Chapter 761 Thank you for everything

During the time 'Guiying' talked with Zixin, Guiying felt herself floating in a never-ending void. She dazedly looked left and right only to find nothing. Strange black swirls and whorls confused her and she held her temple in a disarray.

She heard some mumbling and talking, but she couldn't pinpoint the source of it. She thought what she felt like Zixin and 'her' talking, but she couldn't make out the words they spoke. It all felt gibberish to her.

What is happening…

Why am I not able to hear them?

She recognized the dark abyss where she was in. It was the same endless void where she would stay until 'Guiying' was out in her body acting as Cai Guiying. Similarly, 'Guiying' would stay here when it was the other way around.

But today, the place emanated a strange presence. Guiying placed her palm on her chest, feeling breathless.

What was the last thing that happened?

Guiying sorted her memory and it struck her. She had confessed her answer to Zixin, so it was possible that 'Guiying' took over to confess 'her' side as well.

Apprehension set inside Guiying as she clutched her dress. She wanted 'Guiying' to say her real feelings to Zixin and not hide away and hurt him again.

Will everything be alright?

The worry only heightened as she couldn't make out what was going on outside either. She only hoped that 'Guiying' would clear the misunderstanding between them and free Zixin of the guilt he was burdened with.

She kept waiting patiently in hopes to hear the good news. But as more time passed, a more disconcerting emotion caused a violent shaking of her body. She looked down and hugged herself to placate her pounding heart. As she lifted her gaze once again, she stepped back in surprise, seeing a blurry white apparition in front of her. It was in the shape of a woman, its image distorting like a broken TV set. Guiying blinked.

"Who are you…?"


Guiying urgently tried once again to hold her hand or make any kind of physical contact with her, but 'her' figure only kept dissipating. "Wh-why are you doing this to me!?"

She burst into tears as the realization of the final goodbye evoked nausea within her. "I-I don't want you to leave! I-Is it because I got mad at you today? Please, please forgive me for it. 'You' know me, don't you? I didn't mean anything bad by it!"

'She' said nothing and 'her' silence only reinforced 'her' decision.

The once sparkling eyes lost their radiance only to look like two soulless orbs. "'You'...why do 'you' want to leave my side as well? Like my parents at first, then Bro and then Zhan Yahui…Haven't I lost enough dear ones already…? Why would 'you' do this to me?"

'She' stayed silent and hurt. Guiying's tears were the reason why 'she' didn't wish to face her.

"Because I cannot live a life like this, Guiying. If you ever respected me as a person then please…I urge you to also respect my feelings that I cannot accept living a life as a second woman. You and Zixin are meant for each other. I don't have a place in that relationship nor do I want it even if I might love him. Tell me Guiying. Who is Zixin supposed to love? You or me? Who is he supposed to marry? Both of us? Who is he supposed to make love with? Both of us? Who would be the mother of his child? Both of us?"

Guiying felt stumped.

"These are very difficult questions. I am sorry Guiying. I cannot accept living a twisted life as such. I cannot see Zixin dividing his love between us and not because I am possessive but I understand that it was always supposed to be you and you only. I don't want you to share any of your rights with me either because that would be unfair.

And lastly, I don't wish to burden you two into accepting me. There can never be a place for a third person in a relationship. Zixin and I can only be good friends, but I cannot be his friend at the same time as you would be his wife. We cannot have two different relationships with Zixin with the same body."

Guiying trembled hard.

"That's why I am leaving. Not because you don't need me to protect you anymore but to let you two live in peace and happiness. You might miss me for sometime. You will cry. You will feel lonely, but eventually you will move on. Time will make sure of that. Time heals all the wounds."

'Guiying's' figure began to dissipate in the dark space as it crumbled further. Small star-like glitters rose up in the air as 'her' body disintegrated.

"Don't…Don't go…Please don't go…" Guiying broke down, trying to cling on to her.

'Guiying' smiled though it wasn't visible. "Always be happy, Guiying. I love you a lot. Thank you for everything."

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