Chapter 1663 – Ancient People

The four of them held Sheep Horn Ores in their hands and did not stay in Sheep Horn City any longer. After passing through several simple checks, they were authorized to enter the Jade Gate Realm. The reason why they were so relaxed with the checks was probably because the guards from the Great Qin Empire did not think that anyone would dare to create trouble in the Jade Gate Realm.

After all, Great General Zhao Yuan’s name was extremely famous in the nation.

Before they entered Jade Gate, Yang Fanshan spent three copper coins and purchased a luxurious carriage from a carriage shop. There was a distance from where they were to Jade Gate and they did not have the ship. He could not let their two precious guests stay and eat outside.

Yang Fangshan and Jin Shen drove the carriage from Star Picking Mountain, which was the mountain that was nearest to the east.

Qin Yu started to cultivate. They had spent a huge amount of money to purchase an immortal carriage and other than speed, it was also a lot more comfortable and there were almost no bumps on the road. This was what made him the most satisfied.

When Qin Yu opened his eyes once more, the carriage had completed more than half the journey. He looked out the window and could the distinct silhouette of Star Picking Mountain reaching high up into the clouds.

It seemed closer than it really was. They still had a long way to go to reach the foot of the mountain. Turning around, Qin Yu looked at Rourou. In her hand, there was a completely red stone that was covered in sheep horn veins, about the size of her thumb.

His eyes flashed as he asked, “Is this the Sheep Horn Ore?” He took out his own piece and exerted some force on it. ‘Pak’, the ore shattered.

The stone layering on the surface broke off, revealing the true appearance of the Sheep Horn Ore, which was slightly red in color. Even if he did not know how to differentiate the ores, just looking at it, it was obvious that there was a huge difference between his stone and Rourou’s.

Rourou’s mouth curled up, “Mine can be exchanged for over ten thousand of yours.”

Qin Yu sighed, “The Jinge Sect gave out something really valuable.”

Rourou sneered, “If they knew about this, their stomachs would hurt so much it would devour them whole.”

Qin Yu rubbed his forehead. She has another outstanding ability – being able to pick things up was also a unique skill.

Looking at the Sheep Horn Ore in Rourou’s hands, the more he looked at it the more beautiful it seemed, it shimmered a faint red glow.

“Stop looking at it. I have a use for it. I can’t give it to you.”

Qin Yu raised his brows. He could tell that Rourou was satisfied with this Sheep Horn Ore. He discerned this from the faint difference in her expression and how she was playing with the ore between her fingers. But she was going to give it away.

As if detecting his surprise, Rourou snorted, put the Sheep Horn Ore away, and looked at Qin Yu unhappily.

He suddenly understood…this Sheep Horn Ore was related to what Rourou mentioned before on accumulating chess pieces.

That meant that she was also giving away this Sheep Horn Ore for him. This could explain Rourou’s unhappy snort and cold expression.

Qin Yu coughed lightly, “Time never stops, time never stops! Cultivate, cultivate. Call me when we arrive.”

He closed his eyes.

Across him, Rourou gritted her teeth and raised her hand. She then placed it down. She would remember this and deal with him in the future.

She had a feeling back then and after she got this premium Sheep Horn Ore, she was sure.

Since the other party intentionally left a trace, she would not miss it…it was just that, Qin Yu was wrong about one thing. This chess piece was not for them to collect.

At most, it would be considered a collaboration.

Rourou narrowed her eyes. For them to be qualified to collaborate with her, it meant that they must be powerful.

Licking her lips, there was a reminiscent look in her eyes.

That taste…was really good.

They reached Star Picking Mountain.

They had travelled non-stop to reach this point. Though the horses they got were very talented and strong, they were also at their limit and needed to rest.

Yang Fanshan’s face was covered in dust as he respectfully knocked on the carriage door and explained the situation.

Worried that the two of them would be unhappy, he quickly said, “There is a city by the foot of Star Picking Mountain. After we change the horses there, we can continue on our journey.”

Qin Yu looked at Rourou and smiled, “Just a day wouldn’t matter. Let’s rest here for the night.”

Yang Fanshan naturally did not have any objections to this. The carriage slowed down as it entered the city. They found an inn to stay at. As they entered the inn, Qin Yu realized that the business was slow. Even the streets did not have many people.

He had a feeling and asked the inn’s assistant that was helping them. He instantly released his grievances – Great General Zhao Yuan had been angry but no one knows the reason. He had ordered for all the cultivators within the Jade Gate area to be checked.

There were quite a few things that happened and the soldiers had actually found several wanted criminals that had been hiding. But in the midst of all these, many innocent people had also suffered and everyone was anxious.

The cultivators that came to the Jade Gate could not offend the great general and could only escape to avoid getting into trouble.

After he finished speaking, the inn’s assistant had a sudden realization and laughed dryly as he looked at the four of them, “Dear guests, I may have spoken too much. This is all nonsense; please don’t take it to heart like I do.”

Qin Yu smiled and nodded, “It’s okay. We won’t want to speak to anyone else, we cannot afford to offend Great General Zhao Yuan either.”

The inn’s assistant seemed to relax, “Our great general is the most powerful in Jade Gate Realm.”

Seeing the inn’s assistant shoot him a thumbs up, Qin Yu glanced at Rourou. He did not have evidence but instinct told him that this had something to do with Rourou.

For example, the demon spirit that she took from the earth vein on Bull-fighting Mountain.

Rourou was expressionless as she looked up at him. Her expression was clear – what are you looking at me for?

Qin Yu looked away but he now knew. He could not help but feel pressured.

Zhao Yuan had found out about the Bull-fighting Mountain issue so quickly and made such a big fuss. It was obvious that this was a huge issue. With the power of the Great Qin Empire, if they knew it was them, would they be walking right into the trap if they turn back from the Jade Gate Realm?

Rourou was powerful and had many tactics. Qin Yu did not doubt that she had a few hundred more tricks up her sleeve. But no matter how powerful she was, she was just one person and there was a limit to her power.

A person against a nation. Not to mention the Great Qin Empire that united the Central Desolate Divine Area, even opposing the West Desolate would be impossible.

Otherwise Qin Yu would not need to act so cautiously and remain in hiding.

But seeing how Rourou was expressionless, thoughts ran through Qin Yu’s head and he finally relaxed.

Since she had no indication, it means that she was sure that she could hide it and Great General Zhao Yuan would not find out.

But though this was what he thought, after they were allocated their rooms, Qin Yu paused his cultivation and headed to Rourou’s room. He opened her door and lowered his voice as he voiced his concerns.

Seeing Rourou’s expression, he got his answer and turned to leave after saying, “Sorry to disturb you.”

It was better to be despised than feel uncertain. If not, he would not be able to calm down as he cultivated at night and waste his time.

The night passed peacefully. From the innkeeper’s expression, he seemed shocked that the army did not search the area as well and he looked happy.

It seemed like Great General Zhao Yuan was finally stopping for a while.

The delighted innkeeper almost gave the four of them a discount in his happiness but eventually did not.

The future days were going to be tough and he had to earn whatever he could.

The carriage crossed Star Picking Mountain when Rourou tapped on the carriage. Yang Fanshan pulled on the reins and the carriage stopped.

The carriage door opened, Rourou walked out and looked back, “What are you staring for? Hurry and come out.”

As Qin Yu looked at Yang Fanshan and Jin Shen, who were looking down without moving, he rubbed his nose and did not say anything. He had been cultivating peacefully when he had been awoken abruptly. He almost got upset.

More importantly, she did not give any explanation and he did not know what was going on.

Rourou had gone ahead and walked towards Star Picking Mountain behind them.

Qin Yu smiled softly, “Please wait for a while. We will go up the mountain…err, to view the scenery. We will be back soon.”

The two of them hurried to express that they were fine with it. They were both smart and knew that was not the truth.

However, they did not show it.

Star Picking Mountain was very high and steep, the road up was intimidating.

But after they were out of sight, Rourou grabbed onto Qin Yu and they both took a step and appeared on the peak of the mountain.

With clouds rolling beneath his feet and nine suns shining above his head, an old man in a straw coat sat at the edge of the cliff. He held a wooden fishing rod in his hand and the fishing line disappeared amidst the clouds. What he was fishing for was unknown.

“Dear gentleman and lady, what I am fishing for is very sensitive. Please do not make any noise. If not, you will waste my entire month of effort.”

The old man in the straw coat said without turning back but his gentle voice could be heard.

Rourou let go of Qin Yu and stepped forwards to stand beside the old man, “Are there still Cloud Sea Flying Fishes around?”

The man in the straw coat smiled, “Very few, and only this mountain is tall enough. Moreover, they are hiding very well, and that is how they are able to survive until now.”

“Your bait looks good so you should be able to get something. However, I don’t have time to waste.” Rourou lifted her hand and the Sheep Horn Ore appeared.

The old man in the straw coat hesitated before placing his fishing rod down. He stood up and put his hands together, “Then let’s talk about official things first. Let’s take a few steps back to prevent scaring the fishes.”

Rourou turned and walked. Qin Yu was expressionless, he was struggling to keep any strange looks off his face. This old man in the straw cape…was simply too strange.

He had a third eye on his forehead. Even though the third eye was closed, it gave Qin Yu a very scary feeling.

It was as if the whole world would end if the eye opened!

The old man in the straw coat looked at Qin Yu and smiled, giving him a nod.

Rourou was expressionless, “He is mine.”

The old man in the straw coat thought about it before putting his hands together.

Rourou’s expression softened.

Qin Yu bowed to return the greeting. There was a weird look on his face. What Rourou just said…sounded a bit inappropriate!

Rourou then talked to the old man in the straw coat. Qin Yu was present beside them and could see their mouths move as well as all their expressions. However, he could not hear anything and did not know what they were talking about.

It was likely that this thing was not suitable for him to know yet.

In the end, the old man frowned and seemed to think for a long time before slowly nodding. It looked like he had agreed to Rourou’s request.

The invisible shield disappeared and Rourou’s voice could be heard, “Then that is tentatively settled.” She seemed to hesitate and glanced at Qin Yu, “I will say again, he is mine.”

The expression of the old man in the straw coat did not change. He merely looked at Qin Yu was a more intense expression, as if imprinting Qin Yu into his mind.

Rourou grabbed onto Qin Yu and took a step out. They disappeared.

The old man in the straw coat looked at the spot that they had disappeared from and he lowered his head to look at the Sheep Horn Ore in his hands. After a long while, he let out a soft sigh.

Making an agreement with this one was equivalent to scheming with a tiger. One day, he could very well end up completely devoured.

After all, this kind of thing had happened multiple times in the past.

But the situation was stronger than people.

The number of ancient people was getting fewer and fewer. If they did not do anything, their bloodline would cease to exist very soon.

All of a sudden, the old man’s figure shifted and he appeared by the cliff. He grabbed onto the fishing rod and pulled. The sea of clouds before him momentarily stirred like waves in the ocean!

The fishing line grew taut and there was a soft ‘boom boom’ sound. The old man frowned and sighed, “You better think properly. If the situation grows big and people find out, the entire shoal will be in trouble.”

After a moment of silence, an anguished growl could be heard from the sea of clouds.

The fishing line suddenly retracted and a fish, about as big as a palm appeared from the sea of clouds. It was completely snow white in color and had wings on its back, resembling a cicada.

It was hard to imagine that this tiny fish would have enough energy to stir the entire sea of clouds.

The old man in the straw coat reached out and held the fish in his hands, “In order to protect your tribe, you are willing to sacrifice your life. How can I not feel the same…in this aspect, we have the same fate.”

He opened his mouth and was about to eat this Cloud Sea Flying Fish. Didn’t he sit here for an entire month in order to have a good meal? Although he was sympathetic, these feelings could not feel him.

One could not be affected.

At this moment, the old man’s body suddenly clenched and a pained look appeared across his features. He looked extremely regretfully at the Cloud Sea Flying Fish that was next to his mouth.

He hesitated before letting out a long sigh and throwing the Cloud Sea Flying Fish back out into the clouds.

At the foot of the mountain, Rourou was walking back to the carriage with Qin Yu. She suddenly looked up, “Not bad, you are smart.”

A fish with wings suddenly appeared in front of them. Qin Yu thought that this was probably the Cloud Sea Flying Fish that Rourou mentioned. It looked special.

Rourou reached out and the Flying Fish landed in her hands. Its body rapidly disintegrated and turned into a teardrop pattern on her white skin.

Looking at Qin Yu, she said, “Aren’t you curious about what we talked about?" Qin Yu nodded.

Rourou thought about it before saying slowly, “The old man in the straw coat on the mountain is one of the ancient people.”

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