Chapter 98: Chapter 98 What Are You Doing, Stupid

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Ye Fan brought the fish ashore and compared it to his own foot. It was two to three times the size of his foot.

It must weigh five to six catties!

Ye Fan had not expected his luck to be this good.

He actually caught such a big grass carp.

Does this mean that he, himself, would have good fortune today?

Thinking this, Ye Fan’s spirits rose even more.

“Zhuge, take this fish to the back kitchen to be cooked,” Ye Fan said to Zhuge Liang by his side.

‘Yes, Master!” Zhuge Liang picked up the fish by the gills and headed back

Ye Fan baited his hook again and cast his fishing rod out.

All the negative emotions in his heart had vanished.

Indeed, fishing could ease one’s mood.

Ye Fan focused on fishing, while Bai Ruoxue watched the Butler carry away such a big grass carp, shocked in an instant.

She had just seen Ye Fan leaving with his fishing gear, and so quickly, he had caught a fish?

And it was such a big grass carp too.

The bones of grass carp are relatively large, and their flesh is also quite good.

She hadn’t expected Ye Fan to be so adept at fishing.

Unable to contain her curiosity, Bai Ruoxue eventually left the babies in the care of the robots and the nanny, following Butler Zhuge to the small lake.

She saw Ye Fan’s figure from the back.

When this guy was serious, he actually looked quite manly.

No wonder her sister had fallen for him.

He did have some skills.

“I say, brother-in-law, you’re pretty amazing, catching such a big fish in one go. We can’t even finish it all, hehe!” Bai Ruoxue approached Ye Fan and said with a laugh.

Watching Ye Fan fish, she wanted to try it out.

She had never fished before, and it seemed quite simple.

She believed that with her intelligence, she could also catch big fish.

“It’s fine, what, you want to fish too? There are spare fishing rods, help yourself to one and go play. Zhuge, if you want to fish, you can take one too!” said Ye Fan.

He had nothing better to do.

Having Zhuge stand beside him was surely tiring.

If Bai Ruoxue wanted to fish, then just let her have a rod and play.

He had several good-quality fishing rods here, all prepared by Zhuge for him.

The feel, the appearance, and the quality of the rods were all top-notch.

“Alright then, I’ll take one and start fishing. Hehe, I believe I can catch big fish too!” Bai Ruoxue declared confidently.

Bai Ruoxue took a rod and a reel of fishing line and sat down on a nearby bench.

There were three benches built here by Ye Fan for fishing.

The distance between each bench was just right, four to five meters apart, but not so close that the lines of two rods would tangle.

Ye Fan realized everything when he saw Bai Ruoxue clumsily handling the fishing line.

Turns out, the woman didn’t know how to fish.

“Zhuge, go teach her!” Ye Fan told Zhuge by his side.

There was no choice; if he didn’t teach her, she would surely annoy him later on.

He couldn’t leave his spot, so he had to ask Zhuge to teach her.

Besides, Zhuge’s fishing skills were even better than his own!

At first, when he wasn’t very skilled, it was Zhuge who showed him what to do and how to fish.

So, in Ye Fan’s heart, Zhuge was a valuable mentor and friend.

He had never treated Zhuge as a servant or slave.

The people rewarded by the System were his reliable new friends.

“Thank you, Mr. Zhuge,” Bai Ruoxue said somewhat embarrassedly as she watched Zhuge come to help her.

Ye Fan always addressed the middle-aged handsome man as Zhuge, so she remembered it too.

Zhuge did have the look of someone with great wisdom.

She naturally didn’t dare to underestimate him.

So she respectfully called him ‘Mr. Zhuge.’

Observing Zhuge’s method, she realized that the fishing line was secured to the rod with a small rubber ball — she thought it was tied on.

Heheheof* “ *)o

A bit embarrassing!

But Mr. Zhuge was kind, unlike her brother-in-law, who was enjoying himself

— that really was irritating!

When her sister returned, she would definitely complain about Ye Fan!

Humph <(y A

After a few demonstrations by Zhuge, Bai Ruoxue finally learned the technique. “You’ve got it now, just throw the fishing rod in a direction and you’ll be fine. If there’s anything you don’t understand, just call me!” Zhuge nodded and said. “Thank you!” Bai Ruoxue nodded and smiled brightly.

‘No need to be so polite, it’s only right!’ Zhuge said.

He would unconditionally obey the Master’s commands.

Even if he was asked to sacrifice himself, he wouldn’t hesitate for a moment.

As for why, he didn’t know.

It was just imprinted in his heart to unconditionally obey all of the Master’s commands.

As the two continued fishing, Ye Fan intently watched his own float.

Bai Ruoxue did the same, concentrating on her float.

As time ticked by, Ye Fan caught several small crucian carps, which he threw back into the lake.

The fish he had caught today were enough to eat.

Besides, the fish were too small to bother with.

Moreover, since Bai Susu wasn’t here, there was no chance to drink any crucian carp soup, so he decided not to cook them.

Now, he was just indulging in practicing his fishing technique.

I still hadn’t gotten my fill of fishing.

Soon, Ye Fan reeled in several small fish, which were still thrown back into the lake.

Meanwhile, Bai Ruoxue for some reason, had felt a little activity before, but then there was nothing.

Bai Ruoxue really wanted to lift the rod to see if the bait was gone.

But, she feared that if there were fish below, her lifting the rod might scare them away.

So, she just kept waiting and enduring.

It was really tough on her.

Bai Ruoxue stared at the float until her eyes became sore and blurred, but no fish seemed interested in biting.

On the other hand, Ye Fan kept pulling in fish, and although they were small, even a mosquito’s still flesh after all.

Moreover, she thought those crucian carp three or four fingers wide weren’t small at all.

That’s the best kind of carp to make a delicious soup from.

She really wanted to stop Ye Fan, but considering that he had already caught such a big grass carp earlier, and they couldn’t even finish eating that fish, let alone carp soup…

Besides, Ye Fan had caught the fish, it wasn’t her place to interfere.

Ye Fan had his own ideas, and her interrupting wouldn’t be right.

Unable to do anything, Bai Ruoxue simply hoped that she could catch a fish herself, even a half-pound little crucian carp would make her very happy.

As long as she caught something, any size was good.

It just couldn’t be that she would sit here for hours, her eyes blurring as she stared at the float, and still end up catching nothing.

Come on, bite already!

Come on, bite already!

‘Please help me, let a fish bite, bite, bite!’ Bai Ruoxue couldn’t help but mutter to herself.

Ye Fan just happened to hear her.

Although he couldn’t make out what Bai Ruoxue was saying, he heard her talking.

What was this woman up to now?

‘Hey, what are you up to, muttering so quietly I can’t even understand?’ Ye Fan said.

Anyway, he wouldn’t call this woman ‘cousin,’ thinking about how she had just wanted to see him make a fool of himself, and her schadenfreude look, the thought of it made him uncomfortable.

Without a bit of cousin-like demeanor, he wouldn’t call her that!

“I’m not doing anything, mind your own business!” Bai Ruoxue’s face turned unnaturally red for a moment.

She hadn’t expected Ye Fan’s hearing to be so sharp.

She was already speaking very softly, yet she was still discovered and heard.

If she told this guy, he would probably make fun of her.

So, she wouldn’t tell Ye Fan.

After all, she was Ye Fan’s elder, and an elder needed to maintain their dignity.

Therefore, she was determined not to lose face in front of Ye Fan.

“It’s nothing, just focus on fishing, and don’t worry about me!” Bai Ruoxue spoke up again.

“Oh.” Ye Fan looked at Bai Ruoxue with a complex expression.

This woman, her muttering was really getting on his nerves.

And she told him to focus on his fishing, as if that would allow him to be peaceful.

Ye Fan began to suspect that Bai Ruoxue might hold a grudge against him, or their stars did not align, and she was specifically trying to annoy him.

How could his wife have such a neurotic cousin?

Speaking of which, he wondered if his wife was somewhat silly like her cousin.

With that thought, Ye Fan felt even more longing for Bai Susu.

This heartless girl had run off without a word.

She hadn’t even said goodbye upon leaving.

It’s not like Ye Fan would forbid her from returning home.

Why did she just leave like that?

What a heartless girl, he definitely needed to teach her a lesson when they met again.

He needed to discipline Bai Susu, so she would know that he was her husband, the one to be with her for life, that she should discuss things with him, consult him.


The more Ye Fan thought about it, the more sour his heart felt.

But he couldn’t help but worry about Bai Susu.

He wondered if the girl had made it home yet, if she had seen her grandfather, how she was now, whether she was safe or not. He didn’t even know if she’d let him know she was safe, or if she would send a text message or something.

At the very least, she could let him know what was happening with Bai Susu right now.

“I’m saying, could you stop mumbling? Tell me, has Susu arrived home by now, has she seen her grandfather?” Ye Fan called out to Bai Ruoxue not far away.

“Of course, she’s arrived. It’s been so long, how could she not have arrived? And as soon as she got off the plane, she must’ve gone to the hospital to see her grandfather first,” Bai Ruoxue rolled her eyes as she spoke.

Such questions he had to ask her; did he not have a brain?

Didn’t he see that she was busy right now?

She was praying, hoping earnestly she would catch a big fish.

This brother-in-law really didn’t notice anything.

“What exactly are you muttering about, your float—damn, the float’s underwater, lift the rod, lift it quick!” Suddenly, Ye Fan shouted excitedly. This silly woman, what was she doing?

She wasn’t watching her float attentively and kept muttering nonstop, and now the fish had pulled the float under.

It had to be a big fish.

“Ah, my fish!” As soon as Bai Ruoxue heard Ye Fan’s voice, she quickly lifted the rod.

The rod bent sharply, and seeing this, Ye Fan screamed in shock.

“I’ve got it, I’m coming to help you!” Ye Fan yelled, immediately standing up, dropping what he was doing and rushing over to Bai Ruoxue.

This woman, not being skilled at fishing, definitely couldn’t handle the rod properly.

“Keep the rod tense, don’t let the line slack or the fish will slip the hook!” Ye Fan shouted.

Once the line slackened, the hook wouldn’t hold firmly, and the fish could escape.

So, keeping the line tight meant the hook would embed deeper and more securely.

[Up to this point, five chapters have been updated today, with over eleven thousand words.. Bai Cai is trying hard, let’s see if I can write some more!]

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