got up and waved his hand to ask for the servant of the wine store. He smiled, “Can you please call Shopkeeper Liu over. Tell him that I have some questions for him.”

The servant observed the slight smile on the daoist’s face and he felt fear. His face paled and he quickly nodded. Very soon, Shopkeeper Lu rushed over. When he saw the daoist, his expression immediately changed.

Before Shopkeeper Liu bowed, the daoist locked his eyes on him, “I have something to confirm with you. Please do not lie to me.”

Shopkeeper Liu walked to a side and spoke in a respectful manner, “I will tell you whatever I know.”

“Alright, then I shall ask.”

A few moments later, the national advisor walked out of Ask Immortal Building. After some thinking, he stopped outside the wine store by the road. A moment later, he turned and left.

One step, two steps, three steps…the national advisor’s body disappeared.

Shortly after, the national advisor stepped forward. When his foot met solid ground again, he was on Many Pagoda Mountain. The grand array that the Red Cloud Sect had set up to protect the mountain was nothing in front of the national advisor.

He stared at it for a while. Then, his body flashed and he teleported to a dense forest. This place was not out of the ordinary, but the national advisor’s nose twitched and he smelled a fresh scent of blood.

This was where Qin Yu had killed that old sloppy man. There was another aura from the blood scent that confirmed that the man was killed through a measure by the Opening Heavens Sword Sect.

The national advisor took a step back and he appeared beside a stone pagoda.

People nearby were oblivious to what was happening and they did not see the national advisor. They surrounded the stone pagoda and looked at it with huge anticipation. They had heard the rumors that someone obtained good luck here not too long ago.

This was no longer a secret on Many Pagoda Mountain.

The guard of the pagoda had his eyes closed and he looked like a dead log. Even if people poked him, he would not give any reaction. As such, no one bothered him and they directed their attention to the stone pagoda. After all, the guard was not someone who could control the fortunes on Many Pagoda Mountain.

Whatever they heard before may just be falsehoods or a coincidence.

Right at this moment, the guard’s expression changed. Before he could react, he heard a voice that instructed him not to move.

The national advisor faced the stone pagoda but his voice was beside the ear of the guard. After a few questions, he got the answers he wanted and he was no longer suspicious.

The Yang Family…

Events that happened many years ago may have been buried with time. Ordinary people may not have known it, it but the national advisor knew it.

For instance, he knew that the Yang Family had attached itself to the Opening Heavens Sword Sect. Furthermore, the power of the dragon running in the veins of the Yang Family members was closely related to the Opening Heavens Sword Sect.

This could explain why the two of them would head to Many Pagoda Mountain and then return to the Jade Gate.

It seemed that there was no question about their identity.

Since that was the case, he could use these two and draw up a plan. Who knew, this might just be a heaven-sent opportunity to help the king achieve his wishes.

The national advisor did not believe that the king would go against him. After all, they were the ones who broke the agreement first. The king had waited for so long, and in the national advisor’s opinion, he was exceptionally patient.

This had not been a wasted trip and he could answer to the king. However, who was that ancient person hiding in the Jade Gate? It was quite impressive how he could hide like a rat.

Nonetheless, the national advisor was not in a rush. Since he already found traces of him, it was only a matter of time before he got his hands on his target.


In the ship, Rourou’s eyes opened and she wore a satisfied smile. Trying to be overly cautious? You are still inexperienced!

However, when she recalled how the national advisor called her ‘senior’, Rourou’s face darkened!

Some people were too vicious. A single sentence was enough to make her want to rip him apart.

Can you speak rudely just because you have good foresight? Just wait, I will bring you down and trample on you.

Once with the left foot and once with the right!


On the mountain peak, the elder man in a coat suddenly withdrew his fishing line.

He turned around and stared in the distance. That national advisor had finally left. Then, he no longer needed to hide here.

It was a pity that this was a wasted trip and he was still hungry. However, this was a small issue. Which ancient person had not experienced hunger before?

But that being…Opening Heavens Sword Sect. Hehe, this identity could scare people. However, since that person did not hide, it showed sincerity. He was happy to ignore the sufferings of the national advisor and the Qin Empire.

He put his fishing line away, turned, and disappeared into the mountains.

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