Reborn with Steve Stand

Chapter 388 - 385: Nametag Usefulness

Chapter 388: Chapter 385: Nametag Usefulness

Fang Mo has always been a man of action. Upon realizing that name tags could inherit the powers of Devils, he was immediately intrigued. Thus, he stepped onto the Ender Greatsword, releasing the Sex Devil trapped within.

Upon its release, the Devil, perhaps sensing its impending fate, began to resist. Indescribable masses of flesh and organs twisted together, pressing towards Fang Mo like a tide. However, Fang Mo paid it no mind, activating a gravitational field that instantly crushed it into a mess of mangled flesh.

After suppressing the Devil, Fang Mo's thoughts shifted, and Steve approached, activating the gluttony module to indiscriminately devour all concepts possessed by the Devil.

The Sex Devil, sensing something, let out a piercing scream and struggled desperately. But under the oppressive force of the Void Ring's gravity, it had no chance to resist and soon began to fade, its flesh and organs turning transparent until, with Steve's satisfied burp, the Sex Devil vanished without a trace.

"Come here, Shoggoth."

Seeing the Sex Devil consumed by Steve, Fang Mo hurriedly controlled Steve to take out a name tag, calling out to Shoggoth, "Don't move; I'm going to change your name."

With that, Steve slapped the name tag onto Shoggoth. As the reNametag took effect, all of Shoggoth' clones, even those transformed into bracelets, froze in place. Shortly after, they began to change, their color shifting from black to a subtle pale pink, resembling strawberries or peaches.

Compared to their former coal-like black appearance, they now seemed more flesh-like, resembling lively silicone balls bouncing around.


Fang Mo, observing the chaotic bouncing of the little pink balls, fell into thought. However, his lack of attention to Shoggoth didn't mean Shoggoth would ignore him. Soon enough, they climbed onto Fang Mo's body again. But this time, they began to burrow into his trouser legs.

"Damn it!"

Realizing what was happening, Fang Mo quickly shook his legs, flinging the unruly creatures away.


The Shoggoth, landing on the ground, seemed puzzled and collectively squeaked at Fang Mo.

"What you just did is not playing games," Fang Mo said, wiping his face. "Besides, I'm raising you as pets. How could a normal person be interested in their pets... If you were human, would you be attracted to a rabbit?"


After hearing Fang Mo's words, the Shoggoth seemed to start pondering as well.

However, they quickly resumed their mischief. A large group of Shoggoth on the ground suddenly converged in one direction, and then one of the Shoggoth gradually transformed into a human form.


Soon, a familiar female voice sounded.


Fang Mo was momentarily stunned upon seeing this scene.

He certainly knew that Shoggoth were adept at mimicry, given that they were amorphous beings. What Fang Mo hadn't expected was... this little creature had actually mimicked the appearance of Ah Xue, looking at him with affection.

"I've said that the master isn't interested in pets."

Looking at the 'Ah Xue' in front of him, Fang Mo felt a bit of a headache and rubbed his temples, "I gave you this name for an experiment, not really to turn you into a juicer..."


The Shoggoth across from him tilted its head to think for a moment, and then in the next second, the clothing it had mimicked began to rapidly disappear. At the same time, she slightly bowed, lightly flipped her hair at the temples with her hand, and revealed a faint, gentle smile, "Master, please let Ah Xue serve you..."

"F*ck! You've been spying on me, haven't you?!"

Fang Mo instantly reacted and cursed, "Damn it, I'm going to throw you into the planet Ego for hard labor..."

However, he didn't finish his sentence.

The Shoggoth across from him began to transform again.

Its body suddenly split into two from the middle, turning into two large blobs of soft pink slime, and then it quickly mimicked again, soon turning into two smaller versions... or rather, childlike versions of Ah Xue.

These two little creatures were like twin Devil eyes... no, these two little creatures were like twin gothic lolita maid sisters, crossing their arms, leaning against each other, looking at Fang Mo with expressions that were both innocent and cute, with a hint of shyness hidden within.


Fang Mo was dumbfounded by this scene.

After a long pause, he finally managed to ask, "This... where did you learn this trick from?"

"Because the master has said before..."

The little girl on the left spoke first, followed by the little girl on the right who added, "If I could become a little smaller, the master might like me more because being tiny is very cute."

"What the valve?"

Fang Mo was numbed upon hearing this: "That's not what I meant at all..."

Before his words could finish, Shoggoth, feeling Fang Mo's dissatisfaction, started to split on its own, and the two little maids split in half again, then before our eyes, they were about to turn into four even 'smaller' beings.

"Damn, stop right there!"

Seeing this, Fang Mo quickly intervened: "Don't freaking change anymore, or I'll end up eating prison food for quintuplets, quickly change back to your original form."


Hearing Fang Mo say this, Shoggoth obediently made a sound, and the faintly emerging four figures quickly dissolved into nothing, merging back into a large, shapeless blob of pale pink gel, then it moved towards Fang Mo.

"I can't let you continue to be reckless."

Seeing this, Fang Mo also hurriedly had Steve spit out the Sex Devil again, then quickly slapped a name tag on them, Shoggoth turned black again, and the Sex Devil regained its power.


Seeing everything returned to normal, Fang Mo finally breathed a sigh of relief: "Damn, indeed, lust is the foremost of all evils, this damned Sex Devil is really too hard to deal with..."

While saying this, Fang Mo again stabbed the Devil in the ground with the Ender GreatSword.

After the opponent was sealed again, Fang Mo then looked down to observe Shoggoth, who was lying on the ground in a daze.

Actually, after a brief comparison with the previous experimental process, Fang Mo quickly noticed the difference. Initially, he experimented with the broom Devil, turning it into a turtle Devil, and at that time, its appearance completely turned into that of a turtle Devil, that is, a giant softshell turtle.

But when he changed Shoggoth's name with a name tag, although its appearance changed a bit, turning into peach pink, it did not turn into a pile of organs and muscle tissue.

Regarding this, Fang Mo had some guesses of his own.

This might be due to some differences between MC creatures and Devils.

After all, Devils are born from human fear, and their names represent everything about them, so this is very important for them. Once the name is changed, their changes are very noticeable.

But MC creatures are different.

They originally have their own unique settings.

For example, cows can produce milk, chickens can lay eggs, and villagers like emeralds and the like.

If the names of Devils are imposed on them, it will only add a new power to their existing settings.

Take Shoggoth as an example.

Fang Mo used a Nametag to bestow the name of the Sex Devil onto it, and then it became the Source of Desire·Shoggoth. Its essence is still Shoggoth, but now it possesses a powerful new authority.

The same principle applies elsewhere.

If Fang Mo consumed Power and then used a Nametag to bestow her name upon Shoggoth, it's very likely that it would become something like 'Blood God·Shoggoth'.

Even if there were an Ice Devil in this world.

Fang Mo could use the same method, have Steve consume the Ice Devil, and then bestow its name upon Ah Xue, turning her into the legendary Ice Witch.

Yes, this is the true way to unlock the world of Chainsaw Man.

Now, selling swords seems weak in comparison, directly bestowing names on a bunch of MC creatures is the real deal.

Of course, the Sex Devil cannot be used, after all, Fang Mo has just experienced its danger. Neither Shoggoth nor Ah Xue are suitable to bear this name.

But Fang Mo doesn't only have this one Devil at his disposal.

Don't forget.

He has the Darkness Devil in his hands.

"Um..." Fang Mo glanced at Shoggoth not far away, then at the Dark Sword in his storage space, a thoughtful expression appearing on his face: "Primordial Darkness·Shoggoth?"

The Darkness Devil's true form is unknown, possessing great immortality, capable of creating various attacks in the darkness.

Shoggoth has no fixed form, is also extremely difficult to kill, and its true form comes from the Cthulhu Mythos, a mythological creature that humans can hardly touch, and prolonged contact can lead to madness.

Thinking about it this way.

It seems like they match pretty well...

Anyway, even if they're not compatible, at least it's better than the previously mentioned Source of Desire·Shoggoth, right?

"Let's try and see."

Fang Mo stroked his chin in thought, then immediately started preparing, taking out the Dark Sword from his storage space, ready to devour the Darkness Devil.

After all, the Darkness Devil is a primal Devil, and it started resisting as soon as it was released. Fortunately, Fang Mo was well-prepared, Clausolas was inserted into the ground, and with the help of Laevatein, the opponent was immediately subdued. Then, Steve went up to start devouring all concepts of the opponent.

After several minutes, the Darkness Devil unwillingly disappeared on the spot.

Seeing this, Fang Mo immediately took out a Nametag and 'snap' pressed it onto Shoggoth.

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