Reborn with Steve Stand

Chapter 523 - 520: Obama, Fury, Rhodes, and Sam

Chapter 523: Chapter 520: Obama, Fury, Rhodes, and Sam

"It's fine, you guys go ahead with your tasks."

Nyarlathotep wore a hearty smile: "Don't mind us; after all, there's still some time before the orchestra's performance."

"They are..."

Upon hearing this, everyone curiously turned their gaze towards Nyarlathotep.

However, that mere look turned disastrous, as the entities that Nyarlathotep had brought were far from human.

When they saw those indescribable entities behind Nyarlathotep, entities that seemed to transcend logic and cognition, everyone simultaneously felt a splitting headache.

Their senses were all twisted and chaotic at that moment.

The floor seemed to sing.

Their fingers also started to dance.

Their hearts were filled with restlessness, as if everything around them was losing its boundaries, reality becoming blurry and chaotic, like a howling, rotting mud, nauseatingly close to madness.

The Sorcerers of Kamar-Taj lost their sense of self immediately.

Most of them fell to the ground, began screaming, writhing, crawling in a distorted manner, emitting profane whispers that were unhuman.

Even the avengers, known for their strong will, felt a sharp pain in their brains.

"Don't... Don't look at them!"

Fortunately, at that moment, the mantis woman, who had the sharpest spiritual sense, suddenly spoke up to warn everyone.

She closed her eyes tight, buried her head into her knees to guard herself: "Don't look at them! You'll go mad! They are... Fang Mo's kind!"

Yet, unlike the others.

Fang Mo felt no discomfort at the moment.

"Damn, Nyarlathotep, did you bring over the entire band of the President?"

Seeing the crowd of outer gods behind Nyarlathotep, Fang Mo was visibly surprised and immediately began to complain: "With no one to play the trumpet for your President, he won't wake up, right?"

"Don't worry, in that temple beyond all universes and time, there are many nameless musicians."

Nyarlathotep smiled upon hearing this: "I've only brought a small part of them this time; most of them are merely curious about you."

"What? Curious about me?"

Fang Mo was taken aback.


The speaker was not Nyarlathotep, but came from another end.

Fang Mo turned his head and saw a burning green gaseous flame, now like a spiral of smoke and light floating quietly there, and as for the voice... well, it wasn't even a voice, but a form of communication beyond the five senses.

"Nyarlathotep said he encountered a newly born outer god, so we wanted to come and see."

The green column of light communicated with Fang Mo in an unknown way: "At first I didn't believe what Nyarlathotep said, but now it looks like you are indeed a newly born outer god."

"This is Tulzscha."

As soon as the other party finished speaking, Nyarlathotep timely introduced at the side: "He is an ultimate ruler of cosmic primal energy, and of course, also an excellent dancer."

"Uh... hello."

Fang Mo touched his head, surprised that this group of outer gods had come specifically for him.

"Is this your avatar?"

After hearing Fang Mo's words, Tzul-Cha also began to speak.

Although it was just a green and white gaseous flame, it could sense everything around it, seriously observing Fang Mo for a moment before strangely remarking: "Hmm... but why do your two avatars appear here at the same time?"

"Two avatars?"

Fang Mo was stunned, then turned to look at his partner beside him.

She was also seeing the outer gods for the first time, observing them curiously, but perhaps due to MC's protection, she had not fallen into madness.

"She is my woman... cough, um, this is my follower, and also my girlfriend."

After some thought, Fang Mo clarified.

Afterwards, he sneaked another glance at the little demon, but the latter merely returned the look without any objections, unexpectedly not refuting anything.

"Just a follower?"

However, at this moment, another outer god suddenly spoke: "That's not right, I see that it is clearly another incarnation of yours."

This outer god also looked very peculiar, appearing as a mass of gray-brown sludge, vaguely in human form, yet continuously disintegrating and reconstructing.

Of course, this was not a case of melting and regenerating, but rather a more bizarre and peculiar phenomenon... as if countless complete and damaged frames were incessantly flickering and alternating, giving his body a sense of chaos and disintegration.

"Oh, this is Kaajh'Kaalbh."

Upon noticing this, Nyarlathotep introduced him again to Fang Mo: "This fellow can dance just as well as Tulzscha, my boss really likes him."

"So why does he want to merge with his own incarnation?"

At this point, a vague, pale white outer god spoke, its voice sharp and monotonous, which alone was somewhat nauseating to listen to: "If you really want to spawn some offspring, can't you find Shub or some other outer god?"

"No, I..."

Hearing this, Fang Mo immediately held his forehead.

But before he could open his mouth to explain, Nyarlathotep seemed to notice the little demon as well, as if discovering something: "Hmm? She is..."

"My girlfriend." Fang Mo reiterated firmly, and then couldn't help but give Nyarlathotep a disapproving look, saying: "Isn't that what you said before? Lovers eventually become retainers, now look, it really has become just that..."

"You this..."

What Fang Mo did not expect was that Nyarlathotep, appearing contemplative, stroked his chin and looked back and forth at the little demon a few times: "No, she's not your retainer, that state is too strange... Look again."

"...Why is this Obama so strange?"

The little demon frowned upon seeing this, apparently a bit too uncomfortable being watched by so many.

However, Nyarlathotep soon seemed to understand something, nodding in realization: "Oh, I see... Didn't expect you to pull off such a move."


Fang Mo was stunned by the comment: "What are you talking about?"

"Haha, nothing."

Nyarlathotep laughed and then waved his hand, apparently not planning to explain anything: "She must have been very delicious at the time, this is really too interesting, indeed you are a truly unconventional fellow, I like making friends with you more and more."

"No, could you not..."

"Sorry to interrupt everyone." Just as Fang Mo was about to speak, another voice suddenly resounded.

Turning his head, Fang Mo saw the newcomer was Doctor Strange.

At this moment, he was surrounded by an orange glow, seemingly using some kind of protective magic to fend off the unconscious mental contamination from the outer gods, and he spoke with a serious and solemn expression: "This is the funeral of the former Sorcerer Supreme, the Ancient One, and Kamar-Taj does not welcome your presence."

"Aw, come on."

Nyarlathotep, upon hearing this, chuckled and spoke: "Master Sorcerer, in my life, I have rarely respected anyone, but I do respect those humans who dare to fight against evil gods. Please, give me some face, and let me attend her funeral."

"Then please stop your indiscriminate mental attacks."

Doctor Strange frowned upon hearing this.

"Alright, alright, no problem." Nyarlathotep cheerfully agreed to the request, then turned back to the other outer gods and said: "Did you hear that? Everyone, tone down your aura a bit."

As one of the Three Pillars of Chaos, his words carried weight.

The other outer gods, upon hearing this, immediately subdued their own aura.

But being the oldest and most powerful beings in the cosmic order, part of the formless orchestra performing for Azathoth in the Court of Chaos, it was practically impossible for them to completely contain their aura.

Even though they only used avatars when they arrived here.

The mental contamination from chaos was enough to drive a person mad instantaneously.

However, after actively subduing their aura, Strange also took action, using a large amount of magical energy to create barriers that covered everyone present, barely allowing them to resist this logic-defying ultimate fear.


Seeing his magic succeed, Doctor Strange finally let out a reluctant sigh of relief.

"Alright, alright, let's continue with the funeral as planned."

Upon seeing this, Fang Mo clapped his hands and called out to the people around him: "Everyone, hurry up and offer paper and incense to the Ancient One, we're going to bury the coffin soon, don't miss the auspicious time."

The crowd, after hearing Fang Mo's words, felt somewhat speechless.

However, it was someone else's funeral, so they didn't feel it was their place to say much. Thus, they followed the rules and went up one by one to burn paper and offer incense.

But just as everyone was offering incense and worship.

Fang Mo unexpectedly pulled out two figures made of paper resembling Black people, then carried these two paper figures towards the fire basin.

"Wait a minute..."

Nick Fury immediately stopped him, and pointing to the paper figures in his hand, he asked, "What is this supposed to mean?"

The paper figures in Fang Mo's hands were made very realistically, with vivid facial features including braided hair. Most impressively, they even had anatomical details typical of men, though made of paper, they appeared strikingly lifelike as Fang Mo held them.

"Oh, I'm offering two eunuchs to the Ancient One."

Fang Mo briefly explained, then proceeded to try to put the paper figures into the fire basin.

"What did you say?"

Not just Nick Fury, but even the other people present were taken aback, especially the sorcerers from Kamar-Taj, almost all looking completely baffled.

"Uh, sorry, I misspoke."

Seeing this, Fang Mo quickly corrected himself: "I meant to say, I'm offering two slaves to the Ancient One..."

The crowd was left somewhat at a loss for words.

Yet, despite this, Fang Mo was still not satisfied. He reached into his sleeve and, like pulling a magic trick, pulled out two white figures: "Well, let's add two Jew people too..."

"Stop right there."

Nick Fury, finally unable to hold back, pressed his forehead and said, "Do you realize this is a funeral? We need to respect the deceased. Can you stop making a joke of hell? Burning paper figures of Black people and Jew People"

"Oh, be satisfied already."

As Fang Mo stuffed the paper figures into the fire basin, he chuckled and said, "Man, I've changed a lot already. Back in the days of the Triangular Trade and World War II... we used to burn the real deal."

After he had stuffed the paper figures into the fire basin.

Fang Mo once again reached behind and this time pulled out something outrageous – two packs of Kotex, and while everyone was still in shock, he tossed them into the fire basin.

Those things contained glue and plastic.

So soon, the fire basin began to emit black smoke.

Seeing this, everyone was stunned.

However, it didn't take long for the Sorcerer Supreme, Doctor Strange, to react. As Fang Mo once again cheerfully reached to pull something else out, Strange rushed over and grabbed his wrist.

"Stop right there!"

Doctor Strange couldn't help but shout, "Do you know what you are doing!?"


Fang Mo paused and asked, "What's wrong, did I choose the wrong brand? Sorry, I don't really understand these things, it was my partner who told me this brand was good, quite comfortable..."

"It's not about the brand, are you insulting the deceased?"

Doctor Strange, visibly upset, said, "Even though I'm not from Asia, I know that this occasion should be solemn..."

"No, why the rush?"

Fang Mo responded with a laugh and a wave of his hand, "The Ancient One herself doesn't mind, why are you getting angry? I'm just being considerate in case she has a period down there and can't appear in your dreams to say she's missing something. I'm just being kind..."

With that, Fang Mo cheerfully looked towards a certain corner.

In the corner, the disguised Ancient One immediately pretended not to recognize anyone and turned her head away, quietly donning her Sorcerer's hood as well.

"I don't think you mean well."

Strange, unaware that the Ancient One was still alive, was indeed a bit angry at this moment. He said directly to Fang Mo: "I think you just want to amuse yourself at everyone's expense. I won't allow you to worship the Ancient One anymore. Stay away from this fire pit."

"Che, so petty."

Fang Mo shrugged upon hearing this and didn't argue further. He then turned and walked towards a corner.

However, it wasn't long before Fang Mo, leaning against the corner, got bored again. His eyes flickered with a mischievous thought, and he pulled out his phone with a smirk.

"Ah, why is my phone out of data?"

Suddenly, Fang Mo slapped his forehead, breaking the solemnity of the funeral once more. He then pulled over an ordinary-looking Sorcerer nearby: "Buddy, can you tell me, what's the WIFI password here?"


This Sorcerer seemed a bit displeased with Fang Mo too.

He stared at Fang Mo for a while and then, looking him in the eyes, said earnestly: "Please respect the deceased!"


Fang Mo pondered upon hearing this.

But before the Sorcerer could breathe a sigh of relief, Fang Mo was again fiddling with his phone, seemingly entering a password: "Is it in pinyin?"


The Sorcerer was instantly annoyed upon hearing this, as they all deeply respected the Ancient One.

However, before the Sorcerer could say anything more, suddenly Strange stepped in, approaching Fang Mo: "Was it you who changed the WIFI password of Kamar-Taj before?"

"The WIFI here was installed by me, what's there to change?" Fang Mo spread his hands and replied.

"Don't you think the password 'HHHHGYSL' is inappropriate?" Strange took a deep breath and asked.

"What's inappropriate about that?" Fang Mo spread his hands again: "I've said before that I was a close friend of the Ancient One. Of course, I know she would also want to be freed, and as a friend, I naturally feel happy for her. What's wrong with that?"

"In any case, I've already changed the password." Strange said: "The Sorcerers here find it unacceptable."

"Damn, you actually changed it..." Fang Mo suddenly twitched the corner of his eye, then as if thinking of something, he asked: "You didn't change it to 'HHHHFMSL', did you? Be careful, I might lose my temper..."


Strange shook his head: "I changed it to '12345678'."

"Tch... So tasteless."

Upon hearing this, Fang Mo immediately made a face of disdain, but soon he waved his hand: "Hey, let it go. After all, I'm considered a senior in the magical world, and I'm too lazy to argue so much with a junior like you."

After saying this, Fang Mo no longer paid attention to Strange. Instead, he walked directly to the center of the venue.

"Alright, everyone has almost finished burning paper money." Fang Mo clapped his hands: "Now, prepare to lower the coffin into the grave, Nya, Fury, Rhodes, Sam, it's your turn..."

"Ha ha, no problem."

Nyarlathotep approached Fang Mo without any pretense of an outer god, laughing heartily while also calling over the others.

"...I knew it."

Nick Fury, seeing this, sighed with a headache, but still went along with the other two. There was no helping it; although Fang Mo was a troublesome person, he was also a major benefactor, so they had to accommodate him.

With this in mind, he grimly helped lift the Ancient One's heavy coffin.

But just as they lifted the coffin, Fang Mo spoke again.

"See? The physical fitness of black people is impressive, much stronger than white people."

Fang Mo proudly said to a fairy: "Jesus only took three nails and couldn't take it, but look at my buddy Fury, he took several bullets back in the day, and now he can still help others carry a coffin..."


What about the Korean Jesus?

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