Reborn: The Return of the Villainous Mr. Liu

Chapter 712 Our Complete And Perfect Family

"Oh my gosh…"

Nana hushed with her palms covering her lips. "My first grandchild…is the cutest. Look at him sleeping so soundly. Jinhai, isn't he the cutest?"

Jinhai nodded hard. He wasn't squealing like the idiotic duo of twins, but his warm gaze and doting smile couldn't feel enough of seeing his grandson. He had this strong urge to poke his cheek, but with great patience, he refrained. He didn't want to disturb his beauty sleep.

The other set of grandparents were equally gushing with tears at Ailun's sight. Xie Nuying bent as the same time as Zhou Yichen to have a closer look when their heads bumped.

They threw a glare at each other, but since it was such a special day of Ailun's birth, they stopped themselves from causing any chaos.

Xie Nuying warmly tapped on his forehead, and he ever so slightly moved with that touch. "Oh my gosh, he moved…"

Zhou Yichen was extremely pleased. "I can see he has inherited my charm with full marks~ This grandfather is glad, hahaha!"

The grandmothers leaked out squealing pink hearts in the air. But behind them was a long queue of people who wanted to meet Ailun.

"Hey, hey! It's my turn now!" The twins protested with complaint. "You four are hogging the place too much!"

Nuo squeezed between Nana and Jinhai and gleamed upon her nephew's sight. "My Ailun…! Okay it's decided that I will be the first to hold him in my arms once he wakes up."

"How can she squeeze between you two but we cannot!?" They raised their voice against this injustice. "And why do you get to hold him first?"

"The one and only Aunt gets special privileges," she puffed up her cheeks in pride.

Jinhai completely ignored the sufferings of the twins. He was fully absorbed in staring at Ailun and catching his faintest movements possible.

Jin didn't even bother to stand in the queue. His company was the cats who were busy treating him like circus equipment. Liu Chunhua was busy consoling her husband who still didn't get a hearty look at his first great-grandson.

"Don't cry like a baby, Hai," Great-grandma Liu snorted. "Are you the baby or Ailun?"

Amidst all this chaos, the parents themselves could only helplessly wait to spend some time with their son. Ai couldn't even see Ailun's silhouette in the crib anymore.

It was the most exhilarating moment of her life as she opened her eyes after a deep, deserving rest and the first sight that came across her was that of her sleeping son's face. No amount of emotions could capture what that moment meant for her. Until just a few hours ago, he was in her belly and now he was right in front of her, cuddling in her arms.

She reached out her trembling hand and placed it on his head, his snuggly warmth gently kissing her palm.

"Jun…is he really our son…?"

His gaze softened. "You know when I first saw him in the doctor's arms, I couldn't believe it either. It was just so surreal. But without a doubt, he is our Ailun."

"He…he is so cute…" she gasped.

He nodded.

"Just like you."


"Oh my God, our son has inherited his cuteness from you! Isn't it so awesome?"

"Don't make me zip your mouth right after your painful ordeal," he glared.

"Ignore your father, Ailun. He is always in denial mode," she giggled.

At present, Ai's delivery room was only filled with squeals and gushes. It proved to be a challenge for everybody to keep their voices down.

"Bro Jun. I will personally give Ailun the tour of Sky Publishing!" Yunru sheepishly grinned. "I will wheel his stroller and let him introduce to my painstaking responsibilities."

Jun chuckled. "Sure, why not?"

Leina, Shui, Xing Bi, Chyou, Guiying and Nuo were already busy doing photoshoots and posing selfies with him while Jing came forward with his newest creation in front of the couple. "Lo and behold! My special premium baby clothes that I personally designed for my grandnephew!"

His nose grew longer with pride as he rained down all the clothes on the newly become parents. Ai took one of the shirts and its soft texture made her face shine akin to the warm glow of the morning sun. "This is so soft! And adorable! Thank you so much Uncle Jing!"

"You don't have to thank me~ I am always in charge of this important responsibility."

Jun had other concerns. "Just how many clothes have you made, Uncle? There are even clothes of sizes when he will be five years old."

"Yes, that's why you should appreciate this Uncle a little more hahaha!"

Liu Hai violently pushed his own away and grinned. "It's nothing in front of the big chunk of money I am gonna put in his name."

"Don't you push me old man! Also, that's shallow, Dad," he sneered.

"It's a very thoughtful gift! Money is important to buy lots of food!"

"Are you sure you can compare with the magnitude of Bro's gifts though? The first time becoming grandfather has grand plans for his grandson."

"Hmph. As if that idiot can compare against me."

Ai didn't even want to imagine the amount spent behind these gifts so she promptly refrained from doing any mental calculations.

On the other side, Jian proudly was on a completely whole different track. "Since my sister-in-law and Jun had a son, doesn't it naturally mean that Leina and I will have a girl? It only makes sense!"

Leina's mouth twitched. "What kind of logic is this?"

Nian sneered. "Keep dreaming because Xing Bi and I will have the first daughter of the Liu family!"

Xing Bi choked hard, throwing a pillow his way. "S-Stop!"

Chyou nodded in appreciation. "Yes, yes I see all the signs of a superstar in him. Ai, Jun. Don't forget to send him to me for training, hehe~ I will make him the King of the Entertainment industry!"

Guiying vigorously shook her head. "He totally gives off the writer vibes."

Zixin nodded.


It was finally Liu Chunhua who took it upon herself to push everybody out of the ward. "Now, now! Let Jun and Ai get to spend some time with him. They deserve some peaceful time."

"Booooo…" the twins complained. "Ailun wants to play with his handsome uncles!"

Yunru and Yubi glared at them. "It's our turn now!"

"He is sleeping so no ifs and buts! Get going!" Liu Chunhua scolded them.

She even had to push Nana and Jinhai outside otherwise they had completely sworn to camp out here for the entire time. When the much appreciated silence came, Jun breathed in relief. He brought the crib closer until Ai could have a clear view of Ailun. His lips escaped a tiny yawn, making a puddle of their hearts.


Of course the cats were in no mood to be left behind so they jumped on the bed and sat closest to the crib, staring at the sleeping Ailun with great concentration. Jun-cute waved his paw at the crib as if wanting to touch Ailun.

"Now the family is complete, isn't it?" Ai smiled with misty eyes.

Jun wrapped his arm over the top of her head and kissed her hair. "Yes. Our complete and perfect family."

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