Refining the Mountains and Rivers

Chapter 1596 – Rebellion And Dog

Chapter 1596 – Rebellion And Dog

If an important general in the military was leaving the capital to return to the border, the accompanying troops had to abide by procedures and they could not randomly choose where they wanted to stop. Instead, they had to follow the route designated by the military which had pit stops along the way. This was also so that these places could be prepared beforehand and ensure that risks of accidents were kept to a minimum.

Perhaps it was a coincidence, but when Qin Yu left the capital and stepped out of the Teleportation Portal, he appeared in Seascape City again.

According to the explanation from the military, the personal guards of the marquis suffered injuries during the assassination attempt and a long journey would not be suitable for them. Continuously jumping between Teleportation Portals could also result in accidents. The reason was very logical and appropriate and so the team was to rest in Seascape City for a day after arriving there.

Qin Yu did not have an opinion on this. He was waiting for the king to take action. Since he had already decided to ally with the Li Family, he was bound to make a move. He originally thought that there would be issues during his one day stay at Seascape City. However, Qin Yu realized that many people in the city were anxious and the city itself was in a state of chaos. On the way to the rest station he heard booming explosions nearby, and it seemed like there was a fight happening somewhere.

When they reached the rest station, it was also a chaotic scene. The deputy master of the station was missing, but thankfully, a small official stepped forward. He gritted his teeth as he led the marquis in and arranged him accommodations at the best-furnished yard. Then, he arranged servants to serve the marquis.

Mistakes were unavoidable if people were pushed to do something beyond their abilities. However, at least, he did not leave the well-respected Marquis Chongwu homeless in the city.

The deputy master finally rushed over in a frantic panic. His face was as white as a sheet as he knelt on the ground and kowtowed to Qin Yu multiple times while he begged for mercy. As a minor official who was assigned to be a deputy master, he was very observant because of the nature of his work. He had a good understanding of Marquis Chongwu’s might.

Furthermore, the current circumstances of Seascape City made his heart clench…who knew if this event was related to Marquis Chongwu? As he thought of this, the deputy master’s face grew more pale.

Of course, Qin Yu was in no mood to make things harder for the deputy master. He waved his hand and gestured for the deputy master to stand up, “What happened in the city? Who dares to wreak havoc here?”

Each of the 108 cities of the West Desolate were not inconsequential. Ignoring the fact that they were all guarded with individual military strengths, they were connected to the empire’s nation fate. Even a peak level Ruler will not be able to escape punishment if he caused trouble here.

The deputy master carefully looked at Marquis Chongwu and he wondered if there was a deeper meaning behind Marquis Chongwu’s words. However, making a u-turn in front of death’s door, the deputy master was highly agitated and he did not dare to pull any tricks. He truthfully answered, “The city governor of Seascape City, Chen Yuanshen, that old prick, secretly planned a revolt. Thankfully, Assistant General Xu Shen discovered and reported it. Now, he is refusing to surrender.”

Qin Yu frowned as surprise filled his eyes. He never imagined that the cause of the chaos in Seascape City was due to this. Chen Yuanshen rebelled? It was obvious to Qin Yu that this was impossible. Unless the city governor went crazy, he would never do this.

Observing the silence from Marquis Chongwu, the deputy master did not dare to say much too and he kept silent. Marquis Chongwu was not familiar with the situation. Oh… I am overstepping my boundaries. A small deputy master like me should not dare to guess what the lord is thinking. Who knows if the marquis was secretly savouring the sweet taste of revenge.

The deputy master acted respectful and wore an expressionless face that seemed to say that he was not thinking of anything. Qin Yu could guess his thoughts and his lips twitched. He thought to himself, ‘This was really not related to me’. However, now that Chen Yuanshen ‘rebelled’ and Qin Yu was coincidentally at Seascape City, it was hard not to draw the conclusion that Qin Yu was unrelated to the rebel. After all, the relationship between the two of them was no secret. Hehe… This was truly hard.

Although he was not bothered taking the blame for this inconsequential thing, the king had made his move and Chen Yuanshen will sink to the darkness. He did not need to have any hopes of living after this and there would be no severe aftermath of the rebel. However, Qin Yu was displeased by what was happening. He dismissed the deputy master since the deputy master was not going to say anything else.

At night, the deafening sounds of fighting could be vaguely heard from afar. Thunderous explosions came as the light from arrays tore through the darkness and outshined the stars and moon that hung high up in the sky. No one came to the station to request for Marquis Chongwu’s help. Regardless of whether they wanted to avoid having credit stolen from them or any other reason, Qin Yu was glad for the peace and he ignored what was happening.

In the later half of the night, the fighting died down. Before dawn, a few people arrived at the station. They were drenched in the aura of blood and they looked tired. They were three men of influence in Seascape City. One of them was Marquis Guoqi. Of course, he was not an actual marquis and his position was completely mediocre as compared to Marquis Chongwu’s status in the military. Assistant General Xu Shen was among the three. His broken limb had recovered completely and his expression was dark as he lowered his head.

In ordinary circumstances, the deputy master would never have the chance to meet these lords. He was so frightened, he trembled as he bowed respectfully. Before he spoke, he was interrupted by Marquis Guoqi. This man wore brilliant silver-colored armor and he lifted up a bloody knife. His voice boomed, “Don’t waste time here. Hurry and report to Marquis Chongwu that Chen Yuanshen’s rebellion has been suppressed. The marquis has been invited to see the proceedings.”

The deputy master hurriedly nodded. His soul almost left his body when the bloody knife was pointed at him. With his face as pale as a sheet, he turned and ran. It felt like if he delayed any longer, he would be sliced in half mercilessly by the sword.

Qin Yu sensed the commotion outside the station. When the deputy master returned, Qin Yu said, “Tell them that I am under imperial orders and I am only passing by Seascape City. When day breaks, I will leave automatically. They should report to the capital and settle the issue accordingly.”

The deputy master definitely did not want to oppose Qin Yu and he hurried back to inform the group of Marquis Chongwu’s reply. Aside from Xu Shen, the other two men’s faces lit up. The reason why they did not come to the station previously to request for assistance was because they were afraid that the credit of suppressing the rebellion would be stolen by the marquis. By then, they would be ignored.

They rushed over to the station now because the outcome had already been decided. Regardless of who was going to make the report, they had made their contributions. As such, they came to invite the marquis to oversee the proceedings to avoid being faulted by the marquis later. It was a kind act for them to distribute some of the credit to him.

Unexpectedly, Marquis Chongwu was not greedy to take credit and they also extended the invite to him. They were hence not worried that the marquis will hold a grudge against them in the future and they were able to savour the rewards of their contributions to themselves. Each of them bowed towards the station as they said, “Marquis, rest assured, we will do our best to stabilize the city.” Then, they left on their horse carriages.

Xu Shen maintained silent the entire time and his eyes were dark as he stared at the station that was covered by the dark of the night.

Day break and the darkness dissipated.

Most people left but there was one man who stayed outside the station and asked to see Marquis Chongwu.

This man did not reveal his identity but his face was even more white than the deputy master. He looked like a sickly person who did not have much longer to leave. The deputy master pondered over it but he didn't dare to underestimate this man in the end. After he bowed and instructed the man to wait here, he gritted his teeth and went to inform the marquis.

Of course, the reason why he dared to do this was because he realized that Marquis Chongwu was much more easygoing than the rumors said. He did not kill mercilessly for trivial matters. Otherwise, the deputy master would not have taken this risk.

Qin Yu frowned upon realizing the identity of the man. He did not expect him. Although they have not met, this man had been attacked by an incense item and his Sword Dao was severed. These two points proved the man’s identity. Didn’t the news say that the third generation disciple of the Li Family of Central Desoalte died from his severe wounds?

He originally wanted to turn Li Ge away to avoid adding trouble for himself unknowingly. However, before Qin Yu said anything, he heard Rourou’s calm voice in his mind, “Let him in, this lad is interesting.”

Qin Yu’s eyes flashed and he instructed, “Let him in.”

Very quickly, the corpse-like Li Ge whose face was as white as a sheet entered the yard. The first sentence he said as soon as he saw Qin Yu sitting calmly in the living room was absurd!

“I am not here to see you.”

Qin Yu scoffed coldly to himself and he wanted to counter, ‘If you are not here for me, get lost.’ However, he held it in eventually.

Lad, although she is incredible, not everyone has the qualifications to leech onto her.

He was here for Rourou. Hehe, I think that sword attack destroyed your brain too. Hell has no doors but you still barged in!

The sound of footsteps came and Rourou walked forward and sat down on a seat beside Qin Yu. She lowered her head to look at Li Ge. With just this look, he grunted and beads of sweat formed on his forehead. Very quickly, he was drenched in sweat, as though he was bearing intense pain.

However, amidst the pain in his eyes, there was undeniably a complicated look that was mixed with excitement. With a thud, he knelt down to the ground. His hoarse voice echoed through the hall, “Please save me. I am willing to give you anything!”

Rourou’s eyebrows lifted and she smirked, “You are willing to be a dog?”

Li Ge lowered his head, “Yes!”

“Very well. From this day onwards, you are called Leftover Dog. Don’t ask me the meaning of this name, you are not qualified to know.”

Li Ge stood up. He sucked in a deep breath of air and said, “Yes, Master.”

As a dog, he needed to have a master. He did not lack this awareness.

Rourou pointed towards Qin Yu, “Remember, he is also considered half your master. When I am not around, the order applies.”

Li Ge nodded.

Rourou waved her hand, “Leave. You won’t die for a while so live like that.”

When Li Ge left, Rourou turned to look at Qin Yu. She laughed coldly, “See that, Qin Yu? This is what the difference in our status is supposed to be like? I didn’t even do anything but people step forward voluntarily to be my dog. In my opinion, Leftover Dog’s awareness is much better than yours. Look at you, always bargaining with me for everything. You should know your status properly.”

Qin Yu cupped his hands together, “Your honor is powerful and mighty, I am in full admiration of you.” Flattering her was one thing, he did not mention what happened. He could not always let her flatter herself and be prideful right? Furthermore, Rourou had a tendency to do that.

Rourou gritted her teeth and her voice deepened, “Qin Yu, you are getting more outrageous and bold!” It felt like she had been seen through and it made her furious.

Qin Yu yawned and stood up, “I am tired. See you in the day!”

He turned and left quickly.

Behind him, Rourou yelled, “It is daytime already, you idiot!”

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