Reborn with Steve Stand

Chapter 369 - 366: Swimming Pool made of Blood

Chapter 369: Chapter 366: Swimming Pool made of Blood

Inside the Metropolitan Police Department's office, Makima frowned for the first time as she looked at the cheerful Fang Mo in front of her.

Although she had a premonition from the beginning when she first met him that Fang Mo would likely be a troublesome individual, to be honest, she never expected him to give her such a headache.

Initially, Makima completely regarded him as a pawn.

But unfortunately, this guy had no awareness of being a pawn at all; he felt completely like an uncontrollable madman. Now, she couldn't even guess what was going on in his mind.

If you say he wants to oppose her?

He took over the Special Division, targeting the Gun Devil to help her train Denji and those Devils.

But if you say he isn't opposing her?

He keeps causing trouble, having just burned down a gang's building not long ago. She hasn't even finished dealing with that mess, and now he's found a Soviet Union Devil spy.

Now, Makima is really conflicted.

Should she find a way to deal with him, or continue to use him to achieve her goal?

But as much as she thought about it, she didn't hesitate in her words.

"Consultant Fang Mo, I have to remind you," Makima said, looking at the restless Reze nearby. "This person is a spy trained by the Soviets. Even if she intends to surrender, it's very likely just a plan to infiltrate our ranks."

"Impossible, absolutely impossible."

Fang Mo waved his hand dismissively: "Reze has already acknowledged me as her elder brother. She can't betray us, you can be assured of that."

"This kind of thing can't be confirmed with just a few words."

Makima said, "Even if she wants to leave her previous organization and join the Special Division, this must first be reported to the Cabinet Minister. We have a special review agency, and I suggest sending her there for a review first."

"You bring the Cabinet Ministers here, I'll talk to them myself," Fang Mo said directly. "I have special negotiation skills, enough to make them surrender..."

"But I must consider the other members of the Special Division."

Makima said again, "Even if Consultant Fang Mo insists on this, I will not allow..."

"Can you represent the Cabinet Ministers?" Before Makima could finish her words, Fang Mo interrupted her: "Do you believe that if I want to cooperate with other countries, these people would kneel down and thank me?"

"In that case, Consultant Fang Mo would become an enemy of the Japanese government."

Makima said.

"Enemy? You think you're worthy?"

Upon hearing this, Fang Mo suddenly sneered, "In that case, go and seek approval from the cabinet minister now, or make the decision yourself. Say to me immediately, 'I declare war on you.' I guarantee that within ten seconds, not a single soul will remain on this island, and this nation will cease to exist."

"That's quite an overt threat."

"So what if it is a threat? I am a Devil; don't try to apply your human world's rules to me." Fang Mo didn't spare the other party, responding defiantly.


Seeing Fang Mo's attitude, Makima fell silent.

As for Reze, who was not far away, she felt as if she was sitting on pins and needles after hearing their conversation.

The tension in their dialogue was palpable. Reze, having been trained as a spy in the Soviet Union, could tell that both were speaking earnestly without any pretense of acting. This meant that these two might actually start fighting. In fact, a terrifying aura of killing intent had already begun to pervade the air.

However, in the next second, the heavy aura of killing intent vanished without a trace.

"Consultant Fang Mo, please don't be too angry with me."

Suddenly, Makima smiled gently, "I personally have no intention of opposing you. I hope Consultant Fang Mo can understand my position. After all, managing the entire Special Division is no easy task."

"Mhm, I understand."

Fang Mo nodded and said, "I saw you were too tired, so I found you a good assistant. Reze is a Devil Fiend, just like Denji. If used well, she can not only solve Tokyo's security problems but also make a significant contribution to defeating the Gun Devil. Such a great teammate, how could you refuse?"

"Then, I'll take her in for now."

Makima thought for a moment and said, "I'll try to speak well of little Reze, but what the cabinet ministers will think is beyond my control."

"You just agree."

Fang Mo pointed to himself with his thumb and said, "Leave the thinking to Daddy."

"... Consultant Fang Mo still loves to joke."

Makima smiled, "It seems I'll be busy again soon. For now, take little Reze to meet the team. If the cabinet agrees, she'll have to start working soon."

"Oh, okay."

Fang Mo didn't hesitate and called over to Reze, who was not far away, "Then let's go."

After saying this,

Fang Mo left without looking back.

As for Makima, she quietly watched his retreating figure.

After the recent conversation, she had made up her mind; indeed, she had to find a way to deal with this guy.

This was not because Fang Mo was always confronting her. In fact, Makima had enough magnanimity to handle that, but this guy's influence was growing increasingly significant, even disrupting the script she had designed for Chainsaw Man.

Originally, she wanted Chainsaw Man to become a hero.

However, Fang Mo's actions had ruined her script in this regard. For example, with the Katana Devil and Sawatari Akane, she had intended for Chainsaw Man to handle them, but Fang Mo completely wrecked the carefully planned script. Chainsaw Man was shot dead and only resurrected much later, hardly resembling a hero.

What was most frustrating was the investigation into Fang Mo had almost reached a deadlock.

This guy had no identifiable identity; he was neither a Devil nor a human, nor even a Devil Fiend. It was unclear what he was; he seemed to have appeared out of nowhere and was ridiculously strong.

Makima wanted to resolve this trouble.

But clearly, it wasn't the time for her to step in yet.

After a bit of consideration, an idea came to her mind; it seemed she needed to accelerate her plans.

Meanwhile, as Makima was troubled about how to deal with Fang Mo,

Fang Mo had already arrived at the training ground.

As mentioned before, today was a rest day for the members of the Special Division, and everyone was supposed to rest. However, Fang Mo, abusing his authority and lacking moral integrity, dragged everyone here against their will.

"Ah, so sleepy."

Denji yawned listlessly, "What happened to the promised rest day?"

"Working feels like being in prison."

Angel Devil also looked dejected, "Finally, a chance to rest, and we get dragged here to be shot up by that guy. So annoying. Maybe we should just slack off and pretend to be dead."

"Get your spirits up."

Unlike the others, Hayakawa Aki was earnest: "Don't waste an opportunity to improve your strength. Don't let down Miss Makima's trust."

While everyone was chatting casually, suddenly footsteps were heard.

Everyone's expression changed, and they immediately became alert.

This was also one of the results of Fang Mo's training. In this training ground, he would attack without any warning to enhance their vigilance and prevent them from being ambushed.

However, to everyone's surprise,

This time Fang Mo didn't launch a sudden attack.

Instead, he brought a girl who seemed a bit shy and timid.


Seeing this, Angel Devil seemed a bit surprised, "Is this guy... a new colleague? The scent seems a bit strange."

"An ordinary human, very weak."

The Shark Devil didn't sense anything amiss and bared his teeth, "Just like Kobeni! Very weak!"

"To be born human, I am sorry."

Kobeni bowed her head directly.

"What... What is this?"

However, unlike the others, Denji was stunned upon seeing the person: "Reze? Why is it you?"

"Yes, let me introduce,"

Fang Mo clapped his hands and said: "This is Reze. Starting from today, she is a member of our Fourth Special Division. Everyone can get to know her."

"So, is today a welcome party?"

Angel Devil, upon hearing this, also breathed a sigh of relief: "That's great, no need for training..."

However, before he could finish speaking, Fang Mo's voice suddenly came from not far away: "Alright, next, let Reze experience the daily routine of our Fourth Special Division, I'm going to shoot explosively!"

Everyone had not even reacted yet.

A shocking white light had already sprayed out from Fang Mo's fingertips.

By the time Angel Devil reacted, it was too late to flap her wings to escape. In a hurry, she could only use her wings and arms to shield himself, but the next second, with a loud bang, a half-charred corpse fell to the ground.

"Angel Devil got roasted crispy while trying to slack off."

Not far away, Fang Mo said while slowly moving his finger towards Hayakawa Aki: "That's why I said, prey should not trust the words of the hunter."

Hayakawa Aki reacted quickly and immediately used a substitution technique.

The white light blasted past.

Only a wooden stump was annihilated.

Seeing this scene, the members of the Fourth Special Division also reacted, each springing into action. The Shark Devil instantly submerged underground, while the Violence Devil and Power immediately charged forward. Kobeni ran over to feed blood to Angel Devil, and Hayakawa Aki used ninjutsu to cover the others.

Fang Mo raised his hand and threw out dozens of light bullets.

Power quickly created a blood shield, but the next second both were blown away.

Then, Fang Mo casually stepped on the ground, just as the Shark Devil emerged from underground, only to be stomped back down with a thud, instantly halving the members of the Fourth Special Division.

Reze, standing beside Fang Mo, was already stunned.

"Do you guys always train like this?" Reze asked incredulously, "Is this training or just one-sided abuse?"

"How can you call this abuse? This is clearly training, alright?"

Fang Mo cheerfully patted Reze's shoulder, then, while she wasn't paying attention, he pulled the ring on her neck: "Alright, now you join the intensive training. It's a good opportunity to teach Denji how to use his abilities."

Before Reze could react.

Fang Mo had already kicked her flying out.

In mid-air, Reze's head suddenly exploded with a bang, and with the explosion's flash, her body also underwent a noticeable transformation.

Just like after Denji's transformation, Reze's head disappeared, replaced by a torpedo-shaped bomb, which had a small slit at the bottom filled with tiny teeth.

Moreover, her body became longer and more athletically beautiful, as if she had suddenly grown much larger. Some things resembling fuse cords were woven into a pair of long gloves, and then a high-slit cheongsam appeared on her body. However, this cheongsam was entirely made of fuse and detonators, which looked quite frightening just by appearance.


Upon seeing this, the Shark Devil panicked and emerged from underground, "Is she... Bomb!?"

"You... are you really Reze?"

Even Denji seemed a bit stunned at this moment; his mind was still on last night's casual stroll with Reze at school. Although their moment was disrupted by the appearance of Hayakawa Aki and Power, Reze had later come back to explain to him that it was too late, and they would meet again at the café later.

But before Denji could go to the café, Reze was somehow brought into the Fourth Special Division and turned into a strangely shaped individual?

"Denji, let's leave the explanation for later."

After transforming, Reze's personality also seemed to change slightly: "For now, let's focus on the special training. Let me teach you our real way of fighting..."

As it turned out.

In the presence of a common formidable enemy.

Team members quickly establish trust and rapport.

After being blown up by Fang Mo over twenty times, torn apart seven times, slashed three times, and charred into ash over seventy times, the Fourth Special Division quickly accepted Reze's joining.

After all, she was a Devil warrior trained by the former Soviet Union, with extraordinary combat capabilities.

The opponent's attack was AOE damage, meaning that Fang Mo would definitely be hit if he just stood in place. Therefore, the special training was upgraded. Fang Mo's role changed from a stationary target to moving and shooting, which increased the difficulty by several hundred times, leaving everyone with no chance to resist.

Fortunately, they weren't short on blood now.

Although the blood bank from Tokyo had not been transferred over yet, Fang Mo thought of a clever trick.

He first used stones to build a large pool nearby, then placed a cross in the middle of this pool and impaled the scarred man with the Divine Doctor Sword on it, finally inserting hollow steel pipes into all of his arteries.

Dissatisfied with the speed of the opponent's bleeding, Fang Mo drew the Sword of Time and stabbed it into the opponent's stomach.

Now, the flow of time inside and outside the pool was different. To those outside, the scarred man seemed like a giant water pump, spewing blood outwards, visibly filling the pool at a visible rate.

Fang Mo satisfactorily named it the Swimming Pool of Judah.

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