Reborn with Steve Stand

Chapter 366 - 363: Denji and Reze swimming Naked

Chapter 366: Chapter 363: Denji and Reze swimming Naked

Late at night, inside a certain school in Tokyo.

Three sneaky figures slowly appeared in the corridor.

Since it was already late at night, the students had long gone home, and unlike other places, this campus had no staff on duty at night. Therefore, in contrast to the daytime bustle, the darkened school building seemed particularly silent and even eerily strange at night.

"Isn't it... are you sure Denji would be in a place like this?"

Walking at the back, Hayakawa Aki couldn't help but say, "I have to work tomorrow, I don't have much time to mess around with you."

"You're an idiot, just send your shadow clone to work."

As Fang Mo walked forward, he replied to Hayakawa Aki, "Did you learn ninjutsu just to serve your boss? If I learned ninjutsu, the first thing I'd do is kill the boss..."

"So why do you have such a big problem with Miss Makima..."

Hayakawa Aki, holding his forehead, said, "She's been really good to you, right? She even covered up the big mess you made..."

"That's just self-preservation."

Fang Mo said, "If those higher-ups dare lay a hand on me, I'll blow a hole through Mount Fuji with my firecrackers, and let you all get a warm taste of it."

"You Devil!"

Hayakawa Aki bit his teeth after hearing this.

"Shush, keep it down." Fang Mo raised his hand, "I think I just heard Denji's voice."


Hayakawa Aki took a deep breath and didn't continue speaking.

Anyway, the three continued walking slowly forward. When they reached the fifth floor, Hayakawa Aki seemed to hear some noises, sounding like a man and a woman. His brows furrowed instantly.

He didn't recognize the woman's voice.

But the man's voice was clearly Denji's.

This meant that Denji was indeed with a woman, as Fang Mo had said. Thinking of this, Hayakawa Aki's heart immediately felt annoyed. This kid dared to betray Miss Makima. It seemed he had misjudged him; he was just a lecherous fool with a brain full of crap.

Following the direction of the sound, they quickly arrived at the stairs leading to the rooftop.

Through the metal door, faint sounds of water and frolicking could be heard from outside, as if two people were playing in water. Hearing this, Hayakawa Aki actually felt a sense of relief. He even found his own mindset a bit strange. How to put it... at least conversation was better than panting, right?

As Hayakawa Aki was thinking this, Fang Mo also turned his head like a Devil.

"Do you want to eavesdrop?"

Fang Mo chuckled mischievously: "Listen to what Denji and that woman are saying?"


Hayakawa Aki fell silent for a moment, but before he could make any decision, Power suddenly couldn't hold back anymore and rushed over with a flying kick: "Despicable stinking woman! Denji belongs to me!"

Before Hayakawa Aki could stop her...

Bang! The door was kicked open by her.

Hayakawa Aki wiped his face helplessly, knowing that since Power had already acted, hiding was pointless. So, he slowly walked out too.

But when he reached the rooftop, he was stunned.

The school's facilities were impressive. On the top of the teaching building, there was a swimming pool. Bathed in the bright moonlight, Hayakawa Aki could see a man and a woman in the pool. The man was clearly Denji, and the woman was a black-haired, blue-eyed girl, probably mixed-race, wearing a collar-like accessory and looking quite cute.

But this was not the most critical point.

The key issue was that both of them were naked.

Not just undressed in the traditional sense, but completely naked, with their clothes lying not far from the door. Frankly, Hayakawa Aki was dumbfounded. Swimming naked on the school rooftop in the middle of the night? What was this about?

"Wow, awesome!"

Seeing this, Fang Mo immediately got excited, patted Hayakawa Aki on the shoulder: "You Japanese sure know how to have fun. What's this called again... a pool party series?"


Hayakawa Aki didn't even want to speak anymore, just holding his forehead.


Only at this moment did the girl finally react, letting out a shy yell and then sinking into the water with her hands covering her chest.

"Hey, hey, what are you doing here?"

Denji turned around and saw the three of them, seeming a bit displeased: "Can't you leave me some personal space?"

"... You should put on your clothes before you talk."

Hayakawa Aki, with a dark face, kicked the clothes towards Denji. His mood was indeed very bad. Seeing Denji not devoted to Makima, he felt even worse than if he had been heartbroken.

(TL: Ain't no way)

And as if reflecting his mood...

A thunderbolt suddenly streaked across the sky, followed by a torrential downpour.

To avoid the rain, and also to avoid suspicion, Hayakawa Akio immediately turned and returned to the teaching building, while Fang Mo, having found this amusing, also left contentedly with Power.

After a while...

Drenched, Denji pulled the girl and ran back.


The girl here, though a bit shy, took the initiative to ask, "Excuse me, are you...?"


Denji replied irritably, "The one with the braids is Hayakawa Aki, the one with horns on his head is my partner Power, and the last one... um, he is my big brother, a special technical consultant for the Special Division, Makima, a very kind person to me."

"Devil hunters, right?"

The girl seemed a bit resistant, pursing her lips before speaking softly, "Hello, my name is Reze, I am... a friend of Denji."

"I think she's more like a girlfriend."

Fang Mo burst into laughter, "Reze, huh? Well, she seems like a good girl... a good kid."

"What are you talking about, big brother?"

Hearing this, Denji seemed a bit embarrassed, speaking evasively, "We are really just friends, uh, at least for now, right?"

"Denji, didn't you say you liked Miss Makima?"

At this moment, Hayakawa Aki couldn't hold back and directly asked, "I remember you went to the movies with Miss Makima a few days ago, right?"


Mentioning Makima, Denji also seemed a bit flustered, "This, this is..."

"Miss Makima?"

Reze blinked in confusion, then turned to Denji and asked, "Denji, who is Miss Makima? Your girlfriend?"

"No, she's not."

Denji hurriedly defended himself, "Well, at least not now."

"How cunning, Denji, you actually liked someone else?" Reze's expression looked a bit wronged, like a small, injured young animal: "In that case, you could have told me earlier..."

"Ah ah ah ah..."

Denji held his head and let out a meaningless cry, feeling completely numb.

Indeed, he did have feelings for Makima, willingly acting like a dog for her. But after spending a few days with Reze, he experienced something entirely new. This feeling was different from being someone's dog. Denji himself couldn't articulate it, but he just felt extremely happy.

Now, when Denji closed his eyes.

On his left was Makima, smiling gently at him, and on his right was Reze, shyly and timidly looking at him.

Originally, Denji never went to school and had little education. He couldn't comprehend any profound truths. Now, having fallen for two women at once, he felt like his CPU was burning out, completely clueless about what to do.

"What should I do! Fang Mo, brother!"

In the end, Denji chose to give up thinking and directly sought help: "You're experienced in love, right? What's going on with me now? Please help me..."

"You've asked the right person."

Upon hearing this, Fang Mo immediately became interested: "This kind of thing is my specialty, come, let me explain it to you."


Seeing this scene, Hayakawa Aki immediately began to feel a headache.

He had almost figured out the pattern: whenever Fang Mo showed a genuine smile, it definitely meant trouble. Clearly, he was preparing to set someone up again.

"Let me ask you."

Fang Mo, unaware of how Hayakawa Aki viewed him, cheerfully began: "When you close your eyes now, do you see two people in your mind, and you can't bear to see either of them hurt?"


Denji looked at Fang Mo in surprise: "You can tell, brother, you're amazing..."

"If it were about women, I might not have any good advice to give, but we men have a natural advantage in this area."

Fang Mo smiled and extended a finger, saying, "This actually follows the same principle as impulsive shopping. The solution is quite simple, which is to guide it out. Once you've guided it out and entered the 'sage time', think carefully about who you really want to be with. This is about using sexual impulsiveness to solve the issue of consumer impulsiveness. It works well in our current situation too."

"Ah? This..."

Denji seemed stunned after hearing this.

"Of course," Fang Mo added with a smile, "I don't recommend trying this in a supermarket, mainly because it's easy to get chased out by security."

"That's so lewd."

Power, who was nearby, blurted out directly after hearing this, "Men are really lewd, aren't they?"

Even Hayakawa Aki couldn't help but smack his forehead hard. Saying such things in front of girls was indeed too much. What in the world was going on in this devil's mind?


However, what surprised everyone was that Denji actually pondered it seriously for a moment before realizing, "Bro, this... this seems a bit inappropriate, doesn't it?"


Just then, Reze seemed unable to hold back any longer, her entire face flushed red, "I need to use the restroom, please excuse me!"

With that, she let go of Denji and turned to run towards the distance.

"Ah, Reze..."

Denji wanted to retain her, but Hayakawa Aki couldn't stand it anymore and said with a dark face, "Let her go, this topic isn't suitable for girls to hear."

"I'm also going to use the restroom."

As soon as Hayakawa Aki finished speaking, Fang Mo suddenly stood up and walked in Reze's direction. Everyone was stunned, but soon Fang Mo suddenly turned to Hayakawa Aki and said, "By the way, keep an eye on Denji and 'enlighten' him quickly. I'm out..."

"You jerk!"

Hayakawa Aki couldn't help but shout, "Don't go harassing girls anymore! And why should I keep an eye on Denji!"

"Just use your brain, will you?"

Fang Mo didn't stop, continuing to speak as he walked, "Do you think I taught you transformation and shadow clone techniques just to help you defeat the Gun Devil? Kishibe told you long ago that only those with unusual ways of thinking can become the strongest Devil hunters. Remember how Angel Devil looks now. Do you still think the triple body technique is only for fighting?"

"You damned Devil! I'll kill you!"

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