Reborn with Steve Stand

Chapter 322 - 319: Tony, would you like to pick cotton or...

Chapter 322: Chapter 319: Tony, would you like to pick cotton or...

"Wait, are you sure that was a spaceship shaped like a doughnut?"

Fang Mo frowned and directly interrupted Nick Fury's words: "Who did you encounter? The Black Order or Thanos himself?"

"You're talking about Thanos?"

Nick Fury's one eye hardened: "So those guys were indeed his subordinates?"

"Only the Black Order came?"

Seeing Nick Fury's attitude, Fang Mo subconsciously nodded. This was indeed in line with Thanos' style. Now that Odin and the Ancient One were still alive, even if Thanos coveted the Infinity Stones on Earth, he would probably have to weigh his own strength.

It's now quite obvious.

Fang Mo's actions in collecting the stones had started to make Thanos restless.

So far, Fang Mo has collected the Space, Mind, and Reality Stones. The Time Stone was borrowed, so it didn't count. Fang Mo guessed that Thanos must have gotten some information, knowing that the Time and Power Stones were on Earth, and he couldn't resist the urge to try and snatch them.

There was no choice, if he didn't make a move now, he might not be able to get even one Infinity Stone.

Fang Mo's collection of the Infinity Stones was not a secret, Thanos surely knew that besides himself, someone else was also collecting them.

As could be seen from the original story, Thanos, despite being very powerful, was extremely cautious.

In "Avengers 3," after getting the second Infinity Stone, he had two choices: attack the Void for the Reality Stone, or go to Earth for the Time and Mind Stones. But he chose the Void, sending his subordinates to Earth instead. Clearly, he was still wary of Earth, perhaps worried about the Ancient One or something else.

In any case, only when he had collected five Infinity Stones did Thanos dare to descend upon Earth.

Now, with all the major players still alive, Thanos, even if he wanted to take a risk, probably wouldn't dare to show up himself, only sending subordinates to try and steal them.

"Wait, the Black Order?"

Hearing Fang Mo's words, Stark also suddenly realized: "Are they the ones that the alien woman mentioned during the interrogation? So it was them?"

"But how did Thanos know I had the Power Stone?"

Nick Fury spoke gravely: "I haven't told anyone about this except Stark, but on the third day after I returned to Earth, that bizarrely shaped warship descended on New York, and a bunch of strangely shaped monsters started wreaking havoc. Then someone attacked Stark Tower."

"So why did you put the Power Stone in Stark Tower?"

Hearing this, Fang Mo couldn't help but ask.

"Do you want to hear the truth or a lie?" Nick Fury glanced at Fang Mo and asked.

"What's the difference?"

Upon hearing this, Fang Mo almost laughed out of frustration and retorted, "Do you ever tell the truth? Just spit it out, don't dawdle."

"The Infinity Stone was brought back by me, and I'm not lying. I will indeed hand it over to you. But after all, I've traveled from the Void to Earth and brought back the Power Stone. Shouldn't I get some credit?" Nick Fury spread his hands and said, "So, I wanted to extract some of the stone's energy for experiments before you got back."

"That really sounds like something you would do."

Fang Mo held his forehead, "So, you went to Tony, right?"


Nick Fury nodded, not trying to hide anything, "You know, S.H.I.E.L.D. has been destroyed by Hydra. Now, I'm just a bare commander, so I had to leave this to Stark."

"And then?"

Fang Mo asked, "Did you succeed?"

"We did, to some extent," Stark said, "but strictly speaking... not completely successful."

"Riddler, get out of New York." Fang Mo said bluntly.

"Okay, okay, I did extract some energy."

Stark gestured in surrender, "The energy emitted by this stone is incredibly destructive, beyond what ordinary instruments can handle. But I found it similar to the Space Stone... and my Arc Reactor. I don't know if it's a coincidence, but all the Infinity Stones radiate energy in the form of gamma rays. So, I consulted an expert in this area, Dr. Banner."

"With Dr. Banner's advice, I made a reactor that can withstand this energy using a new alloy, and then..."

Stark's gaze shifted, "I... I put it inside the anti-magic armor..."

"Of course, that's not the worst part."

Nick Fury added, "The worst part is... they used a bunch of monsters to distract us and then took away the Infinity Stone and the anti-magic armor."


After hearing both men's accounts, Fang Mo fell into a long silence.

It must be said, Tony Stark really is a troublemaker. In the original story, because of the Mind Stone, he created Ultron, and now he's lost the Power Stone, an even more dangerous item.

The Power Stone is not comparable to the Mind Scepter.

This thing contains the purest force of destruction.

Even if it's set in a mere pipe cleaner and then slammed into the ground, it could probably cause irreparable severe consequences.

"So what's the situation now?"

After a long while, Fang Mo finally suppressed his speechlessness and asked the two: "Did these guys steal the gem and run? What about the other members of the Avengers?"

"Not yet."

Nick Fury said: "That might be the only good news. Thor brought a guy named Loki, a troublemaker. When that spaceship was about to take off and leave here, he suddenly summoned the Bifrost to strike the ship..."

"I didn't expect Loki to make a contribution..."

Fang Mo was surprised to hear this: "So these aliens are still on Earth?"

"That's right."

Stark said: "They attacked a military secret prison a day ago and took away the green-skinned woman and the blue-skinned woman. Now the others are tracking their whereabouts globally..."

"It's been several days, and you haven't found a trace of them?"

Fang Mo touched his forehead in frustration: "So you're saying your scientific community is inferior. I'm really fed up, wait till this is over you and Nick go to Vanaheim to pick cotton..."

"Hey, hey, with my skin color, should I really be picking cotton? Can I supervise Nick picking cotton?"

Stark immediately retorted:

"Never heard of Tropic Thunder?" Fang Mo looked at Stark: "How's your body recently? I've learned some ancient Indian curses... ah no, I mean medical techniques. Do you want to try?"

"Then I'd rather pick cotton."

Stark immediately said: "By the way... can I ask how long I need to pick? I might need to bring a few suits of armor with me."

However, as soon as Stark finished speaking, his wristwatch suddenly beeped, and the screen lit up with Thor's face appearing: "Tony, I've found them!"

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