Chapter 69: Chapter 69 It Must Be This Brat_1

Ye Fan slowly added a bit of strength and pushed.

“Put some more effort into it, push harder!” Bai Susu spoke up again.

Ye Fan pushed with a bit more force.

“It’s really thrilling!” Bai Susu said, laughing.

It was indeed fun.

When she was a child, she always loved to swing. There was a swing at home, and she would always swing on it, with Grandfather always pushing her from behind. Bai Susu could still vividly recall that scene.

As time went on, the swing became worn and couldn’t be used. She asked her parents to fix it, but they never took it seriously. In the end, it was Grandfather who repaired it for her.

She wondered how Grandfather was doing at home.

The whole big family was Grandfather’s concern.

He was truly hardworking.

Suddenly, she missed Grandfather.

When she was at home, Grandfather’s health wasn’t very good. She wondered how he was now.

She thought she should visit Grandfather when she had the chance.

Otherwise, she wouldn’t feel at ease.

“Susu, what’s wrong with you?”

“Why did you suddenly stop talking?” At this moment, Ye Fan noticed something was off with Bai Susu and immediately asked.

Was she thinking of something sad?

“It’s nothing, I just miss my grandfather. Ye Fan, do you know? In my family, only my grandfather really cares for me. He truly cherishes me; my parents are not that sincere. They never care about what I like or dislike; they just want me to do as they say.”

“Only my grandfather cares about whether I am happy or not. Even though he is the head of the family, his health isn’t very good, given his age. He hasn’t really enjoyed life, always working hard for the family.”

“I miss him and think that once the conditions are right and everything is on track, I want to go home and see him. Would you come with me to see Grandfather?” Bai Susu said, sounding somewhat sad.

Listening to Bai Susu, Ye Fan felt quite sympathetic for the girl.

He hadn’t expected her to have such things hidden from him.

“Of course, I’d like to meet our Grandfather with you. After all, he has been so good to my wife,” said Ye Fan.

Indeed, they should make a visit.

However, he hadn’t expected Bai Susu to share it with him like this.

“That’s wonderful. It’s a deal!” Bai Susu said and began to laugh again.

It was truly great!

Ye Fan was so good, so outstanding; Grandfather would certainly like him.

Just the thought of seeing Grandfather made Bai Susu happy.

“Ye Fan, keep pushing me, push higher!” Bai Susu said again.

“Sure thing!”

“The feeling is so exhilarating; I really love it!” Bai Susu laughed brightly.

After a while, she finally got off the swing.

As she got down, her legs felt wobbly and she was a bit disoriented, nearly collapsing to the ground. But Ye Fan was quick to support her.

“Be careful!” Ye Fan said with concern.

Indeed, careless.

“Well, you’re here, aren’t you? So, you see, I’m just giving you a chance to show off!” Bai Susu said with a laugh.

Then, madam, are you satisfied with my performance?” Ye Fan said, teasingly flicking Bai Susu’s nose. This girl was even making fun of him.


“Not bad. Ye Fan, let’s go see over there.” Bai Susu took Ye Fan’s hand and swung it as they walked towards that direction.

They saw a shallow pond with fish swimming around.

It looked like there were carp, grass carp, and little crucian carp?

Were these being raised for eating?

“Ye Fan, are the fish here for eating?” Bai Susu asked.

“Pretty much. This place was quite deep before, but I had Zhuge Liang and Bai Qi remodel it, so they made it shallower. Now, we can fish here and have barbecues,” Ye Fan said.

Looking at the small shallow lake that was nicely constructed, with fences all around, it left plenty of open space for barbecues and fishing.

Having it fenced also made it safer, so small children couldn’t get in, unless through this bamboo gate.

Zhuge Liang is really clever indeed.

When Bai Susu heard the names Zhuge Liang and Bai Qi, she felt a bit puzzled.

Aren’t these characters from the Three Kingdoms period?

How come they…

“Yes, Mr. Zhuge Liang is our butler and also my assistant, while Bai Qi is the head of our security team!” Ye Fan explained.

“I see, these names are from Three Kingdoms characters. Does that mean they’re so fascinated by the Three Kingdoms that they gave themselves these stage names?” Bai Susu wondered, tilting her little head to look at Ye Fan, her eyes brimming with curiosity.

“You’re really smart!” Ye Fan said with a laugh.

This youngster’s imagination sure is something.

Saves me the trouble of explaining.

“I also really like the Three Kingdoms and am a fan of it myself,” Bai Susu said.

Of course, she had watched it quite a few times before.

“Wow, not bad. I thought girls didn’t like those kinds of things,” Ye Fan remarked, a little surprised.

“Psh, there are plenty of girls who like the Three Kingdoms, okay?” Bai Susu rolled her eyes, that little look throwing Ye Fan into a brief daze.

This girl, always rolling her eyes.

And the way she rolls them, it’s so adorable.

Anyone unaware would think she’s trying to act cute.

“Hey, tell me, Susu, who did you learn to roll your eyes like that from? You’re surprisingly adept at it,” Ye Fan asked with curiosity.

He remembered that his mother often rolled her eyes, especially at him.

And now that I think about it, Bai Susu’s eye-rolling looks almost as professional as my mother’s own.

“Before, I saw Auntie Ye constantly rolling her eyes at you, and so, after watching her, I picked it up,” Bai Susu explained.

Indeed, when Auntie Ye was around, anytime she mentioned Ye Fan or saw

him, she would often roll her eyes.

And there, after getting used to seeing it, she naturally learned to do it herself.

“Turns out, you learned it from my mom, or maybe my mom taught you. I knew it looked familiar. I always felt something was off. It turns out it’s my own mom’s unique skill!” Ye Fan suddenly realized.

Why not learn something nice instead?

So now she’s learned to roll her eyes at him.

His own mom, truly an expert at setting up her son.

Of all the things to teach, she had to teach Bai Susu how to roll her eyes.

That’s pretty awesome!

Er (OoO)… It’s not like that, I learned by myself. Auntie had nothing to do with it,” Bai Susu quickly clarified.

This is something she learned on her own.

It comes down to learning by observing and listening.

“Don’t bother explaining. To explain is to cover up, and to cover up is trying to

hide the truth!” Ye Fan interrupted seriously.

Just as I thought, mom’s out there setting me up, and she always denies it.

Look at this, my fine fiancee is being led astray by my own mother.

Far away in the countryside, Mother Ye sneezed several times in a row while eating.

“What’s wrong? Did you catch a cold?” Father Ye asked, looking worriedly at his wife.

‘Tm in perfect health. It must be that ungrateful son of mine talking behind my back!” Mother Ye’s expression turned quite solemn.

It must be that rascal talking bad about me behind my back!

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