Chapter 362: Chapter 359: New Mod


Upon hearing this inexplicable system prompt, Fang Mo was also stunned for a moment.

As the light bullet at his fingertips had not been fired, the Shark Devil managed to bite into his body.

However, Fang Mo's body was now even harder than vibranium, so when the Shark Devil bit down with great force, there was only a 'crack' sound, and it was his own teeth that shattered.

"Is this... really happening?"

Not far away, the Violence Devil who had been blown into tattered pants saw this scene and seemed to feel a bit incredulous.

"Alright, alright, that's enough for the preliminary test."

Since he heard the system prompt, Fang Mo also stopped: "I've now grasped your basic strengths. Next, I'm going to customize a specific training program for you. For now, let's take a rest."

"We're saved..."

Kobeni, hearing this, also finally felt relieved.

However, just as she breathed a sigh of relief, Fang Mo's voice came from not far away: "Kobeni, go get some blood for the Devils, don't let them die."

Thus, Kobeni's expression became aggrieved again.

In this wilderness, where was she supposed to find blood for these Devils?

However, Fang Mo didn't pay attention to Kobeni's thoughts, as he was now stunned with the mod he had just unlocked.

[System Prompt: 'Gluttony' concept researched, you have gained download access to a new module.]

[System Prompt: Gluttony module downloading.]

[System Prompt: Gluttony module download complete, load now?]


Fang Mo himself was a bit bewildered, touching his head subconsciously: "It seems like a module I've never heard of, what does gluttony mean? Is it related to hunger bar?"

After thinking for a moment.

Fang Mo decided to confirm it first.

So, the system prompt in his mind rang again very quickly.

[System Prompt: Gluttony module successfully loaded.]

[System Prompt: As you have downloaded and run a new module, you have gained a lucky block, which will randomly draw an item from any known module.]

And with the sound of the prompt.

Fang Mo felt like there was additional information in his mind.

"Hmm? What is this..."

After digesting these messages in his mind, Fang Mo couldn't help but be stunned: "So it's really such a crazy eating habit?"

Unlike what Fang Mo had anticipated, this so-called "gluttony module" indeed relates to satiety, but it's different from modules like Pam's Harvestcraft, Life Seasoning, Hunger Reform, and others. It's a bizarre and uniquely styled... lightweight module.

Yes, it's a lightweight functional module.

Like the Chinese localization, mini-map, chain gathering, oversized backpack, and custom Steve that Fang Mo possesses, this module does not add any items to the game.

But how should I put it...

Although this module only adds one function, even after seeing it, Fang Mo couldn't help but grimace.

Gluttony, as the name suggests.

This module allows Steve to eat almost crazily.

As soon as Fang Mo thinks about it, Steve will frantically consume everything in sight, whether it's the items in his hand, the blocks laid on the ground, or even living entities, swallowing them whole.

Of course, this isn't even the most outrageous part.

The craziest thing is that if Fang Mo wants to... he can make Steve spit things out before they are digested!

That's just absurd.

The 'eating' in this gluttony module is a conceptual rule. That is to say, it can even consume things like bedrock, the Wither, the Ender Dragon, and anyone who has played Minecraft knows how preposterous that is.

"Wow, what kind of gluttony sin is this?"

Fang Mo himself was speechless and couldn't help but hold his forehead: "Even Bear Grylls would give me a thumbs up after seeing this..."

Actually, in ancient times, Fang Mo really played a similar module. That module was called Bear Grylls, but it seemed like it could only eat items in hand and could not consume blocks and living entities. If he remembers correctly, it was probably for versions 1.4.7 and 1.6.2, but clearly, this gluttony is even more outrageous than Bear Grylls.

After all, this module is so absurd that it can even spit things out...

"Well, let's give it a try."

Fang Mo pondered for a moment, then drew a sticky red greatsword from within his body.

This sword contained the Tomato Devil, so its appearance became a bit eerie, continuously oozing tomato sauce and such, but apart from that, it was completely useless, with virtually no combat capability.

Fang Mo thrust the sword into the ground, and quickly the Tomato Devil emerged.

It was a huge tomato covered in eyes, with a large mouth, and eight arms supporting its body below. Because it was so weak and completely mindless, it tried to attack Fang Mo as soon as it appeared.

Fang Mo was not courteous to him either. Activating the Ring of Arcana, vines suddenly grew from the ground, binding its body.

Immediately following, with a slight thought,

Steve had already appeared behind him.

"Eat him."

Fang Mo raised his hand to point, and Steve immediately went up, launching a frenzied eating attack on the Tomato Devil. Accompanied by the original crunching eating sound, along with the particle effects of food debris splattering, the Tomato Devil suddenly let out a terrified scream, and then started to struggle.

"No! Don't!!!"

The Tomato Devil's wail was so miserable that it instinctively made all the Devils turn their heads to look this way.

The Tomato Devil's body quickly faded, becoming transparent in just a few seconds, and eventually completely faded away. Its screams also gradually became distant and vague. Accompanied by Steve suddenly letting out a satisfied burp, all traces of the Tomato Devil's existence were completely erased.


Seeing this, Fang Mo suddenly vaguely realized something, "This is..."

So he turned his head towards Kobeni not far away, and waved at her, "Kobeni, come here, I have a question for you."

"Ah... Yes..."

Kobeni seemed a bit nervous, but still walked over.

"I want to ask you."

Seeing her approach, Fang Mo also materialized a tomato from Steve's hand, holding it in his hand and asked Kobeni, "Do you know what this is?"

"This is..."

Kobeni, seeing the tomato in Fang Mo's hand, instinctively opened her mouth to speak, but the next second she suddenly froze, "Eh? This is..."

"Damn, is it really like that?"

Seeing Kobeni's reaction, Fang Mo couldn't help but show a surprised expression.

Actually, the worldview of this Chainsaw Man instance is quite interesting. It's somewhat like an absolute idealism.

Devils are born from people's fear of certain concepts, and they themselves represent these concepts. So once their names are eaten, everything related to them in this world will completely disappear.

In normal circumstances, Devils are considered immortal, as they are merely a concept.

When a Devil is killed in the human realm, it loses its memory and reincarnates in hell, where it is revived. Conversely, a Devil that dies in hell is reborn in the human world.

However, there is a situation where a Devil can truly die.

That is when it is eaten by Pochita.

Fang Mo is unclear about the underlying principle, but a little thought suggests it might involve breaking the natural cycle, preventing the Devil from reincarnating.

For example, when Pochita consumed the nuclear bomb Devil, every concept related to nuclear weapons was erased from this world. Humans could neither create nuclear weapons nor even know what they are. Naturally, there would be no fear of them, and without fear, no new nuclear bomb Devil would be born from human terror.

This seems a bit like exploiting a bug.

But to Fang Mo's surprise, his own stand, Steve, also has a similar function.

Thinking this way, it cannot be called exploiting a bug. It's more like a legitimate use of the world's characteristics. Fang Mo suspects this is also due to the rules of the MC world.

After all, having awakened his stand for so long, he has grasped some of the principles of the MC world.

Unlike the rules of the real world, the rules of the MC world are very pure. For example, if damage is specified to be deducted by a percentage, it must be enforced as such. Probably the same nature applies to this gluttonous module – if it says it will eat you, then it must do so. It's not just about consuming the physical body but a conceptual kind of devouring.

This is somewhat like the Red World Devil.

It devours everything including the body, soul, memory, emotions, and existence.


After realizing this, Fang Mo couldn't help himself and touched his forehead, saying, "So these lightweight modules are indeed god-like?"

Before he could think further.

Fang Mo hurriedly had Steve spit out the Tomato Devil.

He didn't want the world to lose tomatoes. Otherwise, what would he dip his fries in? A world without the possibility of getting fries at KFC... just the thought is despairing.

With a 'yue' sound.

The badly injured Tomato Devil immediately fell to the ground.

Seeing this, Fang Mo also sighed in relief. It seemed his reaction was timely; otherwise, the tomato Devil might have been digested, and he would have become an eternal sinner.

"Ah, I remember now."

Just as the Tomato Devil was spat out, Kobeni also suddenly came to her senses and said subconsciously, "This is a tomato, right? Wow, I must have been too scared just now. I even forgot such common knowledge. My brain must be melting..."

"Alright, alright, you're not needed here anymore."

Fang Mo waved his hand and then handed the tomato to Kobeni, "Here's your reward, take it and eat it. Don't disturb my thoughts."

After Kobeni left with the tomato.

Fang Mo continued to study the new module he had acquired.

But this time, his focus was not on Steve, but on himself, because, like all lightweight modules, it brought a duality.

Besides Steve.

Fang Mo realized that he seemed to have undergone some changes as well...

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